Looking for friends, team, Heroes and Villains




Hello. I`m looking for friends, team, Villains) In a game I am a Dominant mutant Hero 10lvl - with Energy and Fire Powers. Bright Midnight, server: Justice.
In a real life I am Kara Zor-El. Joke!))
In real life I am a painter, photographer, writer (I`m was nominated for National Russian Award "Writer of the Year", now I`m learning to create my stories on English), and little bodybuilding fan 23 years old. Nice to meet you

If you wish, you can create your own requests for team and other.



Hi there, welcome to the City an nice to meet you !

Before anything else, I'd suggest you list your preferred server, if any =]. It'll help narrow stuff down.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



Thanks, done)

(look up to original message)



Hi Olga!

In general, the "Help" channel is a good place to find ready and willing teammates on any server. Try clicking on the channel name at the left of the chat box (the lower left box) and choosing "Help," then typing your message. You will be able to read others responses in your chat box.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Welcome to the game.



Thanks, Winter, DreadShinobi!

You know, I am in game for the three days long but still can`t find people just for talks and flying. And Help channel is not helpful(
And u know now I am ready to fly in a real life just for chating in air

Um... How I can install avatar to my profile???



A good option for finding teams on your server is to check in with their designated forum.

Link to the Justice server:


One good way to find members to play with regularly is checking that subsection out for regular events. They also have a supergroup thread as one of their sticky topics, so you might consider looking into that.

Welcome to COH.



Originally Posted by Olga_Strongdream View Post
Um... How I can install avatar to my profile???
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
If you're a VIP, you can add an avatar in your User CP area.
However, unlike some forums, you can't upload the image here. You have to have it stored by some third party like PhotoBucket, ImageShack, etc.
(Or your own web server, if you have one.)

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