Could the Midnighter's be the way to the new DA?




Actually the Clockwork King was supposed to be extremely young when he died (late teenage years/early twenties), so it's rather unlikely he'd have a daughter Penelope's age. Considering that Praetorian Penelope's mother is Praetorian Vanessa DeVore, it seems possible that the parentage may be the same in Primal Earth.



Originally Posted by Mad_Scientist_JC View Post
You know, just so happens I know of a slightly used and/or blown up cloning lab in Sharkhead that he could use to whip up a new body. I would be willing to sell it for a reasonable price. I've wondered if Penelope is CW King's daughter or something. When he pops in and says he'll protect her from everything, even boys and all that. The way he speaks about her, and the fact that she is a ridiculously powerful psychic, and her dad seems to have no powers at all. Just wonder if that was going to be some reveal that got lost in a the shuffle of writers.
The Praetorian Wu Yin is all kinds of bad &*& so it's entirely possible that Mr. Yin didn't need our help at all to get out of that Lost stronghold.

My wild theory is that in Cable style, Wu Yin is using his immense psychic powers to conceal from Vanessa DeVore that they were once together and have a daughter.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Actually the Clockwork King was supposed to be extremely young when he died (late teenage years/early twenties), so it's rather unlikely he'd have a daughter Penelope's age. Considering that Praetorian Penelope's mother is Praetorian Vanessa DeVore, it seems possible that the parentage may be the same in Primal Earth.
Wow, then that really ratchets up the creepy. The CW King's interest in Penelope has a real paternal ring to it, not as much of a romantic one. Granted, there is still the different writers thing, so maybe someone else just took it in that direction.



There once was a villain named Clockwork Queen. She was a powerful psychic in her own right with the ability to control machinery. But she was overshadowed by the hero known as Yin-Tin-Tin. He had his hero monicker due to his ability to control all canines. And by all I mean all as in he could form a hive mind with every single dog, wolf, coyote and lycanthrope on the planet. Villains didn't mess with him because of the ubiquitous nature of dogs. Even the invulnerable ones could never be sure that the next pug they passed wouldn't run into an alleyway and emerge with a chunk of (insert deadly mineral here)ite in its jaws.

Then came the fateful day that Clockwork Queen and Yin-Tin-Tin entered into combat. Her machines and his dogs were fighting to a standstill. Everything from tiny gears fighting chihuahuas to huge robots fighting warwolves. Knowing that she would run out of robots before Yin ran out of dogs, the Clockwork Queen surged into direct mind to mind combat with Yin. To the shock of both her and Yin they found that their minds were so alike and so closely intertwined that there could no longer be anything but love between the two of them.

Yin and the queen chose to make love not war from that point on. They kept their romance a secret because although she had given up her life of villainy the Clockwork Queen's true identity was well known and being seen with her would destroy the heroic reputation of Yin-Tin-Tin. The two had a child and named her Penelope. For a while the three of them were happy together but Clockwork Queen found herself longing for the old days and began to commit crimes again.

They were just petty little crimes at first. An animated watch scampering out of a jewelry store with an expensive diamond necklace. An ATM running off with all it's cash. But eventually the desire for world domination began to work it's way into Clockwork Queen's mind again. At that point she knew that she would never be able to resist and that eventually her needs would destroy the lives of her lover and their child.

But the Clockwork Queen knew a secret. That a device had recently come into existence. One that could allow her to rule the world if she so chose. She did not choose that path however since a victory won too easily was no victory at all. Reaching out with her mind she found the PsychoChronoMetron and gave it the essential commands. She would become young and at the peak of her powers again but with the knowledge and skills gained thorough many years of experience. And she would change her form to that of a male. The Clockwork King would be taken oh so much more seriously than the Queen. A second tweak of the PsychoChronoMetron erased all knowledge of the super hero Yin-Tin-Tin. Memories of his heroic past locked deep within his mind Yin fully embraced his identity of a shopkeeper. Living in peace and raising his daughter Penelope Yin felt no longing for the life he did not recall. And although he sometimes dreamed of Penelope's mother she was just a glimpsed face and whispered name lost in the past.

The Clockwork King's final use of the PsychoChronoMetron was to cause himself to forget about the device and his family. But nothing can fully destroy the bond of a mother's love. So even now the ruthless Clockwork King still finds himself rendered helpless by the smile of a child named Penelope. Though he knows not why he also knows that he would change reality itself to keep her safe.

As for the new entry to DA. I'm guessing glowing portals with some nifty new special effects will open up both red and blue side. There will be new contacts there straining with all their magical might to keep the inhabitants of DA from escaping. And of course recruiting folks to venture through and save the day. The portals will not be placed in one of the already existing co-op zones so as to avoid incarnates hanging around in the zone all day broadcasting for teams. Instead DA itself will be the meeting place where they team up. Much like the RWZ is now but higher level.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Not to mention that you find his dried up bones in an early Warshade mission.
So what you are saying that if CWK gets his body back he will be a skeleton with an afro?



Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
So what you are saying that if CWK gets his body back he will be a skeleton with an afro?



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
Ten to one odds he's the true Justice Incarnate of City of heroes.
Didn't they say that there was going to be a third path to becoming an Incarnate? Maybe it's doing things the Blue Steel way?



Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
So what you are saying that if CWK gets his body back he will be a skeleton with an afro?
I would give Penelope my heart, but I don't have a heart to give. SKUUULLLL JOOOKKKEEEE.


It's a reference to a One Piece character Scythus.



Yeah, I don't follow that one.