what ( why ) am i missing ??
Proper punctuation.
But in all seriousness, I'm not quite sure. That sounds very... odd. I know the RNG can be finicky at times. How're your enhancements?

Powers > Combat Attributes > Base > Last Hit chance > Right Click > Monitor Last Hit Chance
You should be aiming to keep that at 95% (the cap). You're not level shifted, fighting +4s on BAF means you're not going to be doing alot of damage and you will be missing if you don't have alot of accuracy. It may also be helpful if you posted your build via mids to check how much accuracy you actually have.
It's hard to say without seeing your builds, but it could be that you've got less accuracy slotted with your IOs than you had with SOs.
Or you might be remembering non-trial content from beta. The enemies in trials are all level 54. So if in beta you were fighting 50s, you going to be missing the 54s a lot more than you did the 50s, especially as you don't have any level shifts yet.
Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.
BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"
was trying all the contacts in beta until one of the arachnos eb's constantly and consistantly wiped the floor with me, even though the other eb's were just long slow fights i eventualy won, this one i couldnt do enough damage to to hardly dent, before i was dead.but im also street fighting mobs as well, so i was pretty sure i was taking on some that were higher than 50.in both i have 1 acc slotted per power, no sets at this time. never could figure out the whole mids thing, sorry: ( , also sorry for the bad punctuation, i write poetry,not english lit : /
Death is just another Badge !!!
so i was pretty sure i was taking on some that were higher than 50.
I highly suspect that's your problem. Try doing some story arcs on live. You'll probably find that you're hitting as much as you were on beta again. Although it still wouldn't be a bad idea to check that each of your powers has at least 30% accuracy slotted in them.
Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.
BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"
dont know the % per power,ok, went and looked, on most powers, the acc is listed as 42.4 % couple have 38.6 %, and the ones i have double acc slotted read 79.7 % for acc. the combat attributes, say i have 75% to hit bonus, and 1.00x acc bonus, as a base.
your probably right on the level thing, it was just getting frustrating being on bafs, where prisoners were escaping, and i could hear them laughing at me as they ran by : (
thanx for the info, was afraid i was gonna have to switch my alpha to get more acc, so i could actually hit something, but with as long as that takes, i wasnt looking forward to it : /
Death is just another Badge !!!
Just a few thoughts here.
I think others have adequately covered the iMobs - they're distinctly nastier than
"normal" content as they're supposed to press incarnated players. Without incarnate
powers/ level shifts, you can be seriously disadvantaged, especially if the mobs con
purple to you.
Another outside idea: if you don't have a lot of Global Accuracy bonuses, and you
use vet attacks, that can lead to some misses where streakbreaker might have
allowed you to hit, otherwise.
As for determining how accurate your powers really are, there are several ways.
Monitoring "Last Hit Chance" (mentioned earlier) helps, but I find things move too
fast for that (for me - and I also tend to monitor a bunch of other things).
You can also set up your Combat chat tab to record that info - many times,
I've reviewed those chat messages (particularly if you're debuffed or fighting
certain mob types, etc.) after a battle to see exactly what went down.
You can also use a 3rd party program Herostats, which can track your accuracy
(and a bunch of other stuff as well).
Finally, as others have also mentioned, your build/slotting play an important part
in the equation.
I'm a bit OCD about missing, so my rule of thumb for attacks is slotting for ~60%
Acc improvement generally unless you have plenty of Global Accuracy or the power
you're slotting has an accuracy bonus already. Some of your numbers seem a bit
low to me (without being able to see your exact build).
Finally, keep in mind that you *always* have a 5% chance to miss, and we have
a tendancy psychologically to dwell/stress on negative outcomes more than
positive ones (just ask the average player how they feel about RNG to prove this)
In short, I'm guessing there are a number of factors that might cover what you're
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
If I'm not mistaken, Resistance mobs (including the mindwashed) have a defensive power that gives them 10 or so defense, which makes things even harder for a level 51.
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
I'm very picky about missing, and have the "last to hit chance" from my combat stats right below my target tray in the top middle of my screen on almost every character I have.
The Random Number Generator in this game tends to get stuck running a bit high sometimes. As a result the dev's created the The Streak Breaker to force a chance to hit, but the ammount of times you're allowed to miss is based on the lowest accuracy you have in your attack chain.
As a rule of thumb for myself, I make sure I have at least two Accuracy IO's in any given power, even Brawl if I include it in my attack chain (which I often do on my Brutes, at least). With just one, you're vulnerable to any Debuff or Defense they may have, and anything conning red or purple become magnitues harder to hit in general. Using vet powers, temp powers, that you cannot slot have base (the equivalent of unslotted) accuracy in them, which can throw off your streak breaker, so avoid using them on anything when you're To-Hit is DeBuffed, or they possess anything higher than base Defense (which, effectively, scale up the higher they con to you).
So from the way it sounds, you're trying to hit +3-4's in the incarnate trials, with one accuracy IO in your attacks. From what you were saying your percentages are, I imagine most of your attacks have a "To-Hit" somewhere in the 30-40% range (basically you have less than a 50/50 chance to hit them currently). I'd make sure you put two Accuracy IO's in each of your attacks if I were you, and make sure they're at as high a level as you can get them. Do that, and I bet you'll see a big improvement.
I'm not a number cruncher by any stretch, but I am particular about my Accuracy. I HATE missing. hope this helps!
"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.
It should also be noted that misses are far more noticeable than hits. If you're going hit>hit>hit>hit>hit you're not going to notice anything is wrong, but if you get just one miss, you're definitely going to notice, especially if you're playing a set like titan weapons. You still may only be missing 1 in 20 times, but it can feel like more than that because you don't notice all the hits, you just pay attention to the misses.
i know that things change a lot from beta to main servers, but when my " combat atributes " read that my numbers are the same or better on main ( where i'm also using io's instead of the so's in beta ) but in beta, im hitting consistantly ( missing no more or less than any other power set ) yet on main i cant seem to hit the wall i'm leaning on ???
doing baf , prisoners laugh as they run by and my titan weapons slowly draw back , then miss completely over and over again, yet in beta, in da, i have been able solo many of the missions even slowly defeating elite bosses ..
the slow attacks i saw as a good trade off for the damage capability, but its worthless if i cant hit the broad side of a barn
especialy since on exaulted i'm alpha slotted t-1, and judgement t-1, and i'm using io enh.
while on beta ,i'm using so enh, and only t-1 alpha .
anyway this is on a lvl 50 inc slotted , titan weapons / regen brute.
and i spent points for the titan weapons set specificly since it worked so well in beta : /
any clues as to what i'm missing here ??
Death is just another Badge !!!