



The counter only starts when you get in range. Damage does not set it off.

Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry



Yeah, I was pretty sure of that, had gotten confirmation of that prior to last nights run.

If phase 1 goes well on Friday, I'm not gonna care -- if we have one toon on the league that has an attack that exceeds a range of 150 feet, that person will get a work out.

The lining up on dual sides of that hallway - theoretically, could and should work - but some folks are faster on the draw. After the first bomb on the left went down, I advanced to the next, and there was only a couple of people by me, instead of a bunch - which is what I was expecting. Probably my fault for not mashing a forward! macro. Hard to move forward and use macros and mash attacks at the same time.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Slacker? heh. I'm not sure if anyone uses this :

/monitorattribute confuse protection

(borrowed/stolen from VooDoo Girl's UGT guide)

But, I do. And during the trial this past Friday night, I don't think my confuse protection dropped below 24 for more than a moment in our travels to the Avatar. While fighting the Avatar, I saw it drop to 15 - but I still was not confused and used my own clarion to drive us past 40, I think it was.

In any event, your efforts are appreciated. I just hope we have about 6 ranged folks with a range of greater than 150 feet.

I'm torn tonight between using Xtreme Raze's strategy of having two seperate teams of 6 just rush on opposite sides, or just sniping the darn things. Supposedly, they have a range of 150 feet. So, if we can snipe from 155 feet (or so), it may take a while, but we should be able to do it.

The know the counter starts its count from 10 when someone gets in range, what I do not know if said counter will also start if the bomb takes damage. From what I have read, the answer is no - snipes should work. So, if we have the range, we will try that.
If not, we'll go with plan B.

And if that doesn't work, next Friday, I'll try something really crazy.
Awesome run Rex, Steele is working on getting clarion, I have rebirth for the massive aoe heal which I used to great success while battling the EWW's and their targeting damage. Once I get Valor set up I will happily bring TGK / or Spec for the Snipes might even adjust AV to atempt to get longer range from his Laser vision pishsaw 96.8 feet

Great run bud, looking foward to next one going to check out the guides.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
Awesome run Rex, Steele is working on getting clarion, I have rebirth for the massive aoe heal which I used to great success while battling the EWW's and their targeting damage. Once I get Valor set up I will happily bring TGK / or Spec for the Snipes might even adjust AV to atempt to get longer range from his Laser vision pishsaw 96.8 feet

Great run bud, looking foward to next one going to check out the guides.


This is what makes you a pleasure to team with. I'm afraid I came right out and asked one of the league members why they didn't check out the guides. I have made so many macros to try and explain things, I've no more room for temp powers, if I should ever come across any. Fortunately, players like yourself take a few moments in what may be an otherwise hectic day to learn more about how things are happening in a given event. In all honesty - the tactics used are not complicated in the least- - but the implementation of them can be tricky - particularly when one or more leaguemembers either don't know, misunderstand or just disregard instructions.

And, of course, it's also possible I give too much instruction and overloaded people with information.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




There's still a learning curve involved with this one, so it may be awhile before everyone likely to be running it is reasonably comfortable with what to do, when and how... But I do think we'll get to that point eventually. It's just going to take time.

As for those bombs, as fond as I am of running my Kheldians through the Underground, if we're seriously going to aim for that badge next time I may bring Keiranen (Archery/Energy Blaster with a T4 core Cardio Alpha, Boost Range and a snipe attack) to the party instead. He's got Rebirth rather than Clarion and has a narrower range of abilities than a Peacebringer over-all, but on that final batch of bombs, he could come in handy. I know he can hit them from well outside their trigger range.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Fubu and I thank you for running these! Always fun, win or loose.



And as of today we have two new trials to run

Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry



Originally Posted by enderbean View Post
And as of today we have two new trials to run
You say that like it's a good thing. It's not. How'm I gonna get a ugt going with the new toys on the block?

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Had to drop a line and give a congrats to Ukase leading on Thursday, And also to the Leagues that accomplished two successful MoUGT's in a single day. Very nice work.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



For those that want a fuller understanding of what is killing you, damaging you, etc. during the UGT, I think it would be worthwhile to take a peek here:

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I noticed on ugt during the bomb phase that my stalker will not start the bomb countdown timer until I attack. So...If liberty has 6 stalkers out there, that could be a much easier way of doing the bomb badge for ugt on 2nd phase. Just a thought to throw out there. Highly unlikely that 6 stalkers will be on 1 ugt(especially on liberty) , but its ok to dream right? Been on 2 failed runs back to back. My thoughts are......Too many plp just want to use ugt for ixp. No problem with wanting xp, but that messes with the plp who are lvl shifted and want to actually complete the trial for a component they need.

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



It has been a pleasure leading the scheduled UGTs on Fridays and Sundays with you folks.

@Nights Blood, (whom you may know better as White Hariem) would like to start leading these.

So, you all should still be able to get your UGT fix in if you want it.

The times will be the same, as will the location.

After the MSRs in Pocket D, approx. 10:10pm eastern.

This will provide me with a little break from having to be such a horrible person, actually inviting 2 people to help out and not be able to because I'd overbooked!

Now, someone else can be the hero or villain in my place.

I will be forming some UGTs earlier during the week and weekend, but they will be unscheduled as my schedule permits.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Heavenly Perverse View Post
I noticed on ugt during the bomb phase that my stalker will not start the bomb countdown timer until I attack. So...If liberty has 6 stalkers out there, that could be a much easier way of doing the bomb badge for ugt on 2nd phase. Just a thought to throw out there. Highly unlikely that 6 stalkers will be on 1 ugt(especially on liberty) , but its ok to dream right? Been on 2 failed runs back to back. My thoughts are......Too many plp just want to use ugt for ixp. No problem with wanting xp, but that messes with the plp who are lvl shifted and want to actually complete the trial for a component they need.

Hmm, that'd be interesting. Do you know if you can 1-hit the bombs with BU+Assassin's Strike?

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



After a brief discussion with folks who are smarter than me, I was told that the spore's DOT would or could interfere with AS, so it might be an unreliable way to do things. I have not confirmed this, as my highest stalker is still level 4 on some forgotten server.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I'll confirm it for sure next time we run through, but having taken Grey Kestrel on a couple of UGTs now, the spore damage in the hall doesn't seem to break Hide. It might well interupt AS, though. You'd have to be careful with the timing, or open with something else.

That said, even with her build-up and an uninterupted attack there's no way Kes could even come close to one-shotting those bombs. Granted, as ludicrously well-equipped as she is, Kes was built for Recharge and not Damage... and those bombs (Like pretty much everything else in the game-) are probably resistant to Lethal attacks.

I'd be curious to see what a non-Lethal, high-end Damage-build Stalker could do to them...

The closest to that I have is a moderately well-equipped KM, so not an ideal candidate.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Hmm, that'd be interesting. Do you know if you can 1-hit the bombs with BU+Assassin's Strike?
My recollection from the last time I stalked a UGT (weeks ago) was that BU + SJ/Crushing Uppercut from Hide was worth maybe slightly less than 50% of the health of a bomb.

Matching Bright's preception, I don't think the spore damage was breaking Hide, in the same way that I seem to recall the Keyes death pulse doesn't break Hide or glowy collection progress anymore, either. I think they're making an exception for that kind of purely environmental damage.

So yes, I suspect two or three coordinated Stalks beginning with AS could probably handle bomb phase one very capably. I'd be glad to bring my assassin droid for purposes of testing that theory, if the timing worked out (would have to be later evening or weekend for me, though).

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Originally Posted by FlyingCodeMonkey View Post
My recollection from the last time I stalked a UGT (weeks ago) was that BU + SJ/Crushing Uppercut from Hide was worth maybe slightly less than 50% of the health of a bomb.

Matching Bright's preception, I don't think the spore damage was breaking Hide, in the same way that I seem to recall the Keyes death pulse doesn't break Hide or glowy collection progress anymore, either. I think they're making an exception for that kind of purely environmental damage.

So yes, I suspect two or three coordinated Stalks beginning with AS could probably handle bomb phase one very capably. I'd be glad to bring my assassin droid for purposes of testing that theory, if the timing worked out (would have to be later evening or weekend for me, though).
Okay cool was just curious

I have 2 stalkers but only lvl 50 and not planning on making them incarnate any time soon heh.

Wouldn't really help against the hallway of bombs either I would presume since you'd be too close to one bomb when you're killing the other one.

So at least for the hallway of bombs, range is probably still best.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
So at least for the hallway of bombs, range is probably still best.
Yeah. Those bombs are way too close together for stalkers to get them before the next one blew... Snipes are the way to go for that hallway.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Hmm, that'd be interesting. Do you know if you can 1-hit the bombs with BU+Assassin's Strike?
It's not 1 hit. Its 3

I think its 3. Been so long since my last ugt. 2 at the least. Probably if you hit a few reds.

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



Originally Posted by Heavenly Perverse View Post
It's not 1 hit. Its 3

I think its 3. Been so long since my last ugt. 2 at the least. Probably if you hit a few reds.
That's a pretty solid estimate, I think. With two of us I suspect it would be iffy, even with BUs... Three could probably do it, but I'd honestly feel more confident with four. That way someone could miss and we still wouldn't have to scramble.

Now, what are the odds of our getting four solid stalkers on one Underground run to test it?

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



@Nights Blood, playing White Hariem did a fine job leading the UGT tonight. For those of you that think I talk too much, this is the guy to lead you!

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
