What to pair with /da?




Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
And while your /dark is using energy mastery to solve end issues
My /dark is using a Theft of Essence to solve end issues, leaving me free to pick any epic pool I want. And if I'd want to run CoF constantly, I'd get Cardiac or Ageless.

Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Cloak of Fear starts off with 50 percent accuracy. When fighting purples, how many yellows do you have to eat before it hits?
None, because I have enough set bonuses for it to be at 80%+ to hit, and the Kismet unique can help even before lvl 50. But I don't run it most of the time anyway. It's the most skippable power in the set.

Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Oppressive Gloom damages you in order to work.
So don't skip Dark Regeneration.

Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Soul Transfer requires you to die.
Just like all self-rez powers. But this one mezzes everything around you when you use it.

Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Cloak of Darkness stealths you and hides your costume, and is anti fury.
No argument there on the cossie issue, but anti fury? How?

Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Dark Regeneration is powerful, but recharge is SLOW and requires you to be in melee range of baddies to work.
With a base recharge time of 30 seconds it's the fastest recharging self-heal in the game. You can get it to 15 seconds with no investment in sets whatsoever, and once you have a fully kitted-out toon you can get it to 10s no problem. And as for being in the melee range of baddies to work... so do all of your attack powers too. Doh.



Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Cloak of Fear starts off with 50 percent accuracy. When fighting purples, how many yellows do you have to eat before it hits?

Oppressive Gloom damages you in order to work.

Soul Transfer requires you to die.

Cloak of Darkness stealths you and hides your costume, and is anti fury.

Dark Regeneration is powerful, but recharge is SLOW and requires you to be in melee range of baddies to work.

I'm not saying you can't get to 50 with one. But there are easier ways.
Cloak of Fear works better paired with a set that has constant +to hit, like claws, dual blades, or SS. Yes end cost is also annoyingly high, and it takes a bunch of slots to work right... personally, I love the animation for it and enjoy being surrounded by baddies who are cowering in fear of me. Not to mention, it deals -to hit. You don't *have* to take either mez aura for DA to be effective, though.

OG's damage to the user is neglible, even in large groups. It's the stun wander that's irritating.

Rise of the Pheonix also requires you to die.

Cloak of Darkness also provides +def and +per. The stealth is suppressed in combat, it's not 'anti-fury'. The effect can be turned off in the character creator/tailor, it needn't obscure your costume.

Dark Regen's base recharge is 30s, compared to 40s for Healing Flames. Yes, you have to be in 'melee' range (actually, the radius is pretty large -20ft) but you're probably not taking much damage if you're not in melee. As a melee AT, isn't that where you should be anyway?

DA has some nice stuff that fire doesn't get: fear protection, immob protection, +perception, +def, psi resists, end drain resist that doesn't depend on spamming consume every 2m... Both are fun sets, but I find DA to be sturdier across a broader range of content. (my own point of reference: dm/da brute, ma/da scrap, da/ss tank, fire/fire scrap and tank, ss/fire brute)



Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Hey, before you accuse me of smoking or bumping my head, can you address my points? Your ad hominem attacks are nauseating. My experience with /DA was a painful one. If I am wrong prove it in mids. And while your /dark is using energy mastery to solve end issues, my /fire is softcapped to smashing/lethal and switching back and forth between mu/darkness/pyre epics depending on my mood.

Cloak of Fear starts off with 50 percent accuracy. When fighting purples, how many yellows do you have to eat before it hits?
Maybe you have heard of IO sets? I use CoF and slot with 3 nightmare set pieces all the accuracy and end redux available in the set. It is great for melee and keeps enemies from attacking you. My /Dark is softcapped to all positions...so while your fire is getting blasted by psionics or anything but fire really...from range or AoE...I am sitting in the middle of a mob with 2.1 net end recovery after running 11 toggles using the lotus drops to hack at them all at once!

Oppressive Gloom damages you in order to work.
I don't think you are very familiar with this power...it takes something on the order of 0.1 hp/sec which will not kill you...ever...it has a good stun, but enemies starting to wander off is a pain...which is why I don't use it.

Soul Transfer requires you to die.
So does any self rez...but why not REALLY make ALL of them pay when you come back???

Cloak of Darkness stealths you and hides your costume, and is anti fury.
CoD is not "anti-fury" you do not know what you are talking about. It is only stealth out of Combat, and doesn't have to hide your costume. Simply turn off Fade/Pulse when you change the tint of your powers. Other than that it adds a little over 6% DEF to all.

Dark Regeneration is powerful, but recharge is SLOW and requires you to be in melee range of baddies to work.
Dark Regen, as has been pointed out, recharges very quickly...and a heal is only really necessary if you are in range of baddies on a melee toon...the drawback was?

I'm not saying you can't get to 50 with one. But there are easier ways.
I have 2 Dark Armor 50's and 1 Fire 50, because I liked the damage but hated being squishy...

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



I agree that "end drain resist" and "psionic resist" is nice.

The main problem I had with my /DA during the leveling process was that you have so many toggles its ridiculous. And what do we do to add defense and recharge to our builds? More pool toggles. Fire, on the other hand, has two essential toggles. One offensive toggle. Etc.

Now, obviously fire has the farming advantage. However, I would say that /electric is stronger in regular content than dark. You can have your psi resistance. I'll take my 90 percent resist to energy over psi resist any day of the week. I mean, what are you going to fight in a ticket farm with /da? 20 mobs with -to hit negetive attacks stacking all at once? Good luck with that.



Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
I agree that "end drain resist" and "psionic resist" is nice.

The main problem I had with my /DA during the leveling process was that you have so many toggles its ridiculous. And what do we do to add defense and recharge to our builds? More pool toggles. Fire, on the other hand, has two essential toggles. One offensive toggle. Etc.

Now, obviously fire has the farming advantage. However, I would say that /electric is stronger in regular content than dark. You can have your psi resistance. I'll take my 90 percent resist to energy over psi resist any day of the week. I mean, what are you going to fight in a ticket farm with /da? 20 mobs with -to hit negetive attacks stacking all at once? Good luck with that.
In my experience da is much sturdier in "regular" content than electric.

Dark armor to me is more of a resistance/control/regeneration hybrid, whereas electric armor is pretty much just a straight up resistance set. Electric's heal and control are minor compared to dark's. I find having more variety, more layers of mitigation give more potential.

Your farming comment makes me think though, it'd be cool if they gave dark armor -tohit debuff resistance, I'd be all for that buff and it'd be thematic. You can get it in focused accuracy, but it is end expensive and takes an epic pool.

The whole "dark obscures your costume" that continues to get spewed is becoming a pet peeve of mine. Cloak of darkness does not have to obscure your costume anymore unless you choose it to at the tailor. The "no fade or pulse" option has been there for at least a year now I believe, can't remember exactly when they added it. But it was quite a while ago now and yet I still see that complaint leveled against dark armor constantly. Once that fix went in I found dark armor less obscuring/annoying than fire armor's graphics even. They do need to fix the brute version of dark embrace though as the "no fade/pulse" option doesn't work on that power, but does on the scrapper and tank versions.



Originally Posted by Riverdusk View Post
In my experience da is much sturdier in "regular" content than electric.

Dark armor to me is more of a resistance/control/regeneration hybrid, whereas electric armor is pretty much just a straight up resistance set. Electric's heal and control are minor compared to dark's. I find having more variety, more layers of mitigation give more potential.

Your farming comment makes me think though, it'd be cool if they gave dark armor -tohit debuff resistance, I'd be all for that buff and it'd be thematic. You can get it in focused accuracy, but it is end expensive and takes an epic pool.

The whole "dark obscures your costume" that continues to get spewed is becoming a pet peeve of mine. Cloak of darkness does not have to obscure your costume anymore unless you choose it to at the tailor. The "no fade or pulse" option has been there for at least a year now I believe, can't remember exactly when they added it. But it was quite a while ago now and yet I still see that complaint leveled against dark armor constantly. Once that fix went in I found dark armor less obscuring/annoying than fire armor's graphics even. They do need to fix the brute version of dark embrace though as the "no fade/pulse" option doesn't work on that power, but does on the scrapper and tank versions.
I take back the stealth thing. "Kathari" - my screen name - was my first toon ever and I abandoned it in frustration at level 39-40 back in 2006. It was a Claws/Dark scrapper. Obviously, the game has changed alot since then.

I was looking at Planet J's build, and he has it positionally near the soft cap (i.e. about 43% Melee, Ranged, AOE defense after Divine Avalanche lands). I was looking at the sets and couldn't figure out how he got melee so high until I saw that it was his primary buff.

His build is with Katana/Dark, whereas mine was Claws/Dark. The strength of his build is his sets (i.e. he uses an expensive PVP unique, which I shy away from) and he draws upon the primary for defense.

Obviously, you can't really judge a powerset in isolation but rather how it works in conjunction with other sets. That being the case, I would be curious to see a Katana/Fire build and a Katana/Electric build in order to compare properly.

With Katana/, Dark might simply be the best option.

One of the most obvious answers to the /Dark question that the OP raised is DARK MELEE. In there you find another heal, an endurance PBAOE, more control, etc.



Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
I take back the stealth thing. "Kathari" - my screen name - was my first toon ever and I abandoned it in frustration at level 39-40 back in 2006. It was a Claws/Dark scrapper. Obviously, the game has changed alot since then.
Claws/dark is viable, but you would need to use the brute set split into 2 groups of 3 to get S/L Def where it needs to be. I used to have the same problem on a claws/regen. Clearly regen can be built to be very sturdy, and mine was, but he is much tougher now with the new set.

I was looking at Planet J's build, and he has it positionally near the soft cap (i.e. about 43% Melee, Ranged, AOE defense after Divine Avalanche lands). I was looking at the sets and couldn't figure out how he got melee so high until I saw that it was his primary buff.
Agility adds some, but not as much as you would think, the added DEF was a boon, but I took it primarily for Endurance and Recharge. Melee is 47.1% Ranged is 43.8% and AoE is 44.7% (in my current build I have 3 pieces of Aegis in Tough)...I don't miss the +/-1 % difference...and I could totally softcap easily if I was willing to sacrifice a power choice to get hover...which I am not...

His build is with Katana/Dark, whereas mine was Claws/Dark. The strength of his build is his sets (i.e. he uses an expensive PVP unique, which I shy away from) and he draws upon the primary for defense.
I didn't pay anywhere near 2 bil for it. It cost me a PVP drop and about 13 in set converter tries worth of hero merits...

Obviously, you can't really judge a powerset in isolation but rather how it works in conjunction with other sets. That being the case, I would be curious to see a Katana/Fire build and a Katana/Electric build in order to compare properly.
Every set has strengths and weaknesses...I can attest that you cannot softcap the others positionally to everything, you can get melee to softcap and the others into the mid 30's, the difference is Cloak of Darkness. CoD, Weave, Manuevers, can be combined to add 15-18%+ to all positions...that's about 6% you don't have on the others. With agility add about another 1% total gain per power for a grand total of 3% more to arrive at 21%. This frustrates me greatly as I have a Katana/Regen Build I cannot get to do more than softcap melee and get the R/A to about 36% because you cannot get enough defensive powers even with pools and adding agility to them.

With Katana/, Dark might simply be the best option.
Or BS, WM and TW are not bad pairings, but Dark is arguably the sturdiest set for an armor. The end issues are manageable once you get the Atlas Medallion or get slotted for end mod and end redux or, as I prefer, do both. The upcoming staff set looks tasty to pair with dark as well...we will see how this works out on live.

One of the most obvious answers to the /Dark question that the OP raised is DARK MELEE. In there you find another heal, an endurance PBAOE, more control, etc.
That is a fun and synergistic combo, though I find that I like to pair DM with something like Invuln or Shield personally, it works great and I played a brute that way. DM helps aid in end issues early with Dark Armor's thirsty nature.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by Riverdusk View Post
In my experience da is much sturdier in "regular" content than electric.

Dark armor to me is more of a resistance/control/regeneration hybrid, whereas electric armor is pretty much just a straight up resistance set. Electric's heal and control are minor compared to dark's. I find having more variety, more layers of mitigation give more potential.
Keep in mind Electric provides more resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C than Dark does. Not so much that the healing difference is balanced but healing is not the only arena sturdiness is determined by. Electric also lowers the cost of powers via its heal for 30 seconds per use and has a pretty wicked endurance drain/recovery. My Dark Armor character is always flirting with being out of endurance, my Electric Armor character never worries about it (of course it doesn't hurt to have a second method of regaining endurance either via Dark Consumption).

Back on topic, its weird that I have an aversion to pairing primaries and secondaries of the same type, but in the case of Dark Armor, Dark Melee really seems crafted to mitigate Dark Armor's (relatively few) short comings. Dark Armor is one of the few powersets I'd consider taking its matching pair with.

Under construction



Well, S/L are about equal, Energy yes, but Negative Energy is a strong point on Dark Armor, next to Psi. and F/C are tipped slightly in Elec's favor. But Dark has a built in Defense power, and other layered mitigation, like OG or CoF, in addition to a monster heal, and a rez with a mag 30 stun to keep you cozy while you're recovering. Neither of my Dark armor toons are ever out of endurance, and I run 11 toggles...

Dark Embrace
Death Shroud
Murky Cloud
Obsidian Shield
Cloak of Darkness
Cloak of Fear
Combat Jumping

(you may laugh but sprint burns more than most of my other toggles when it's on and I leave it on all the time...only CoF burns more by .04 end/sec)

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Kathari is a troll, or needs educating.

Plain and simple, /da is a strong set when setup correctly. I don't bother with the fears usually, I have softcapped s/l defense, and I CoF does not inhibit fury. My Claws/DA is a beast, and I still haven't come close to maximizing it's build. I would go for softcapped positional defense, but I already did that on my DA tank a few years ago.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Dark Armor sucks. My first toon was a Claws/Dark scrapper. If you want dark armor take fiery aura and paint it black. The first four powers are great, but then its all down hill. Stealth on a brute? Meh. Cloak of Fear, meh. Oppressive Gloom, meh. Soul Transfer, bleh. Compare those to burn, rise of the phoenix, fiery embrace, consume.... or overload et al of electric....

If I was rolling a /Dark I would go Dark Melee because at least then you get some end help.
No mention of the awesomeness that is Dark Regeneration? For shame.

Don't look as stealth, look as death
Cloak Of Fear- mitigation
Oppressive Gloom- mitigation
Soul Transfer- mag 30 stun on a 25 foot radius

Dark is much more survivable than Fire.



Almost any powerset is viable "with proper slotting". I have, perhaps, an irrational hatred for Dark Armor. I'll admit that. What you all seem to be missing is that (like DA) Fire can be paired with other sets to make it more viable. So much has to be done to make DA suck less endurance from your blue bar that it detracts from other areas.

Katana/Dark is one of the few combinations with DA I might try. But what is the experience like on the way?

Now take Fiery Aura and pair it with Dark Melee's to hit debuff attacks and soul mastery's powers and you have a very survivable build just on cheap ios. So fire only has to reach 30 positional defence and then its softcapped without using purple pez. And it has no endurance issues, nothing but exotic damage, great heals, great aoe, great st, great controls.... I could go on.



Just for fun, I threw together a claws/dark brute. This is not helping my altitis.

40% s/l, 37% e/n (to help cover the lowish energy resists), 2000+ hp, 12 pts kb protection, all attacks 95% vs +3s including cloak of fear with a single followup (it double stacks). Nothing too pricey in the build, no pvp io, purples, or even purple ATOs. So there's room for improvement, but I don't have the time to grab all those goodies for all my alts... Recovery is over 2 end/s with accolades before the 3 pshifters are accounted for. I built to my own taste, which means no epic aoe as I dislike redraw and spin + dmg aura is AoE enough for me. I doubt it would ever see the inside of the AE building . cloak of fear gives a 7.6% to hit debuff, but one could replace it with taunt 6 slotted with Zingers. (I may have to try this on a scrap... once I get some other stuff finished up and provided I'm not working on some new staff toon)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Much is often made of Dark Armor's supposedly horrible endurance usage, but in my experience that's a significantly overblown issue. In fact, most of the powers are actually very cheap in terms of endurance. The main offenders are Cloak of Fear and Dark Regeneration. One could make a case for Death Shroud as well, but the armor toggles actually cost a bit less than many of their counterparts in other powersets. '

As for the endurance hog powers, Cloak of Fear isn't even taken by all DA users and with intelligent slotting can be used to good effect, though I often delay it to late game on my DA users if I take it at all, as I usually prefer OG. As for Dark Regeneration, again, intelligent slotting is key, but even more so is the use of a single IO - the Theft of Essence proc.

I've found that my DA characters are no more endurance hungry than any other character at the same level range with equivalent slotting, aside from the two powers I mentioned above. The real trouble the set has is the KB hole and the vulnerability to Energy damage. Fortunately, one is easily fixed with -KB IOs and the other can be addressed late-game with Defense from IO sets. Dark Armor benefits immensely from Inventions.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Almost any powerset is viable "with proper slotting". I have, perhaps, an irrational hatred for Dark Armor. I'll admit that. What you all seem to be missing is that (like DA) Fire can be paired with other sets to make it more viable. So much has to be done to make DA suck less endurance from your blue bar that it detracts from other areas.
Detracts from what exactly...where is my build inefficient? It may require you to become a better MIDS builder...but Fire has to be built with an intense eye on defense to get anywhere near the same survivability, and you'll never reach the same defense numbers as DA because of Cloak of Darkness...fire simply doesn't have it or anything like it. As for end issues...Dark Regeneration is great once you save cash/merits and get the ToE proc. If you really want to be sure it fires everytime put a miracle+recovery in it, and you are Guaranteed it will give you more endurance than it takes with minimal end redux slotting. Cloak of Fear costs more to run in that set than anything, and I took it early as I planned, but I slotted it late and used it as needed early because I could manage my end usage...and didn't always need the extra help unless the mob was big.

Katana/Dark is one of the few combinations with DA I might try. But what is the experience like on the way?
It's great...you are hard to kill...grab some SOs early and get after it. Death shroud needs an end redux SO or 2 in it until you slot IOs and CoF could too.

Now take Fiery Aura and pair it with Dark Melee's to hit debuff attacks and soul mastery's powers and you have a very survivable build just on cheap ios. So fire only has to reach 30 positional defence and then its softcapped without using purple pez. And it has no endurance issues, nothing but exotic damage, great heals, great aoe, great st, great controls.... I could go on.
Again, apples and oranges...if you want to live and be nigh unkillable...take DA...if you want to live sometimes and dish a little more damage...take FA. I think Fire is squishy IMO...but you may love it. Try out Dark Armor and see what it does for you. Take it to level 40 now, and if your mind is not opened, then there is nothing more I can do for you.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
Well, S/L are about equal, Energy yes, but Negative Energy is a strong point on Dark Armor, next to Psi. and F/C are tipped slightly in Elec's favor. But Dark has a built in Defense power, and other layered mitigation, like OG or CoF, in addition to a monster heal, and a rez with a mag 30 stun to keep you cozy while you're recovering. Neither of my Dark armor toons are ever out of endurance, and I run 11 toggles...
But a self-rez supposes you've died. Hardly a selling poing on the toughness of the set. (The smiley should indicate that for the joke it was.)

Electric's boost to survivability comes less directly (outside ignoring Endurance drains and Energy damage--did the Katie Hannon TF last night and on the last wave while half the team was dying, I was quite happily tooling along like on all the previous waves. Two uses of Power Sink (or slotting it for the purpose) will zero out the endurance of anything that is prone to be affected by Oppressive Gloom. And there is Power Surge to try to avoid needing to use a self-rez, though admittedly its after effect may cause you to want a self-rez.

Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
Much is often made of Dark Armor's supposedly horrible endurance usage, but in my experience that's a significantly overblown issue. In fact, most of the powers are actually very cheap in terms of endurance. The main offenders are Cloak of Fear and Dark Regeneration. One could make a case for Death Shroud as well, but the armor toggles actually cost a bit less than many of their counterparts in other powersets. '

As for the endurance hog powers, Cloak of Fear isn't even taken by all DA users and with intelligent slotting can be used to good effect, though I often delay it to late game on my DA users if I take it at all, as I usually prefer OG. As for Dark Regeneration, again, intelligent slotting is key, but even more so is the use of a single IO - the Theft of Essence proc.
If not taking powers is a way to claim a powerset is not endurance intensive, then no powerset is endurance intensive as you can just skip any and all powers. FWIW, my DA character has Theft of Essence slotted and on a lucky use sometimes gets away with his endurance bar basically staying in place--that's actually a pretty good thing given what Dark Regeneration would otherwise do to an endurance bar.

I think DA is a fantastic set. Indeed, it was wanting the basic sturdiness of DA while wanting to completely move away from endurance concerns that got me looking at Electric in the first place. Saying I flirt with being out of endurance bottoming out is less a condemnation than noting something for someone to be wary off and plan to address as they level so to avoid a bad character outcome.

Under construction



While I have been playing around with Mids for a few years on and off, I have only recently started playing the game again in Jan 2012.

(**RABBIT TRAIL COMMENT: While I value "real" game experience, one of the primary draws of COH for me is the ability to design my own missions; I farm like the rest of them, for tickets and leveling, but most of my AE time is spent building and customizing my own stuff).

Justaris, it is not simply the individual endurance cost of each power in Dark Armor but rather the fact that all but two of its powers are toggles. This combined with the fact that unlike Fiery Aura and Electric Armor, it has no PBAOE stamina power. And you can't tell me that Dark Armor performs the same as other sets endurance wise..... the most you can say is that with effective slotting, the right incarnate powers, and strategy you can MANAGE endurance. But you can't tell me its as endurance friendly as, say, Willpower/Regen or even Fire/Electric. The beauty of Fiery Aura and Electric Armor is that you have both a heal and a PBAOE stamina power in the same set.

Planet J, your Katana/Dark build is a good one. Katana + Cloak of Darkness makes soft capping possible if you use PVP uniques. I rolled a Katana/Dark on Freedom the other day and will follow your build to experience it myself. However, the need to use the Energy Mastery to help solve endurance problems limits epic pool choices. I suppose you could always forego the Energy Mastery primary and simple hog up more endurance.

(**RABBIT TRAIL COMMENT: Soul Transfer might have a Stun 30 for 30 seconds, but how much of that 30 seconds is spent just getting all of your toggles back up???)

As previously stated, I have - perhaps - an irrational hatred of Dark Armor because of my experience with it with my first toon. I agree that much has happened in game development to make it better. Do you guys remember when Dark could only have one of its armors on at a given time? When I rolled my Claws/Darkness, there were only four scrapper secondaries and Dark seemed the coolest, and the closest to my concept. The scrapper trend back then was /Regeneration, and I rebelled.



Or you just take oppressive gloom and slot for a set bonus I hate wandering enemies but I concede OG burns far less endurance...then take the epic of your choice.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Retoggling after a death is trivial at 50, and reasonably trivial before 50. At 50, res, pop barrier (res at least 1 other person while you are at it), toggle defense granting powers first, toggle resists second. Trivial.

If you are toggling your defense powers second, you should expect to die then.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Justaris, it is not simply the individual endurance cost of each power in Dark Armor but rather the fact that all but two of its powers are toggles. This combined with the fact that unlike Fiery Aura and Electric Armor, it has no PBAOE stamina power. And you can't tell me that Dark Armor performs the same as other sets endurance wise..... the most you can say is that with effective slotting, the right incarnate powers, and strategy you can MANAGE endurance. But you can't tell me its as endurance friendly as, say, Willpower/Regen or even Fire/Electric. The beauty of Fiery Aura and Electric Armor is that you have both a heal and a PBAOE stamina power in the same set.
While I still find myself disagreeing with you on a number of points, I respect your ability to recognize your own bias and to keep the tone of this discussion civil. For the sake of argument, I should concede that I tend to solo my fledgling characters due to my erratic work schedule and therefore what I consider to be easily manageable endurance issues in the low to mid-level game could conceivably be a problem in a faster-paced large team setting.

That said, I would still take issue with two of your above statements. First, the fact that DA is toggle-heavy doesn't necessarily mean it is also endurance-heavy. Comparing armor toggle to armor toggle, DA actually looks fairly good numerically. Granted, Cloak of Fear is an outlier, but Oppressive Gloom costs next to nothing and is at least for some players a viable alternative (I know it is for me). As for Dark Regeneration, its endurance cost is really what puts the greatest burden on the powerset. This is almost entirely alleviated with the Theft of Essence proc, but without that IO I would absolutely agree that endurance has to be watched carefully and that's with good endurance reduction slotting in the power.

As for the second statement, I'd question your distinction between being "endurance-friendly" and "having to MANAGE endurance." This makes it sound like the lack of an endurance management power is a flaw in Dark Armor, but it's not as if it's the only powerset not to have such a thing, I would argue that most of the armor powersets also need to manage endurance to some degree and it's only those who can use Consume, Energy Absorption, Energize or Stygian Circle that would qualify as 'endurance friendly' in the sense of never having to think about their blue bar at all. Willpower and Regeneration, who get additional recovery powers to improve their baseline endurance, appear to also qualify based on what was mentioned in your post.

To turn that around, however, neither Fire nor Elec have a heal that can compare to Dark Regeneration, nor do they have Dark Armor's excellent performance against psychic damage. There's an implication here that Electric Armor in particular is "DA only better" and I don't find that to be the case. If that wasn't your intention then I apologize for putting words in your mouth, but that's how I read it.

In the final analysis, I certainly wasn't trying to suggest that DA is very easy to manage endurance-wise, only that it wasn't as horrendously difficult/impossible as it is often made out to be. Yes, you'll have to think about it, you'll have to manage it, but it is manageable and such issues as it has arise mainly from a few key powers rather than a trend across the entire powerset.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Planet J:
Your Katana/Dark build is impressive enough that I rolled it and am going to play it when I have time. I agree that OG would be better than COF, but that isn't my point. I'm not into either power. But maybe I will be after playing your Katana/Dark build. I can be converted. But if I wanted to be a brute with control powers, I could pick Earth Control.

I am not the one who made this "uncivil." My sardonic quips in my original post were directed at the powerset, not a person. And Planet J has been civil since his initial "what are you smoking?" post so I don't feel the need to exchange insults over what should be a FUN debate.

Energy Aura, Fiery Aura, Electric Armor, Regeneration and Willpower each have endurance help. Invulnerability, Super Reflexes, Shield Defense and Dark Armor do not. To offset that, each of the latter four has extra strengths (i.e. goodies). Honestly, I guess it comes down to preference, but I would rather carry purple pez than blue pez. At least its predictable.

As far as Dark Regeneration being superior to Healing Flames and Energize, it definitely has more healing potential. But to take advantage of it you have to let your health bar get REALLY low in the middle of enemies. Slotted, Healing Flames recharges 50% of your health every 15 seconds. So in practice, you don't really need a power to go from 0-100% in a second, and if you do "yer doin it wron!" as some would say.

OH. AND ONE MORE THING. Since so many players are F2P, this whole discussion of "builds" and "slotting" is entirely moot for them. So, can we least agree that Dark Armor, on SOs and without AE, is a pretty rough way to get to 50? Of course, Fiery Aura would also be pretty rough ride.



Some might say you don't really need a power to give you endurance help either. And I didn't mean to suggest you weren't being civil, but rather giving you kudos that you were. Also, you've left out Stone from your list of those that don't have an endurance power, so it's five with and five without.

I actually carry mostly yellow pez on my DA characters, since they don't usually need any other kind but can be killed if they get debuffed and can't hit with their mez auras or with Dark Regen, with a few blue to top off in the early levels before I have my IO build done. I think it's a preference, as you said.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Justaris, that is an interesting point you made about carrying yellows. Dark Regen is great (if it lands) but useless if it doesn't. Healing Flames, available at level 4, is my favorite heal in the game because it comes early, often, and can be slotted with resist sets if I need it.



Well, I see a couple of holes I can fill...

Keep me posted on your progress as you level up playing that build...what you think about how it plays out...

Dark regeneration can be made extremely accurate, as I did in my build, I have used it in AV battles with 1 target and recovered on a few limited occasions. It is up around 10 seconds or less, and if you go one further and use a miracle instead of a ToE then you absolutely will regain more endurance than you burn everytime you use it. Essentially making it a Heal +End Recovery power, because miracle will temporarily boost your recovery after it fires for a set amount of time on top of the End boost.

The only thing in my build that I am not 100% happy with is the 93% accuracy on CoF(I have the nightmare IO's at +5 boosted)...that hits even con and +1's regularly...however, +2 or more and you get less and less hits from it.

Dark Armor on SO's would be a bear to get to 50...but so would most things...think about Granite armor on SO's? Really, SR is about the only thing that might be somewhat manageable with no IO's at all...or perhaps regen simply because you have a very strong powerset to begin with that would benefit most from SO's...I could see that, with the right primary, that would work...Willpower also...but not much else really.

Healing Flames can take resist set pieces but it only buffs toxic resists, unless you slot it as a mule for uniques or something similar.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Justaris, that is an interesting point you made about carrying yellows. Dark Regen is great (if it lands) but useless if it doesn't. Healing Flames, available at level 4, is my favorite heal in the game because it comes early, often, and can be slotted with resist sets if I need it.
It's actually my least favorite. I don't like how comparatively weak it is, I don't like that it's a straight heal (as opposed to a +Max HP like Earth's Embrace or Dull Pain*) and I often find that I can either survive without using it or can't survive despite using it, which I find a distasteful binary. I suspect it's a function of a radically different preferred playstyle to the way you (and presumably others who like it) approach it.

*Yes, Dark Regen doesn't buff Max HP either, but it's so ridiculously powerful that I don't mind. The only self-heal power I like better is Stygian Circle.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server