Macros I would like to write for the trials




Having lead Itrials, I know that there are a lot of instructions that should be macroed. However, I am more inclinded to make macros for pop culture references. I guess it started for me from our D & D group, and the running gag when the ranger would say, "I am making a tracking roll." and I would say "You can't track over stone!"

So, here are the things I would like to macro for each trial.
Before pulling Nightstar,

"Be careful of NIghtstar. She can walk through walls and kill you with her mind."

After defeating Nightstar and before the prisoner phase starts.
"Oh dear. I think we ran over Nightstar back there."
"Look, I am not pulling this raid back. It's not like we ran over a collie."

Pulling Siege,
"Siege threw a chimney at me."
"Oh, I think I got a bone bruise."
"Siege, leave those kids alone"

Appropriate anywhere when multiple judgements fly.
"Think you used enough dynamite?"

After collection phase and before cut scene.
"Siege, come out and play!"

After cut scene.
"Siege, we are sending in someone to negotiate".

After cut scene.
"Anti-Matter, a doomsday device is not an effective deterrent unless you tell someone about it."

Final battle. Obliteraiton beam fires.
"Oh no. You are not firing that green sh## at me."

When Anti-Matter stops time.
"Stop! Anti-Matter time". It helps if you imagine him doing the MC Hammer dance while he regens.

During the bomb phase.
"You don't mess with the IDF. You know why? Cuz they have the bomb."

WarWalker fight.
I imagine the warwalker saying this.
"You are under arrest. Surrender. You have 10 seconds to comply"

Hamidon fight.
"That's the 2nd biggest Hamidon I have ever seen."
Also, I imagine the Avatar of Hamidon keep saying in an annoying voice.
"Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself."

Haven't got much.
"Maelstrom, there are two people in this world. Those with guns, and those that dig. You dig.

PInk circles of doom drop.
"Move. Any still in these circles is dying or going to die."

And finally the last time fight.
"So, what's the plan?"
"Get her!"
"That's your plan? Get her?" (Helps if the team leader has the name Ray)

Miles Vorkosigan: "Excuse us, please."
Lord Vormurtos: "Why not? Everyone else has. It seems if you are Vorkosigan enough, you can even get away with murder."
Miles Vorkosigan: "So if you truly believe that, why are you standing in my way?"




Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



When Anti-Matter stops time.
"Stop! Anti-Matter time". It helps if you imagine him doing the MC Hammer dance while he regens.
This one made me smile

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



only thing I'd change is for Lambda, instead of "siege come out and Play" I'd say "Marauder"

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Pretty sure I would never team with you if you did this on every trial.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...