I'm bringing PuG complaining back

Blood Red Arachnid



When I'm tanking I like to leave for the next spawn before the last spawn is fully defeated. That way I make sure I have the aggro of the fresh spawn before somebody else jumps ahead and scatters them. Knowing when to move to the next group is a bit of a judgment call that comes with experience.



My pet hate? PuG DfB trials, which I picked up again due to rolling some new lowbies.

Every time, and I mean EVERY time so far, has gone thus;

"Hey guys, we're going to go for the badges, pretty simple, on the Vahz boss don't use any AoEs, the boss has to die before the minions. Then just reverse that for the Lost guy."
-Run up to Vahz AV-
*Hero Lolzor has defeated Cadaver!*



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
My pet hate? PuG DfB trials, which I picked up again due to rolling some new lowbies.
I concur. I Just came back after about two year away and when i first ran DfB we ran with a good team that picked up all the badges and i thought "this is cool, what a nice addition!" since back in the day everyone was just running sewers anyway.

That was the last time i saw a competent team for that trial. Just to entertain my curiosity i often check badges on people who i'm teaming with, and reliably, 90% of the people i see on DfB, regardless of level, have only a handful of badges, guess which ones?

I think we're training newbs how not to play the game here



I have only been on one DFB team with 8 people who got the Vahz badge

lots of DFB teams with 4 that got it



Originally Posted by Sanguine Sentinel View Post

I think we're training newbs how not to play the game here
Pretty much. A TF that people can do from 1-50 without learning how to use any higher level abilities or learn how to play any other content is really bad for the general community, both for those who run it and those who end up having to team with said people when they hit 50 and don't know how to play.



Have to say, I love PuG's. I love getting to meet new people, joke around during lull times (on TF's), and generally find everyone around on my server to be nice, enjoyable people, who are aware that this is a game, and it's supposed to be fun. Such great people - that's what I love about this game!

The worst teams I've ever had in the game are, bar none, any Hallows teams I've ever joined. Talos has gotten bad - team leaders who have been playing for about 10 minutes and know everything about this game, because they're experience in another game. They're especially adamant that running missions at +3 is the very best way to get experience.

One day I'll remember this before I join a Talos team and just level up via taskforces. They're generally run by very experienced players (excepting Katie Hannon, where the team leader invariable says "oh, it has to be unlocked? Um... can any of you do that?" But we go on to have a very fine time, nontheless).