Kirsten's Consolidated AT Suggestion Thread




Thank you, also I really really like what you added to it and changed, the badge is awesome. People like you are going to be the reason a fan created something gets made one day



Would be awesome if you took a look at my Powerset idea called Motion Camouflage. See what you can do because some of the guys have some questions and I am having a hard time pinning it down.



Got a fresh one of my own design: a Pet/Control called The Tactician.

The Tactician is supposed to be the next logical step after the Mastermind and the Controller. You step up from being a passive leader to an active weakener of enemies. You can weaken and disable your foes, thus your pets become more effective, at the cost of being able to buff allies.

You are the Tactician. You are master of Manipulating both friend and foe to get your way, from calling hordes of followers to swamping your enemies.

Survivability: 6
Melee DMG: 2
Ranged DMG: 5
Crowd Control: 8
Support: 2
Pets: 10

*Inherent: Tactical Fighting: You and your pets gain a mild critical against controlled foes.

*Primaries: Pets (Ported right from MMs)
Force Constructs
Frost Creatures
Demon Summoning

*Secondaries: Control (More AoE-centric than the other control ATs)
Darkness Control
Earth Control
Electric Control
Fire Control
Gravity Control
Ice Control
Illusion Control
Mind Control
Plant Control

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Very interesting thread. I think there are some very good ideas here and wonder what exactly the devs think about it?

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Cimeroran EAT
You are a commander in battle, the center of the struggle, able to fight in your own right, command troops, aid your allies, and hinder your foes. Your abilities are greatly increased by having enemies around you.

Melee DMG:6
Ranged DMG:2
Crowd Control:1

Armor: Auto, Self Res
Shield: Toggle, Self Def
Phalanx Fighting: Auto +self def from allies
Grant Cover: Toggle, pbaoe ally +def
Hack: melee attack with sword
Slash: melee attack with sword
Slice: melee cone with sword
Parry: melee attack wit sword +def
Whirling Sword: pbaoe attack with sword
Pilum: ranged attack
Energized Shield: toggle, +def, +res, +protect (mezz)
Healing Aura: pbaoe heal
Shout of Command: Ally +res mezz
Against all Odds: PBAoE -dmg foe +dmg self
Rise to the Challenge: Foe -to hit, self +Regen
Invincibility: Toggle PBAoE Self +Def +To Hit



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
I like the idea, but archetypes need a primary and a secondary set. This just has one set from what I can see.
id say that the other set for a cimeroran, to pair with a shield/willpower type set would be a staff/sword set and have the coveted spear toss power in there for good measure. lol

oooooh and as a branching option, you could be a soldier or an oracle with another pool of team buffs, heals, and enemy debuffs, and open both branches to both genders, like the arachnos EATs did.

and maybe you'd finally get access to the awesome unique cimeroran costume pieces.

:edit: ooh im going to go roll one to RP with now hehe



From a 2007's doc I found. Since HTML code is off in the forums, all the tables and format I used couldn't be ported, so I had to redo it here again.

Plantoids are the result of an humanoid being infected by an odd spore of unknown origin. Plantoids have a very good resistance vs all type of damage but fire (their very true weakness) and toxic attacks that help them to defend themselves. They also can shapeshift into 2 other forms. Also, plantoids can take advantage from their teammates' origins, empowering themself. They have no access to Leaping, Flight nor Epic Power Pools.

Hero / Villain
Origin: Mutation
Primary: Wild Empathy (Defense)
Secondary: Wild Toxicity (Offense)
HP: Low
Damage: Low
Weakness: Fire

· Force of nature:
Due to your empathic nature, you are able to increase your own power depending on the true nature of your teammates.

Origin -> Buff
Magic -> +Minor Protection vs Control effects
Natural -> +Minor Damage Resistance
Mutation -> +Minor Defense
Science -> +Recharge, +Speed
Technology -> +Damage
Wild Empathy
Plantoids can focus into healing, regenerative and resistance powers for themselves and their teammates.

Power | Lvl | Type | Effect
Bark Skin | 1 | Auto | Self: +Resistance (Smash, Lethal)
Elemental Resistance | 1 | Toggle |Self: +Resistance (Fire, Cold, Toxic)
Regrowth | 2 |Click | Self: Heal, +Resistance (Toxic)
Tree of Life | 6 | Toggle | Self: Shapeshift, No defense, +Endurance Recovery
Featherweight | 6 | Toggle | Self: Fly, +Defense (All)
Rooted | 8 | Toogle | Self: +Resistance (Knockback, Debuff), -Speed, +Regeneration
Photosynthesis | 12 | Click | Self: +Max Health, +Recovery
Thorny Armour | 12 | Toggle | PBAoE: Minor Damage (Lethal), Foe: -Speed, -Recharge
Strengthen | 18 | Toggle | Self: +Resistance (Smash, Lethal)
Group Featherweight | 18 | Toggle | Team: Fly, -Accuracy
Absorption | 26 | Toggle | Self: +Resistance (Energy, Negative Energy)
Swarm | 26 | Summon | Foe: -Recharge, DoT (Smash)
Aged Colossus | 32 | Toggle | Self: +Res (All but Psi), -Speed, -Rech, -Dam, Untoggle Armors
Rebirth | 32 | Click | Self: Resurrect
Absorption You become resistant to energy and negative energy damage.
Type Toggle
Recharge Moderate
Effects Self: +Resistance (Energy, Negative Energy)

Aged Colossus You recall the power of the ancient, colosal trees to empower yourself and become an unstoppable force of nature.
Type Toggle
Recharge Slow
Effects Self: +Resistance (All but Psionics), -Speed, -Recharge, -Damage, Untoggle Armors

Bark Skin As result of the mutation, Plantoids' skin becomes harder, protecting them from being hurt. This is an auto power that is always on and costs no endurance.
Type Auto
Effects Self: +Resistance (Smash, Lethal)

Elemental Resistance You have manage to control your body to endure the extreme temperatures like some plants and fungus.
Type Toggle
Recharge Moderate
Effects Self: +Resistance (Fire, Cold, Toxic)

Featherweight All plantoids can achieve to hover, like some seeds, after great training. This alows you to avoid better attacks but reduces a lot your flight speed due to you are very focused on the task.
Type Toggle
Recharge Fast
Effects Self: Fly, +Defense (All)

Group Featherweight Liberating some spores you can endow your nearby teammates with Flight. Be mindful! Your friends will fall if you run out of endurance or if they travel too far away from you. Group FeatherWeight travel speed is slower than Fly. Flying heroes suffer from reduced accuracy.
Type Toggle
Recharge Very fast
Effects Team: Fly, -Accuracy

Photosynthesis Plantoids can tap light energy to increase their health.
Type Click
Recharge Very long
Effects Self: +Max Health, +Recovery

Rebirth Like a new seed from an old tree, you rebirth from your fallen body with about half of your Hit Points and Endurance.
Type Click
Recharge Very long
Effects Self: Resurrect

Regrowth You can now heal your wounds quickly.
Type Click
Recharge Long
Effects Self: Heal, +Resistance (Toxic)

Rooted While this power is active, you root in the ground and draw forth its power to become resistant to Knockback, and increase your Hit Point Regeneration rate. You must remain in close contact with the ground, so you will move extremely slow and you cannot activate Fly, Sprint or Super Speed powers while this power is active. Rooted also grants you resistance to Defense DeBuffs.
Type Toggle
Recharge Moderate
Effects Self: +Resistance (Knockback, Debuff), -Speed, +Regeneration

Strengthen You can strengthen your skin to become more resistant to damage.
Type Toggle
Recharge Fast
Effects Self: +Resistance (Smash, Lethal)

Swarm They are highly resistant to smashing and lethal attacks, but these flying hordes don't fare well when confronted with fire or energy based assaults. Poison from the Swarm's sting can slow a target. Repeated stings can have a paralyzing effect.
Type Summon: Swarm
Recharge Very long
Effects Foe: -Recharge, DoT (Smash)

Thorny Armour Some Plantoids can cover their body with thorns that will shoot in all directions. These thorns do minor damage, but can poison all foes in close range. Spine poison slows affected foes.
Type Toggle
Recharge Long
Effects PBAoE: Minor Damage (Lethal), Foe: -Speed, -Recharge

Tree of Life Plantoids can adapt to all fields like true plants. This weak, slim form grant access to some healing powers that can only be used while in this form. You will not be able to use any other powers while in Tree of Life Form. Tree of Life has improved Endurance Recovery, but has no defense.
Type Toggle
Recharge Instant
Effects Self: Shapeshift, No defense, +Endurance Recovery

· Tranquility Tranquility restores some hit points to you and all nearby heroes. Tranquility is not as potent as Healing Fruit, but can heal multiple targets at once.
Type Click
Recharge Moderate
Effects PBAoE: Heal

· Healing Fruit Heals a single targeted ally. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.
Type Click
Recharge Long
Effects Ally: Heal

· Rejuvenation Rejuvenate one target ally, increasing his regeneration and endurance recovery rates
Type Click
Recharge Long
Effects Ally: +Regeneration, + Recovery

· Elixir of Life Pouring your healing sap over an ally, you will be able to resurrect him with full hit points and endurance.
Type Click
Recharge Very long
Effects Ally: Resurrection, Special

Wild Toxicity
Plantoids can use their bodies like natural weapons throwing thorns and toxic sustances at their enemies.

Power | Lvl | Type | Effect
Thorny Darts | 1 | Ranged | Minor Damage (Lethal), DoT (Toxic)
Venomous Spit | 2 | Ranged |DoT (Toxic)
Skewer | 4 | Melee | Moderate Damage (Lethal)
Spur | 10 | Ranged | Moderate Damage (Lethal)
Fling Thorns | 14 | Ranged (Cone) | Moderate Damage (Lethal), DoT (Toxic)
Thorn Burst | 16 | Melee (PBAoE) | Moderate Damage (Lethal), -Defense
Vicious Fungus | 20 | Toggle | Self: Shapeshift, +Minor Status Protection, +Jump
Suffocating Spores | 22 | Ranged | DoT (Toxic), Hold
Thorn Blast | 24 | Ranged (Cone) | Moderate Damage (Lethal), Knockdown
Thorntrops | 28 | Ranged (AoE) | Minor DoT (Lethal), -Speed
Ripper | 35 | Melee | High Damage (Lethal), DoT (Toxic), -Defense, KB
Thorn Barrage | 38 | Close (Cone) | High Damage (Lethal), DoT (Toxic), -Defense
Fling Thorns You can throw dozens of Thorns in a wide cone in front of you, impaling foes caught within the area. These Thorns deals moderate damage, and poisons any targets it hits. Thorn poison deals additional toxic damage.
Type Ranged (Cone)
Recharge Slow
Effects Moderate Damage (Lethal), DoT (Toxic)

Ripper You can unleash a spectacular slashing maneuver that attacks a single enemy. Ripper deals massive damage and poisons him. It can even knock foes down. Thorn poison deals additional toxic damage and can reduce your foes defense.
Type Melee
Recharge Slow
Effects High Damage (Lethal), DoT (Toxic), -Defense, Knockback

Skewer You lunge forward with this melee attack and Skewer your foe with the large thorn on your arm, doing moderate damage.
Type Melee
Recharge Moderate
Effects Moderate Damage (Lethal)

Spur Throws a single thorn at an enemy target, doing moderate damage.
Type Ranged
Recharge Slow
Effects Moderate Damage (Lethal)

Suffocating Spores You can infect your foes with poison spores, leaving them paralyzed and taking Toxic damage over time.
Type Ranged
Recharge Slow
Effects DoT (Toxic), Hold

Thorn Barrage A short range, cone, but devastating attack. Thorn Barrage unleashes your Thorns at high velocity causing severe damage at close range. Although these Thorns only travel a short distance, their impact can knock most foes on their back. Thorn poison deals additional toxic damage and can reduce your foes defense.
Type Close (Cone)
Recharge Long
Effects High Damage (Lethal), DoT (Toxic), -Defense

Thorn Blast You can throw a bunch of thorns in a narrow cone arc and impale a group of foes. Impaled foes may be knocked down
Type Ranged (Cone)
Recharge Slow
Effects Moderate Damage (Lethal), Knockdown

Thorn Burst You can explode dozens of Thorns in all directions around you. These Thorns only travel a short distance, but they can deal moderate damage and poison any target close to you. Toxic damage from the thorns can reduce the Defense of affected foes.
Type Melee (PBAoE)
Recharge Slow
Effects Moderate Damage (Lethal), -Defense

Thorny Darts Hurls small Thorny Darts at your foes. Thorny Darts deal minor damage. Poison from the Darts deals additional toxic damage.
Type Ranged
Recharge Fast
Effects Minor Damage (Lethal), DoT (Toxic)

Thorntrops You fling dozens of Thorns into the ground at a targeted location. The small Thorns pepper the ground over a large area. Any enemy that pass over the Thorntrops will be forced to move at a slower rate. They will also take some trivial lethal damage over time.
Type Ranged (AoE)
Recharge Slow
Effects Minor DoT (Lethal), -Speed

Venomous Spit You spit a lob of poisonous saliva.
Type Ranged
Recharge Moderate
Effects DoT(Toxic)

Vicious Fungus Plantoids can shapeshift into disturbing, mesmerizing mushroom-like being. This odd, twisted form grant access to some control powers that can only be used while in this form. You will not be able to use any other powers while in Vicious Funfus Form. Vicious Funfus has improved Status Protection, as well as some increased damage and jump lenght.
Type Toggle
Recharge Instant
Effects Self: Shapeshift, +Minor Status Protection, +Jump

· Strangler Holds a distant foe by strangling him with massive root-like vines. The target is held helpless, while he is slowly crushed by the vines.
Type Ranged
Recharge Moderate
Effects Moderate DoT (Smash), Hold

· Roots Immobilizes your target by entangling their feet in a twisted mass of thorny roots. The roots do smashing and lethal damage to the target over time. More resilient foes may require multiple applications to Immobilize. Roots can immobilize flying targets, if they are near the ground when attacked.
Type Ranged
Recharge Fast
Effects Moderate DoT (Smash), Immobilize

· Sleep Spores You hurl a large fungi pod at your foes. This pod is full of Spores that burst on impact, engulfing the target and all those around him. All affected targets may succumb to the narcotic effect of the Spores and will fall asleep. The targets will remain asleep for some time, but will awaken if attacked.
Type Ranged (AoE)
Recharge Slow
Effects Sleep

· Confusion Spine You throw a spine at your foe that, on impact, release a number of alkaloids and hallucinogenic compounds. The foe will become violently confused and will turn and attack your other foes, ignoring you and all your allies. You will not receive any Experience Points for foes defeated entirely by Confused enemies.
Type Ranged
Recharge Moderate
Effects Confuse

· Creeper Vines You can create a Creeper patch at a targeted location. The patch will snag foes, slowing their movement, and preventing them from jumping or flying. Additionally, a Creeper Vine will burst from under each live and defeated foe in the area and start attacking your enemies. Creeper Vines do minimal damage, but they can knock down your enemies and its poisonous thorns can slow your foes.
Type Summon Creepers, Ranged (AoE)
Recharge Very long
Effects Foe: -Speed, -Fly, -Jump
Woa, that was inhuman. The next file (a 2008s doc) I think I'll make it a png.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Hmmm. I like these, but I have a thought... Why do the Chimera have darkness based powers in their secondary if it's "Prismatic Aura"?
I don't know, I wrote it 4 years ago.
The idea was to have resistance to most of the type damages but low defenses, hence the prismatic / iridescent.
Also, in D&D (from where I got the inspiration), prismatic dragons are special dragons with a combination of powers from common dragons.
Anyway, now I think I didn't finished Chimeras, because they've not a special mechanic like I did with Dragon-Blooded. I didn't even write the power descriptions.
Maybe one day I'll look at them again and I'll change some things, for example make Chimeras more defense based.



Why is the Midnighter a hero class? The Midnighters are a neutral orginization...

Also I have an idea for an Archetype, mainly a control version of the crusader possibly called an Acolyte. It has Melee as a primary and a defense/control secondary which I can't think of a name for. The damage could be slightly less than a scrapper and the control effects could be 2/3 of what they usually are and have a "control bar" (rage style bar that increases the length of control effects). Thoughts?



Huh...I didn't see that AT before on the first post before...I just used the crusader's general structure of a melee/defenseIsomething else with a bar that helps the something else...what are the odds...still we could make it out as a scrapper version of the enervator...



Still in the process of working on the actual sets for this AT, but I'll give you the overview to start:


This AT is a super-hybrid with elements from Masterminds, Tankers, and Defenders. The big gimmick for this AT is the Partner, a singular MM-style henchman that is selected independent of the primary powerset of the Leader (the main character).

When the player chooses this AT, they select primary and secondary powersets. The primary powerset (Offense) encompasses the Partner power, two upgrade powers, and six personal attacks (mostly melee with one or two ranged possibly, but probably no Build Up), while the secondary powerset (Defense) centers on support powers, especially buffs that include the caster, and a separate upgrade power.

Selection of the Partner power opens a separate window where the Partner is determined - this can be done at any time that a respec is run as well, allowing for changes to the Partner after creation and for alternate builds. The Partner is a mostly ranged combatant, similar to a Blaster, with many of the same powersets to choose from. Because of the singular henchman, power customization is much more feasible, mostly with alternate body types (male/female/robotic/elemental, small/medium/large, 3-4 costumes, general primary/secondary colors) - customization would take place inline with the Leader's costume and power customization screens, allowing for different Partner looks per Leader costume slot. The two primary upgrade powers would offer the traditional improvements on the initial array of henchman attacks, but the secondary upgrade would offer a separate pair of support or defensive powers based on the Leader's secondary powerset to further differentiate the Partner. For example, a Leader with martial arts and gadget powersets could have a Partner who starts out as a boy with archery attacks, transitions to an adult male archer in the middle levels, and gives way to a fire elemental in one build and a psionic girl in another nearing the end of pre-Incarnate play.

(I don't know how power customization and multiple builds interact, as I only have a couple of my many characters with multiple builds at all, and that just to fiddle-fart around with. If others understand this relationship better, please let me know how this would affect my proposal.)

The Defense secondary is intended to provide some support capabilities to the team while still giving direct benefits to the Leader (versus many buffs not affecting casters, including FF bubbles, Cold Dom shields, and Increase Density applications). This is balanced by making more of the powers launched in melee and PBAoE rather than at range.

Initial List of Offense Powersets:
Broad Sword
Martial Arts
War Mace

Initial List of Partner Powersets:
Assault Rifle

Initial List of Defense Powersets:
Cold (mix of Cold Domination and Ice Armor)
Dark (mix of Dark Affinity/Miasma and Dark Armor)
Energy (mix of Force Field and Energy Aura)
Fiery (mix of Thermal Radiation and Fiery Armor)
Healing (mix of Empathy and Regeneration, essentially)
Gadget (mix of Traps and Blaster secondary Gadgets)
Kinetic (extension of Kinetics to include more caster-effect powers)
Ninja (mix of Poison and Ninjitsu)
Psychic (mix of psychic buff/debuffs and armors scattered throughout City)
Radiation (mix of Radiation Emission and suggested armors)
Stone (mix of Stone Control debuffs, suggested support powers, and Stone Armor)
Storm (mix of Storm Summoning and Electrical Armor)

(I've tried to avoid any of the powersets that are purchase-locked or reliant on the full powerset to function - although the pet aspect of this AT would almost certainly place it behind the pay wall, as well.)

I would probably want the Partner to not be able to enter Bodyguard mode as a henchman, as this would be out of character for the Partner to constantly sacrifice themselves to keep the Leader without a scratch, and the Leader should already have good enough survivability on with their secondary powers. This gives an archetype that does most of its work in close to their friends and foes, but with a semi-independent ranged damage component. My first guess for the bar graph stats would be:

Survivability 6
Melee Damage 6
Ranged Damage 2
Crowd Control 4
Support 6
Pets 7

As I indicated earlier, I'm working on actually fleshing out the powersets, and hope to have those posted in either the Lady-Jade's Powerset Suggestion Box or a separate thread very soon. Please let me know what you think of this AT.

@NC Thunderbird, @Last Kid Picked
HELP! I can't stop making Alts! Up to 175 now, including: Lutadora, Tess LaCoille, Not Of This World, Lies Behind Stars, Redshift Monk.
Campaigning for title of official "Thread Killer" of the Suggestions & Ideas forum.