Brace yourselves, Marvel is starting to drop hints about the return of......





Looks like something may happen in Avengers vs X-men that could bring Mar-Vell back? Question is: is it temporary or has Marvel finally worked up the backbone to bring him back considering how he perished?

Bucky for many years was on the officially unofficial DO NOT REVIVE list along with Mar-Vell. Bucky's return while controversial still was done rather well. Here's hoping that IF Mar-Vell is actually returning that it is also done well.



Umm yeah... They have to. Copyright reasons. If they don't have him in a titular comic they lose the rights to the Marvel title which would allow DC to use it and the cut off date was coming up or something like that.



Sad. Mar-Vell's death was a poignant one; it showed a way to embrace death (both figuratively and literally) that was as important as embracing life. The scenes in the graphic novel were very powerful. In my opinion, bringing him back would pretty much nullify the power that the story of his death had.

Overall, I can't say I've been too pleased with how both DC and Marvel have treated dead heroes in the past few years. I thought that the promotion of Dick Grayson and Bucky Barnes to their respective roles as Batman and Captain America were great; it was a chance to see that the role was more important than the man. But apparently death doesn't really occur there, unless your name is Ben Parker or Gwen Stacy. (Or Dr. and Mrs. Wayne, I suppose.)

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
I thought that the promotion of Dick Grayson and Bucky Barnes to their respective roles as Batman and Captain America were great;
Dick Grayson assuming the identity of Batman was not a promotion.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Dick Grayson assuming the identity of Batman was not a promotion.
Sorry if I stepped on toes; it was not my intention. Yes, he was a hero in his own right, but he realized that the world needed Batman more than Nightwing. The same goes for Bucky Barnes; the world needed the symbol (Captain America) more than the man (Bucky).

Plus, I like the idea of a role being passed onto future generations of heroes. It's a cleaner version of continuity than retcons and revisionism that is rampant in comics.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
Sorry if I stepped on toes; it was not my intention. Yes, he was a hero in his own right, but he realized that the world needed Batman more than Nightwing. The same goes for Bucky Barnes; the world needed the symbol (Captain America) more than the man (Bucky).

Plus, I like the idea of a role being passed onto future generations of heroes. It's a cleaner version of continuity than retcons and revisionism that is rampant in comics.
They can avoid passing the torch and still use the same character. It jsut requires they avoid holiday issues to date them.

One can just as easily do 12 issues, and say that was a span of a week or possibly even a day if they did it right.

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Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
Sorry if I stepped on toes; it was not my intention. Yes, he was a hero in his own right, but he realized that the world needed Batman more than Nightwing. The same goes for Bucky Barnes; the world needed the symbol (Captain America) more than the man (Bucky).

Plus, I like the idea of a role being passed onto future generations of heroes. It's a cleaner version of continuity than retcons and revisionism that is rampant in comics.
Well Marvel has made other Captain Marvel characters, one was Monica Rambeau and now she's called Photon or something. Marvel then made a son of Mar-Vell but thanks to editorial stupidity his series was ended and the character soon killed off.

Marvel passed the title of Protector of the Universe to Quasar and he's back from the dead and working with the Annihilators, but he's still Mar-Vell's successor as the Protector of the Universe.

Then we had Civil War the RETURN which gave us a time warped Mar-Vell and all interviews with the staff at the time stated it was indeed Mar-Vell from the past. Then Marvel chickened out and made him into Captain there was a debacle.

We've had Mar-Vell's ghost appear once or twice, he was briefly revived in a backstory in Cosmic Powers Unlimited #1 where he stated he doesn't want to come back to life, he was back briefly as part of Chaos War, and we've had alternate universe versions of him the most recent of which was in THANOS IMPERATIVE.

The only thing left to do with him now is bring him back, they've done everything else and clearly they just can't make a replacement character last for long.

While I agree that the story of his death was very gripping and yes it was a very mortal death for a super hero, it also painted Marvel into a corner as for years they have been reluctant to bring him back because of how he died.

Since it's part of Avengers/X-men and judging by the cover image I suspect the Phoenix Force will be behind his return. Main question is: is it a permanent return or will they cop out again?



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Umm yeah... They have to. Copyright reasons. If they don't have him in a titular comic they lose the rights to the Marvel title which would allow DC to use it and the cut off date was coming up or something like that.
Granted, it was likely near the trademark renewal point. Marvel must periodically release some type of series titled Captain Marvel or lose the rights and Marvel has maintained a hammerlock on the rights since they got them so that DC can't use them.

Though here is an interesting announcement from DC regarding Captain Marvel/SHAZAM. It seems that until further notice in the nuDC he will only be called SHAZAM and not Captain Marvel. DC has always been able to call him Captain Marvel within a book they just can't title a book Captain Marvel since Marvel has the rights.

An interesting coincidence....



Mar-vell already returned in a way, in Earth X, Paradise X, and Universe X. Same hero, returned from the dead, in all three series. So the time they had to use the character should have reset with it.




Originally Posted by Kinetic_Kitten View Post
Mar-vell already returned in a way, in Earth X, Paradise X, and Universe X. Same hero, returned from the dead, in all three series. So the time they had to use the character should have reset with it.

Alternate universes. Excellent stories, but still alternate universes and while yes that would likely reset the trademark timer (for lack of a better name), those stories were awhile back. The most recent trademark resets would have been the Captain Marvel miniseries that starred Captain Skrull-Vell and then Marv's temporary revival in Chaos War.



Just have an alternate universe version of Captain Marvel take over Captain Marvel's role. Enough of a difference to make him not the exact same as Captain Marvel, but close enough to make people believe he is an alternate version.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Just have an alternate universe version of Captain Marvel take over Captain Marvel's role. Enough of a difference to make him not the exact same as Captain Marvel, but close enough to make people believe he is an alternate version.
I think Marvel stated sometime back that they considered that idea as well.

The irony is that Mar-Vell has been probably more active since his demise then when he was alive.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Just have an alternate universe version of Captain Marvel take over Captain Marvel's role. Enough of a difference to make him not the exact same as Captain Marvel, but close enough to make people believe he is an alternate version.
Wasn't that the basic idea behind Noh-Varr/Marvel Boy? And Bendis turned him into 'Protector'?



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
Wasn't that the basic idea behind Noh-Varr/Marvel Boy? And Bendis turned him into 'Protector'?
Sounds about right. To honest I don't think Noh-Varr has been given a fair chance at development and I don't think that he is the right choice to be the permanent replacement to Mar-Vell.

Also some of the negative backlash about Civil War THE RETURN was that fans kept complaining that Marv was back from the dead, which isn't accurate. Being time warped from the past to the present isn't a resurrection. Also there was the danger of what if Mar-Vell was killed in the present before he would go back to meet his end from the disease? Instead they copped out and gave us Captain Skrull-Vell.

I see only two ways to bring Mar-Vell back:

1. Go back in time to his fight with Nitro and make sure that the canister of nerve gas doesn't get ruptured in the fight. Sue of the Fantastic Four could be sent back and hide via her invisibility powers and put a forcefield around the canister. No nerve gas leak = no cancer.

2. Mar-Vell has stated in the past (Cosmic Powers Unlimited #1) that while he does miss being alive, that he is also resolved to being dead and firmly believes that his time is done and that he doesn't want a second chance at life (he also confirms that his last battle with Thanos in DoCM did happen). Now however, something has happened that changes his mind, thus opening the door for him to be return. I've posted on other boards in the past that there needs to be a serious cosmic menace to prompt his return and it should be a near messianic style of return. The Phoenix Force being the threat of Avengers/X_men would count as such a menace and likely could revive Mar-Vell, likely to serve as it's new host. With the inner peace and tranquility he gained from his Cosmic Awareness he could well indeed serve as a host for the Phoenix Force. Not sure if Captain Phoenix-Vell is the way to go, but if it gets him back......then again he may have to disappear into deep space to keep it contained, so then we get him back only to basically lose him again.

Guess we'll see.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
What about Hulkling, in Children's Crusade he was briefly called Captain Marvel. Wouldn´t that be a reset for the trademark timer as well?

Also afaik Marvel is still using him in their Ultimate Universe...
Anytime Marvel publishes a book titled Captain Marvel, regardless of who the star is: it resets the trademark timer. I would imagine that having a character named Captain Marvel appearing in another series such as Avengers may also reset the timer, but that I am not sure of. What I am sure of is that Marvel has a hammerlock on the rights to publish a Captain Marvel book for a long time now, and refuses to let the rights go. This of course prevents DC comics from publishing their own book titled Captain Marvel, hence the usage of SHAZAM in the title. Hate to think that it's to spite DC comics, but I can't think of any other reason for Marvel to retain the rights when their principal Captain Marvel character has been dead since the early 80's.

Of course if they hadn't written themselves into a corner with the story of DoCM, Marv could have been revived long ago.