A pattern? anyone else see it.

Ad Astra



I came here all hopeful that someone had finally started a thread about me.

The disappointment really stings, folks.

Anyway, I'm glad the the devs have been adding the sets they have. I primarily play corruptors and brutes, and I don't feel like either has been neglected in this. Now that there are new control sets and an assault set and a proliferated controller secondary, it does feel like we're getting a nice mix. I would expect about 1/2 to 2/3s of new sets to be purchasable sets, the rest free to VIP. My guess is that we're unlikely to ever see an assault or manipulation set as a purchasable set, as both are limited to one AT. Mastermind pet sets are different, and I suspect any new ones will be for purchase.

As a VIP player who intends to remain a VIP player, I do want folks to see the benefits of subscribing, which includes both the free sets we get and the 400 monthly points towards purchasing market-available powersets.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Lol that's what I thought, especially hardcore scrapper fans 'THIS POWERSET IS NOT BALANCED IT'S DOING 10 DPS LESS THAN AVERAGE'.

But that also shows why melee sets sell so well, people love them, while if you go to the blaster forums and ask 'hey what's the best secondary for my whatever/ blaster?' 90% of the answers will be '/EM or /MM' (just because one player will say fire and another will say ice, because nobody cares much about the others).

Also... I'm on my 3rd BR toon (other two stalled on the 20s-30s) because I bought the set, I want to like it but it seems so meh. On this third one I got to 30 I haven't seen any other BR like the first two (because the set was new), and nobody talks about Beam Rifle anymore while you still see threads about Kinetic Melee and StJ. I even saw energy blast toons lol.
That's because other than having an awesome looking weapon skin in the Celestial Costume set, BR looks incredibly boring to play

I'd make a BR (and thusly spend points to buy the set) if one didn't just stand there and fire in the same stance.

This is why I like Dual Pistols for a blast set, I feel like the character is doing more than one attack animation, over sets like AR and Archery.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
I'd agree with Peter, mostly because all the bases are pretty well covered now. The only other conceivable melee set I can think of that isn't directed at a tiny niche market would be "Psionic Melee."

I'm hoping we get some new MM powersets (and the four-legged rig they've put together certainly seems like it could be used for a Beast Tamer MM!), a tech-style control set, and perhaps finally some regular water control and blast sets in the next year.
Still need the Dual Blunt Object Melee for those who've been waiting for Escrima Sticks.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I honestly think that the prevalence of melee powersets comes down to the devs giving us a lot of the things we ask for.
I totally agree with this, and the rest of what you said in your post.

I happen to like all kinds of powersets. There are specific sets that I don't really find appealing, but I play all ATs, so I don't really feel like I'm getting a raw deal out of the free sets.

However, I do think that in an ideal world, each issue containing a free VIP powerset would instead give a token for any purchasable powerset (as suggested in the OP), enabling VIPs to pick which powersets are free, and which aren't. This would make the free VIP sets more appealing to a wider variety of people, and would be a more effective incentive to get people to go VIP. This not being an ideal world, however, means I already see technical hurdles for implementing such a thing. But I understand the desire for it.

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Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
I mean, if the F2P crowd seeing that there's more paid extra sets than there are freely unlocked with a sub, then they might decide to just use that $15 sub money to buy points instead.
And in doing so some of us have spent more now that the game is 'free' than we did in a similar timeframe while subbed. Well, maybe it's just me. I'm kinda stupid that way. =/

- Ashley
[Rocker Girl (Earth/Earth Dom); Sweet Venom (Plant/Time Ctrl)]