Help pick my last power
I don't know if you have access to Inventions or not - if so, this might be a situation in which you'd pick up a mule power, a power you don't intend to actually use but you do intend to slot for IO Set bonuses.
If you don't have Inventions then you might consider getting Spring Attack since you already have so much from the Leaping pool or perhaps take Recall Friend from the teleportation pool since as a Stalker you may often be in a position to 'ghost' past groups of enemies and teleport your teammates to an objective for swift mission completion.

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Yes, I have Inventions (I'm a Tier 8 Premium); I think I've blown through 50 million Infamy and 800-something Reward Merits getting myself loaded up for 50 That said, the idea of a "mule" power has 2 issues: 1) the final power is only going to have 4 slots at the very most, and likely, it will only have 2, if even that and 2) I'd be hard-pressed to find any IO set that was so outstanding that the power itself was essentially irrelevant, which unfortunately most of the Power Pool ones essentially are at this point.
I already have "Assemble the Team" as an inherent power for stealthing past mobs to the final boss, but the TFs/SFs I've been on, everyone's in such a rush to annihilate everything that moves, that abilities seems almost superfluous. If anything, people are all crossing their fingers for that rare purple drop, so I think racking up body counts is more important to most players than finishing missions efficiently.
The issue w/ Spring Attk is the game's undrawing/redrawing my main weapon actually slows my attack sequence down. Yes, it'd be kind of visually cool to off-hand smack the enemy while holding the sword in my other hand as a surprise maneuver (ie, like some fighters in the movies and comics do), but unfortunately the game's graphics engine doesn't seem that flexible.
The other power that I grudgingly thought about was "Target Drone" (Weapon Mastery) because of its boost to ACC and resisting debuffing my To-Hit. That said, the visual (and conceptual) is such a slap in the face of my char concept (sneaky, mystic ninja), I'm really dreading having to go that route, and was really hoping for something more appropriate that wasn't a total waste of a pick.
What's common about some "mule powers" is that they don't need ANY additional slots -- one of the most common examples is taking something to slot a Luck of the Gambler +Recharge IO in, such as Maneuvers from the Leadership pool, or Stealth from the Concealment pool.
7.5% more recharge may not sound like much, but it really is -- and it's even better if you can shoehorn in 2, 3, 4 or (ideally) even 5 of the IO into your build (but, of course, it's pricey, being so desirable, but can be gotten in other ways than from Wentworth's/Black Market).
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Thanks for info; I ended up going Levitation for a variety of reasons (personal likes, useful for dealing w/ flyers, etc), and it would slot a LotG +RechargeIO when the time comes. The drawback is that it costs around 50-80mil at the CS, which realistically means having to farm Merit Rewards for a while more.
My build at this point is going to have +35% global recharge at this point once I put in LotG (will have 2 of them), which doesn't quite get me to "always on Hasten", but it should be reasonably close.
If getting one would be a financial hardship, Lina, shoot me a message here or a tell in-game (@EricNelson) and I'll be happy to ship you one to help out.
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StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
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I think, as a general rule of thumb, that if you cannot figure out a power to pick, and you haven't used all four of your pool choices, it's never a bad call to go with a Leadership power. I'd pick Maneuvers as it's both a decent power, although not great on a Stalker, and because, yes, it can hold a LoTG. But more Defense Buff is almost always a good thing, and while one individual Maneuvers isn't that great, they add up fast on teams. You probably don't need to run it while solo, though.
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I think, as a general rule of thumb, that if you cannot figure out a power to pick, and you haven't used all four of your pool choices, it's never a bad call to go with a Leadership power. I'd pick Maneuvers as it's both a decent power, although not great on a Stalker, and because, yes, it can hold a LoTG. But more Defense Buff is almost always a good thing, and while one individual Maneuvers isn't that great, they add up fast on teams. You probably don't need to run it while solo, though.
Still, the lvl 49 power has always been more of an annoyance than a benefit to me, not least of which is that the power can never be slotted with more than 4 slots. I just think it makes sense to give players the option at 49 to choose to EITHER take a new power OR take 3 more slots for existing powers. However, I bet there are probably some engine issues behind the scenes that prevent that.
I know that at one point in I21 Beta they were trying to give an extra slot at 27 and 29 but that broke things horribly and was taken out (and probably still being worked on internally)
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A level 49 power for a Stalker? If you mostly team, you could consider Recall Friend. Assemble the Team only works once with a long cool down. If you do a lot of TFs, then Recall Friend could be handy.
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I think, as a general rule of thumb, that if you cannot figure out a power to pick, and you haven't used all four of your pool choices, it's never a bad call to go with a Leadership power. I'd pick Maneuvers as it's both a decent power, although not great on a Stalker, and because, yes, it can hold a LoTG. But more Defense Buff is almost always a good thing, and while one individual Maneuvers isn't that great, they add up fast on teams. You probably don't need to run it while solo, though.
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I think, as a general rule of thumb, that if you cannot figure out a power to pick, and you haven't used all four of your pool choices, it's never a bad call to go with a Leadership power. I'd pick Maneuvers as it's both a decent power, although not great on a Stalker, and because, yes, it can hold a LoTG. But more Defense Buff is almost always a good thing, and while one individual Maneuvers isn't that great, they add up fast on teams. You probably don't need to run it while solo, though.
Maneuvers is tasty for either the LotG or Karma: -KB. However, you could also slot -KB IO's in your defense armors, drop Acro, and then take pre-req/Tough for a little more surviveability.
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My stalker has reached 49, which means I get 1 more power. I'm blanking on what would be a good choice for the last one.
Currently, I am a Nin/Nin Stalker, with all powers on the Secondary, and all but 2 (Wasp, Flashing) of the Primary. My secondaries are Jumping (CJ, SL, Acro), Weapon Mastery (PhysPerfc/Shiriken/ExplShir), and SuperSpeed (Hasten).
I'm not interested in PvP, so I've been told Stealth is useless (already have hide).
I don't really need another attack; even w/o Hasten going, I can attack almost non-stop and using another attack would actually slow me down by forcing the game to redraw the Katana again. This basically rules of Fighting/Airstrike/Flurry/etc.
Don't really need SuperSpeed running; even w/ 1 slot, SJ/NinjaRun is more than fast enough.
Don't think Hover or Flight would be useful; there are very few places that SJ can't reach. The only times I've ever had an issue was a hovering NPC, and those are also pretty rare.
While solo levelling, I did find use of TPort Enemy to help break up larger groups (ie, when 2 groups were close enough to essentially for 1 double-sized group), but the few TF/SFs I've been on have basically proven that ability useless, so I've spec'ed out of it.
Any other abilities I've not thought of that people find useful at the end-game content?