Farewell Gamepro
In print game mags can't compete with online game mags. Who wants to read a review of a game that's been out already for two months or a review of a prerelease version that's woefully inaccurate.
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I have countless back issues in my closet that I just kept on saving over the years... I'll probably never read them again, but I'd say that they probably are a good resource, just like a physical encyclopedia or Dictionary simply because you can flip through the pages and get random information that can inspire you.
Digital is great for instant access to data, but for that random access print is quite a bit better.
I don't think I never read a single issue of GamePro, or even gave it a second glance, much less a first.
My gaming roots were from before that magazine started, and by the time it did, I wasn't as interested in keeping up with the latest game info (I was rather in the Amiga computer scene at the time, lol).
But as such, the videogame magazine that I miss the most was a bit older than that one.
Even so, I am sorry to see yet another gaming magazine disappear.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812
GamePro magazine and website to shutter next month
GamePro magazine is set to shut down this coming month, owner IDG Games announced today. The magazine that enjoyed so much popularity in the 1990s will shut down its website in five days, and one more issue of the physical quarterly will be published.
The magazine started in 1989 and established a website in 1996, according to IndustryGamers. The struggling magazine went through a few redesigns in recent years, including one that ended the practice of allowing writers and editors to use nom de plumes like Air Hendrix and D-Pad Destroyer in their bylines. The most recent redesign in July took the magazine down from a monthly to quarterly format.
The GamePro website will cease to exist on December 5 and will begin redirecting users to PC World's website (another IDG property). Some employees will be laid off, but IDG notes that game news and reviews will be rolled into PC World's slate of content.
We're sad to hear this news, but hope PC World can carry the GamePro torch. Pour out a Jar of Fly Honey or Bacchus Wine for a fallen friend.