Baseball Cards




If you're going to give us baseball cards, why not actually have them BE baseball cards?

You already have the resources for hundreds of NPCs, including graphics and bios. Pick one for each of the cards and let players browse through them as they are obtained. Better yet, have a contest and allow players to appear on new ones.



Posi said in one of their morning talks not to expect something like this, after "islands of content", separate from the bulk of the game, like the arenas, didn't see as much action as the devs had hoped by their huge investment. Some people are calling the super packs a mini-game, but it's a mini-game that feed directly into the bulk of the game.

Not to shoot you down, I was one of the first people to shout out with this idea in an earlier thread; but I understand their position and agree with it.

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Portrait: Never could decide on one, so it's blank
Baddies Defeated: 178219
Active Characters: Varies
Foot-In-Mouth-In-Forum-Thread Average: .32

Sorry, I never collected baseball cards, so I have no idea what other kind of stats should appear



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Sorry, I never collected baseball cards, so I have no idea what other kind of stats should appear
Well, if someone got your rookie card where your prospects in the PvP forum were flaunted that could be a collector's item.




In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



When the CoX CCG came out there was a website where you could make a card and put your own image on it. I don't know if it is still around. I had made a couple of cards with characters I had back then.

Too bad the CCG did not last long. One problem it had was that it was not designed for multi-player so people could work as a team against someone playing a deck designed for an arch-villain. I was working on such a method when the CCG collapsed.



Baseball cards? These aren't baseball cards! They're these!



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
When the CoX CCG came out there was a website where you could make a card and put your own image on it. I don't know if it is still around. I had made a couple of cards with characters I had back then.
I do believe that the website is still up (I actually have it favorited on my main computer), but given that the actual game has changed so much since that time, it's pretty outdated.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
If you're going to give us baseball cards, why not actually have them BE baseball cards?

You already have the resources for hundreds of NPCs, including graphics and bios. Pick one for each of the cards and let players browse through them as they are obtained. Better yet, have a contest and allow players to appear on new ones.
I love this idea. But instead of a contest just make it random. The game pulls a screenshot from the tailor screen and the bio entered into the game and creates the card. Then I could get some random card of a PC I have never seen or heard of and trade them.

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Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
When the CoX CCG came out there was a website where you could make a card and put your own image on it. I don't know if it is still around. I had made a couple of cards with characters I had back then.
The COH CCG Card Builder still exists and still works, even though it's not technically connected to the AEG website any more.

I've occasionally toyed with the idea of creating a CCG playing program for CoH but I was more interested in basing it around Overpower. I think AEG would still consider their CoH CCG to be technically on life support rather than completely dead.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
The COH CCG Card Builder still exists and still works, even though it's not technically connected to the AEG website any more.

I've occasionally toyed with the idea of creating a CCG playing program for CoH but I was more interested in basing it around Overpower. I think AEG would still consider their CoH CCG to be technically on life support rather than completely dead.
lol that site expired two days ago. which is a shame because I was just about to try that...

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Yeah why would they make baseball cards seeing as they have been dead since the early 90s.