Who Will Die ep. 5 (spoilers)




I just finished running the redside version of Who Will Die #5, and I have to say, the quality of the series is slipping fast.

The intro said it contains EBs, so I jump in with my 50 Spider. The contact tells me that Back Alley Brawler is causing trouble here in Port Oakes. His dialog is well written at least. Into the basement of that oddly constructed bar, where I run into BaB... who despite being 'Hero' class, has the hitpoints of an Lt. and dies in 5 seconds. Back to the bar for a drink, but four heroes including Ms. Liberty and Infernal (the good version) are having a chat with Barracuda and some other signature villains. When they fail to decide on how to split the check, a fight breaks out. I leap in expecting a wild free-for-all, but again they all have Lt. health and it's over before it's begun.

A trip across a deserted Port Oakes for a map, then I'm in Wade's lair, where I run into Posi, Crimson and Indigo confronting Viridian and Shadow Spider. Not only is the fight another non-event, the nav text text tells me to "Defeat Positron, Indigo and Viridian." I mop up a few Rularuu and click three 'evidence' glowies with no text or clue.

With this done, I go to a boat, which puts me in a cave, where a message pops up that I can't enter the temple. Huh? I spank more Rularularuuu and finally get to watch the CBS after-school special, followed by a fight against Rolo the Chunky, or something. He has EB hitpoints but still poses no challenge.

I hate to be critical, but I've played countless Mission Architect missions that were better written, more involving, and most importantly, more polished. I can't help but picture an NCSoft executive's 16 year old nephew writing this, or an intern fresh out of Full Sail.



I haven't soloed the villain one yet (ran it on a team of seven) so I haven't had time to scrutinize it. I have soled the hero version. My only issue is one that you noted: the 'name' enemies are complete wusses. Wade was the only challenging fight. To be fair, I was soloing it on a purpled, incarnated scrapper so that might not be a good yardstick. When I did the villain one on a team of seven, we expected to see AV's. Why didn't we have AV's? They can downgrade to EB's for soloers or small teams, but a team of 7 should have AV's.

Aside from the 'challenge' level of the enemies, I don't agree with the rest of your comments. I think the writing was stellar and the cutscene at the end was outstanding.

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This thread probably belongs in the ALL ACCESS: City Life - CoH & CoV General Discussions board with the similar threads there. This board is more for gameplay issues, technical issues, or bugs, as the title should have explained.

Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.



And as the OP mentions, the description of the story arc does not match the actual play of the story arc. A bug or oversight, to be sure.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Rather than make a brand new topic, I'll just piggy back.

On the blueside arc, prior to the fight with Mako and the Arachnos B-squad, I was able to use my destiny power (barrier total radial invocation) to buff the heroes and Mako and his goons.

I'm not sure if the game treats them as hero NPCs prior to engagement, but it was quite surprising to see them actually act me after receiving the buff.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by Interface View Post
With this done, I go to a boat, which puts me in a cave, where a message pops up that I can't enter the temple. Huh?
In-game it's because Wade put up a force field around the top of the mountain, forcing you to go into the caves to weaken/bypass his shields.

For gameplay reasons it's why you go through the caves first instead of being at the base of the mountain and simply ignore all the enemies by flying/jumping/etc over them and up to the top of the mountain (like people will do during the ITF)

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



I played the arc hero-side, and most of the bugs were fixed. The signature bosses correctly had "boss" as their class instead of "hero", the nav text in the 2nd mission was correct, and the evidence glowies all dropped clues, which told me about Wade's plans, and instructed me to go to the temple to stop him. Overall, I guess this isn't bad writing so much as not making those few passes to pick up on bugs.