Who will die? Nobody as seems with new I22 login screen
(Man I wanted to show people that first mock-up picture you showed me SO MANY TIMES. But I resisted. )
@Captain-Electric � Detective Marvel � The Sapien Spider � Moravec Man � The Old Norseman
Dark-Eyes � Doctor Serpentine � Stonecaster � Skymaiden � The Blue Jaguar
Guide to Altitis � A Comic for New Players � The Lore Project � Intro to extraterrestrials in CoH
Buoyant, maybe, but not aerodynamic.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
GG is awesome, I saw her fly right through a wall of Hamidon seeds at the Praetorian invasion, destroying everything in a single bound. It was a moment that would have made both Statesman and Chuck Norris proud. The wall then fell on me and a dozen other heroes, killing us instantly. Later, at the hospital, I bought us all a round of ice cream and we watched the news unfold on TV from our hospital beds.
More on topic, I never imagined that Paragon Studios would use this as an opportunity to erase Statesman's iconic imagery from the game, not least because Statesman's death should make him even more of an icon. I would have been disappointed if we DIDN'T see his image plastered on Issue 22's cover! With respect to this, I hope he gets a statue not unlike Atlas Square's or Blyde Square's behemoth memorials. I doubt that will happen, but Statesman has earned that much. A meager statue in a quiet park, I think not! Likewise, I will be disappointed if NPCs across Paragon City simply fall silent about Statesman, as present-tense acknowledgements of his existence are gradually removed from the game. I hope, instead, that NPCs speak of him in the past tense with reverie-- or gloating satisfaction, whichever is more appropriate for particular NPCs.
Like others, I have wondered if Statesman's fate was wrapped up somehow OOC--in his relation to Jack Emmert. I wondered if this would eventually doom him even before his death became an issue, no pun intended. My roommate could vouch for me, if he ever came to the forums--I called his death several months ago. Of course, if this were the case, the devs would never tell us, so we'll never know. But me, I hope it's not the case, because it would be no different than killing off any long-lived comic book character simply because people disliked that character's original writer. Statesman has passed through numerous creative hands now, and because of that--and like any comic book character--he's had his moments, good and worse. To attribute Statesman solely to Emmert this late in the game is shortsighted. He is no more solely the product of Emmert than Spider-Man is solely the product of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.
And I hope the above suspicions aren't true, because I hope he returns some day. Then I'll know we're really playing in a comic book universe. Though I'm a fan of Statesman (the character), I'm glad he's dying, from a story-telling perspective. If there was ever a time to do it, now's the time, right before it seems like the heroes of Paragon would need him the most. Why's that? The answer, I suspect, is because Statesman isn't the main character of this story (or collection of stories).
That's right, folks. I am.
@Captain-Electric � Detective Marvel � The Sapien Spider � Moravec Man � The Old Norseman
Dark-Eyes � Doctor Serpentine � Stonecaster � Skymaiden � The Blue Jaguar
Guide to Altitis � A Comic for New Players � The Lore Project � Intro to extraterrestrials in CoH
Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
This is a losing proposition. If five years from now a new character is introduced that is part man, part hyena, and he joins the Freedom Phalanx calling himself Mister Whiskers, and is represented in the game as a Claws/Electric Brute, and sits in Statesman's old chair people will be saying see, I told you the devs were bringing Statesman back.
Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
This is a losing proposition. If five years from now a new character is introduced that is part man, part hyena, and he joins the Freedom Phalanx calling himself Mister Whiskers, and is represented in the game as a Claws/Electric Brute, and sits in Statesman's old chair people will be saying see, I told you the devs were bringing Statesman back.
You're also in a comic - coming soon-ish
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork