Powerset Suggestion: Electric Impulse




One set we don't have yet is an electric themed support set. So, I think it's time to suggest one.

Powerset: Electric Impulse

"Gimmik": Powers both buff and debuff, has unique "Charged" mechanic

Charged: Is an effect similar to Time's Delayed and Accelerated that buffs the defense and resistance of allies (think 2.5% and 5% per stack on a controller) while debuffing enemy defense and resistance (4% and 7.5% per stack on a controller). The primary effect of most powers is to Apply charged, and other effects are unlocked if the power hits a charged target.

Buff and Debuff: All powers can effect allies and enemies, with different effects depending on the target.

T1: Brief Charge; Ranged; Single target; large -End/-Rec (enemy); +end/+Rec(ally and charged ally);+1 Charged (all targets); large -regen (Charged enemy); Heal (charged Ally)

This power is a bread and butter power, so it has an effect regardless of Charged status of the target. I would see this power having a 30s recharge time.
T2: Conductor; Ranged; Toggle AoE; +1 Charged (Any target not already charged); -dam and -Tohit (Charged enemies); +dam and +tohit (charged allies)
T3: Lingering Charge; Ranged; Single target; +1 Charged (all targets); large resist heal and large weakness to end drain(charged enemies); +maxHP and +maxEnd (charged Allies)

This would be a 60s/120s dur/rech type power along the lines of forge and fortitude.
T4: Static Discharge; Ranged; Cone; +1 Charged (Any target not already charged); -End/-Rec and Recharge/Movement slow (charged enemies); +end/+rec and Recharge/Movement buff (charged Allies); -Dam (enemies with more than 1 stack of Charged); +dam(allies with more than one stack of charged)
T5: Static Prison; Ranged; ST; Phase (enemy); Allow attack phased (ally); Only Effect self and Set resistances 90% (charged Enemy)
T6: Jolting Charge; Ranged; Chain AoE; chance for +1 Charged (all targets); Knockdown (enemies with more than 1 stack of charged); +tohit (allies with more than 1 stack of charged)
T7: Defibrillate; Ally rez; +1 charged; 100% end discount; enemy stun and -regen
T8: Electro-magnetic Storm; Location AoE; Chance for -1 charged (all targets except charged allies); -end/-rec and chance for hold (enemies); +end/+rec(allies); recharge/movement slow (enemies); -maxend (enemies with more than 1 stack of charged)
T9: Electron Shift; PbAoE; targets lose all charged; Ally invincible; Ally allow attack phased; 15s dur/120s Rech; special damage per stack of charged (Enemies)

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
One set we don't have yet is an electric themed support set. So, I think it's time to suggest one.
We don't? What happened to Electric Control? Cuz it sure looks like an electric themed support set to me.

Electric Fence 1 Ranged, Moderate DoT(Energy), Foe Immobilize, -End, -Fly, -Knockback

Tesla Cage 1 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Hold, -End

Chain Fences 2 Ranged AoE, Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Immobilize, -End, -Fly

Jolting Chain 6 Ranged Chain AoE, Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Knockdown, -End

Conductive Aura 8 Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -End, Self +Rec, +Regen

Static Field 12 Target (Location AoE), Foe Sleep, -End

Paralyzing Blast 18 Ranged AoE, Foe Hold, -End

Synaptic Overload 26 Ranged Chain AoE, Foe Confuse, -End

Gremlins 32 Summon Gremlins: Melee Minor DMG(Energy)



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
We don't? What happened to Electric Control? Cuz it sure looks like an electric themed support set to me.
That's a control set. Most people use "support set" to mean "Defender primary, troller/corr/MM secondary", or "buff/debuff set".



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
We don't? What happened to Electric Control? Cuz it sure looks like an electric themed support set to me.

Electric Fence 1 Ranged, Moderate DoT(Energy), Foe Immobilize, -End, -Fly, -Knockback

Tesla Cage 1 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Hold, -End

Chain Fences 2 Ranged AoE, Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Immobilize, -End, -Fly

Jolting Chain 6 Ranged Chain AoE, Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Knockdown, -End

Conductive Aura 8 Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -End, Self +Rec, +Regen

Static Field 12 Target (Location AoE), Foe Sleep, -End

Paralyzing Blast 18 Ranged AoE, Foe Hold, -End

Synaptic Overload 26 Ranged Chain AoE, Foe Confuse, -End

Gremlins 32 Summon Gremlins: Melee Minor DMG(Energy)
That would be a CONTROL set. The OP is talking about an electric-based buff/debuff set. You know, the sets that are used to show an AT's "Support" ability in the AT's description area.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
That would be a CONTROL set. The OP is talking about an electric-based buff/debuff set. You know, the sets that are used to show an AT's "Support" ability in the AT's description area.
Okay. I just always thought Controllers and their sets were support characters. My bad.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Okay. I just always thought Controllers and their sets were support characters. My bad.
Yes, Controllers are a support AT, but that was CLEARLY not what the OP was asking for, which you would have seen if you had read the actual OP.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Oooh, interesting take on the gimmick for an Electric Support set.
I am all for filling the last niche left without a pure electric set!
I could be wrong, because I'm not all that in-the-know about these things, but I am not sure, coding-wise, that a singe power could differentiate enemy and ally in these ways that you have suggested.

Far be it from me to say that it cannot, but I'd be interested to hear!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Oooh, interesting take on the gimmick for an Electric Support set.
I am all for filling the last niche left without a pure electric set!
I could be wrong, because I'm not all that in-the-know about these things, but I am not sure, coding-wise, that a singe power could differentiate enemy and ally in these ways that you have suggested.

Far be it from me to say that it cannot, but I'd be interested to hear!
Single target powers can differentiate between enemy and ally, such as the "Arrows of Romance" which has different effects depending upon whom you're targeting.

However, I'll agree that I don't think AoE powers can do that.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
However, I'll agree that I don't think AoE powers can do that.
I think it could, but not in a dynamic way. If it is a targeted AoE and hits an enemy, than it would be enemy affecting, and vice versa. But a PBAoE? I think that needs to be one or the other. I don't think a single targeted AoE could impact both friends and enemies differently though either. Not sure.

Also, I really think that making ALL of the powers be able to have differential effects on enemies/allies is a bit overpowered. I think that, like Time, certain powers should be Buff and others should be Debuffs.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Yes, Controllers are a support AT, but that was CLEARLY not what the OP was asking for, which you would have seen if you had read the actual OP.
I was only commenting that I thought that Electric Control fit the role of a electric themed support power set.

For all I know he never bought GR, or maybe he's a Prem that doesn't have access to controllers, or maybe he simply forgot about it.

Wait. I just remembered seeing him post earlier today in the comic hero/villain culture do he's a VIP. My bad for having a faulty memory.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Oooh, interesting take on the gimmick for an Electric Support set.
I am all for filling the last niche left without a pure electric set!
I could be wrong, because I'm not all that in-the-know about these things, but I am not sure, coding-wise, that a singe power could differentiate enemy and ally in these ways that you have suggested.

Far be it from me to say that it cannot, but I'd be interested to hear!
I've always wanted a set that did one thing to friends and another to foes, and with these arrows from the Valentines event the devs will never shut me up until I get one.

Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I think it could, but not in a dynamic way. If it is a targeted AoE and hits an enemy, than it would be enemy affecting, and vice versa. But a PBAoE? I think that needs to be one or the other. I don't think a single targeted AoE could impact both friends and enemies differently though either. Not sure.

Also, I really think that making ALL of the powers be able to have differential effects on enemies/allies is a bit overpowered. I think that, like Time, certain powers should be Buff and others should be Debuffs.
Well, I'm really hoping it's just an IF statement, If ally then this Else if enemy then this, but without seeing the code I have no way of knowing. With no way of knowing, i'll fire off the suggestion until I know it's a no.

Also, having all the powers effect enemies or allies is why many of them only do charged unless the target is already charged. Use Conductor against a group, and the first tic just charges them. Same for using Static Discharge. Having to build up levels of charged to unlock effects is an attempt to balance the ally and enemy effect. It's also why Jolting charge is the only AoE with the ability to stack charged in an AoE form.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I was only commenting that I thought that Electric Control fit the role of a electric themed support power set.

For all I know he never bought GR, or maybe he's a Prem that doesn't have access to controllers, or maybe he simply forgot about it.

Wait. I just remembered seeing him post earlier today in the comic hero/villain culture do he's a VIP. My bad for having a faulty memory.
I know Electric Control, I just thought it didn't count under the standard definition of a Support set. Either way, its all groovy.

What'dya think of the set?

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
I know Electric Control, I just thought it didn't count under the standard definition of a Support set. Either way, its all groovy.

What'dya think of the set?
The power names sound interesting, but I've never been one for numbers or percentages, I leave that to the people that enjoy figuring those things out. What attracts me to a power set is if the animations look awesome.

Some I'm having trouble picturing and others I can imagine looking pretty cool.

Like Defibrillate - I picture the character kneeling beside a downed ally, reaching out his hand and BZZZT!!! the ally is shocked back to life.

I could see the Static Prison or the attacks using hand gesture similar to the ones used by the Electricity mutant Brendon on Mutant X.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I could see the Static Prison or the attacks using hand gesture similar to the ones used by the Electricity mutant Brendon on Mutant X.
Forbin_Project gains +100 Approval for mentioning the awesme Brennan Mulray.

Also, I've been hankering for an Electic Buff/Debuff set for a while now (As well as an Earth/Stone Buff/Debuff set as well. I'm big on the synergy) so this gets a thumbs up from me.



Personally, I'd like an electric set where it deals closer to the actual damage it'd do to a human being compared to what fire would do.

In every game I've seen, fire does more damage than electric/lightning, which kinda ticks me off.