Kirsten's Consolidated AT Suggestion Thread




@Bradley_IFV -ha, I totally suggested the basics of this very idea in another thread earlier today... Never read this thread Kristen stared before. I'm totally down for a partner AT... Cool beans.

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



I've got one....

The skirmisher


basicly what it is is that it's an archetype that has the same power set type for both it's secondary and it's primary, how this would work with the powerset for both is that if you pick one power from your primary that power becomes locked out for your secondary. The inherit would be something akin to a rage bar except that it improves oth damage and defense, this would be balanced out by the fact that it only increases when you attack a diffrent target than you did for your last or when you use a diffrent type of attack from the last one (ranged, melee, PBAoE, AoE etc...) or both making it harder to keep up






You know...

This would be a good idea for the market. I wouldn't mind paying 800 points to unlock one of this AT

"What counts is not what sounds plausible, not what we would like to believe, not what one or two witnesses claim, but only what is supported by hard evidence rigorously and skeptically examined. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by Baronesa View Post
You know...

This would be a good idea for the market. I wouldn't mind paying 800 points to unlock one of this AT
Well, according to ParagonWiki, the Controller and Mastermind Archetypes are 1200, and the EATs are 1000, so most of these would probably be 1000-1200 Paragon Points.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Got 3 more ideas



just like the skirmisher, if you take a power in one power set that you can get in the other that power is blocked off in the powerset you didn't take it from, just so you can't make a necro/dark with duplicate powers.

inherit: just like the mastermind, also you deal more damage to enemies already damaged by your pets



inherit: domination style bar, when you activate it your control effects increase by 1 mag and recharge more by 20%

Sniper (this was actually suggested by someone pre-freedom, I forget the name)

Stalkerfied ranged/ stalker defense

inherit: reverse rage bar that goes down when attack and only goes up in the same amount of time it takes for the domination bar to go down. The bar determines the ability to critical hit, high for your snipe but low for your other attacks.



Came up with possible ATO sets for the basic ATs:

Crusader: Wrath of the Crusader: Damage (Special Proc: Chances for KD)

Commander: Commander's Leadership: Heal/Buff/Debuff/Def/Res (Chance for self and pet Absorb)

Enforcer: Enforcer's Assault: Damage (Chance for health drain)

Field Commander: Strategy: Pet Damage/Recharge (Chance for pets to self heal)

Field Support: First Aid: Heal/Buff/Debuff/Def/Res (Chance for Build Up)

Kamikaze: Mad Bomber: Damage (Chance to fill extra Destruction bar/extend timer)

Scout: Scout's Hold: Hold (Chance for extra crit on held enemies)

Trooper: Trooper's Training: Damage (Chance for +MaxHP)

Devourer: Hunger of the Devourer: Hold (Chance for toxic DoT)

Destroyer: Destroyer's Destuctive Destruction: Damage (Chance for stun)

Battlemaster: Warcry of the Battlemaster: Damage (Chance for ally +DMG, +ToHit)

Enervator: Grasp of the Enervator: Hold (Chance for Smashing Damage)

Protector: Shield of the Protector: Heal/Buff/Debuff/Def/Res (Chance for Team +Def)

Invoker: Form of the Invoker: Damage (Chance to increase Synergy)

Tactician: Command of the Tactician: Pet Damage/Recharge (Pets gain small chance for increased crits vs. controlled foes)

Commandant: Commandant's Charisma: Damage (Chance for Fear)

Disabler: Disabler's Defense: Heal/Buff/Debuff/Def/Res (Chance for +.1 mag Mez)

Duo: Tag Team: Pet Damage/Recharge (Chance for Build Up in Leader and Partner)

Skirmisher: Skirmisher's Strike: Damage (Chance for PBAoE Placate)

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Had I the ability to implement a new AT (or more specifically a pair of new ATs) the ideas I've been kicking around for some time were "Guardians" and "Skirmishers" (yeah, sorry for any confusion with your already listed "Skirmisher" but that's how the names stuck in my head, and if I copy and past any of my files on it, I don't want to worry about changing the term some places and forgetting it others)

Guardians and Skirmishers are intended to fill the "jack of all trades" niche in such a manner that does not overshadow EATs but allows their role to be filled by characters using powers that are not iconically tied to any one faction or origin. Unlike EATs which have larger than normal pools to select from, Guardians and Skirmishers will have a wider array of power pools each containing the standard 9 tiers of powers from which to select.

Guardians and Skirmishers will use Assault pools (similar to Dominators) for offense and Teamwork pools (similar to Soldiers of Arachnos) for defense and support. Assault pools will consist of a mix of ranged, melee, and aoe attacks. Assault will be a Primary Pool for Skirmishers and a Secondary Pool for Guardians. Teamwork pools will consist predominantly of a mix between personal and group buffs and debuffs or limited (soft) crowd control (like immobilize). Teamwork will be a Primary Pool for Guardians and a Secondary Pool for Skirmishers.

Guardians and Skirmishers will have similar Inherent powers, both directly effecting team buffs.

The Guardian inherent [Hold The Line] gives every member of the Guardian's team (including himself) a .5% buff to Resist Damage (all) and .5% buff to Defense (all) for every member in the Guardian's team (including himself) for a maximum possible buff of 4% Resistance and Defense to every member of a full team (within the zone). Half of this bonus will be applied to any allied character within 50'. Though this bonus stacks with that from other Guardians, no character can hold more than the 8 largest stacks they have access to (maximum 32% teamed, 16% unteamed). This will allow Guardians to provide a benefit to others outside their team in league events or zone events, but will show preferable benefit for actually being teamed with them.

The Skirmisher inherent [Killzone] gives every member of the Skirmisher's team (including himself) a .5% buff to To Hit and .5% buff to Damage (all) for every member in the Skirmisher's team (including himself) for a maximum possible buff of 4% To Hit and Damage to every member of a full team (within the zone). Half of this bonus will be applied to any allied character within 50'. Though this bonus stacks with that from other Skirmishers, no character can hold more than the 8 largest stacks they have access to (maximum 32% teamed, 16% unteamed). This will allow Skirmishers to provide a benefit to others outside their team in league events or zone events, but will show preferable benefit for actually being teamed with them.

When designing Teamwork power pools for Guardians and Skirmishers, the Tier 1 Teamwork power should always be a passive buff to survivability, Tier 2 should be a toggled 10' PBAOE damage and/or debuff aura, and Tier 6 should always be a 50' PBAOE toggle that is either a buff or debuff of some sort. While there is some wiggle room, generally powersets should not contain pets, ally resurrection, or powers offering significant control (So as not to upstage other ATs that specialize in these things). Usually a power should not outperform a similar power from another AT's primary set, though balanced exceptions may apply (For instance: Shadow Teamwork uses Shadow Fall (like Defender's Dark Miasma variant) as it's Tier 6 group buff. In this case it significantly outperforms Defender Shadow Fall because it encompasses a greater area, making it useful to more allies. This is balanced against having less control and no pets than Dark Miasma. Personal defensive capabilities for a Guardian should be comparable to a Scrapper or Stalker (maybe slightly better, but definitely not Tanker levels), and a Skirmisher's personal defensive capability should compare to a Guardian as a Scrapper compares to a Tank.

When designing Assault power pools for Guardians and Skirmishers, generally use the existing Assault pools for Dominators as a guideline. Unmodified damage output for Skirmishers should be comparable to Tanks and Defenders. Unmodified damage output for Guardians should compare to a Skirmisher as a Tank or Defender compares to a Scrapper or Blaster. Any healing, buffing, or debuffing capability should be comparable to a Corrupter or Controller.

While Guardians and Skirmishers seem to be getting the "Secondary" power levels on their Primary abilities, this is going to be somewhat offset by their wider range of over usefulness, as well as the buff/debuff nature of their support powers.

The power pool concepts I had in mind for them are as follows:


Pistol (single pistol (to allow using pistol + shield) plus some kicks and pistol whips)
Munitions (rockets/grenades)
Ninjitsu (mix of weapon, martial arts, and shuriken)
Spec Ops (similar to SoA)
Crossbow (Archery with Pummel and Bayonet)
Super Strength (similar to SS melee, but fewer melee attacks, and more hurling stuff)

I used to have detailed lists and descriptions for the Teamwork powersets, but they were on paper, and that notebook was lost when I recently moved. Hopefully I'll find it soon, and come back to list more details. Generally they are similar to similarly themed defender/corrupter sets, but with more personal defenses, less healing, and no rez/pets (except maybe a Gun Drone)


Force Field
Spec Ops

Again, sorry I'm lacking more detailed numbers and descriptions... lost notebook (grr).

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.



Honestly, I only really want to see about two new ATs, maybe three. I'd like to see:


Assault/Defence with a complex Inherent, consisting of two "bars," both of which offer a set damage buff that becomes split between range and melee depending on circumstances. The first bar would be "Adaptability," which gives you a static buff to ranged damage, and then a static buff to melee damage with an equal debuff to ranged damage for every enemy in melee range. The point of this is to favour melee damage in melee and give reason to pull back to range. The second bar would be "Mobility," which will give you a melee damage buff and a ranged damage debuff for every ranged attack, as well as a ranged damage buff and a melee damage debuff for every melee attack. The point of this is to reward swapping combat ranges.

I envision this "Ranger" AT as being sort of a hit-and-run combatant, diving into melee to deliver shock damage, then dashing out to range to pelt at the enemy and diving into melee again. The AT should still be fully capable of playing by favouring only ranged or only melee combat thanks to "Adaptability," but would really excel when capitalising on both.

That's the only AT I have any real plans for, however.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Best thread in COX forums ever deserves dev comments.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Best thread in COX forums ever deserves dev comments.
I'm glad you think so, but...I get the feeling that the Devs may be taking note of this thread and intentionally not commenting. I mean, with the [REDACTED] archetype, the prospect of new ATs seems both more likely to happen, and more likely to spread insanity should the Devs actually say anything, be it positive, negative, or neutral. No. They probably feel that they must remain an impartial observer, like the Monitors, or the Watcher.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
I dunno...I honestly think EATS should be the only Jack's kind of their special thing.
Couldn't disagree more. One of the things that City of Heroes does best (better than the vast majority of other similar games) is to keep form separate from function. How you look or what your backstory is has no effect on how you perform, or specifically what you do. Accept with EATs. EATs are cool, and they all fill a special jack-of-all-trades niche, and each does it in their own way more or less... and yet each is tied to a small slice of story lore, and worse, each has some of their functionality (often the best parts) locked into a costume nerf (While crab spider legs may look awesome on some toons, I call it a nerf because if you want crab spider powers, even if it's just the defensive ones that don't thematically require the legs, the choice of how you dress, at least with some parts has been taken away from you) SoA stories are cool, but maybe I want to play a character who can function similarly to an SoA, but uses fire based powers, or ninja stars and a sword... Let's face it, the "Leadership" pool is a joke for the melee ATs, and doesn't bring you anywhere near the same level of functional playstyle. Similar problem for Kheldians. They can be pocket tanks or blasters, but doing so requires that they shift into a form that totally dispenses with your character appearance, making you look exactly like every other Kheld. Getting to pick your appearance is what sets CoH aside from other games, but to play an "Epic Archetype" and properly fill that JOAT niche, you have to sacrifice that individuality to some extent (some more than others... Widows kinda get over)

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.



Peacebringers can become fantastic tanks without using Dwarf.

Just get huge boatloads worth of recharge. Perma your Hasten, Perma your Light Form, Perma your Inner Light (Build Up), Perma your Essence Boost (Dull Pain, you can stack it for short times, even!), and get your self-heal down to a 20 second downtime or lower. And while you may lack the Psi protection, you have constant 85% damage reduction to everything else, lots of self-healing, and mez protection to go along with your blasts and bashes.

There's no reason you have to be form-locked to play a Peacebringer.




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Peacebringers can become fantastic tanks without using Dwarf.

Just get huge boatloads worth of recharge. Perma your Hasten, Perma your Light Form, Perma your Inner Light (Build Up), Perma your Essence Boost (Dull Pain, you can stack it for short times, even!), and get your self-heal down to a 20 second downtime or lower. And while you may lack the Psi protection, you have constant 85% damage reduction to everything else, lots of self-healing, and mez protection to go along with your blasts and bashes.

There's no reason you have to be form-locked to play a Peacebringer.

Your missing the point here, the point is that as a peacebringer your still attached to a certain peice of lore. Your still an energy being from another planet possessing another being on earth. You can't do anything beyond that concept wise, and if someone wants to be a jack of all trades kind of character, they are still attached to a specific concept rather than having the opportunity to make your own concept which is one of the greatest strenghts in this game.



Originally Posted by firecracker View Post
Your missing the point here, the point is that as a peacebringer your still attached to a certain peice of lore. Your still an energy being from another planet possessing another being on earth. You can't do anything beyond that concept wise, and if someone wants to be a jack of all trades kind of character, they are still attached to a specific concept rather than having the opportunity to make your own concept which is one of the greatest strenghts in this game.
That isn't entirely true... Just. Y'know. Don't do the PB missions and RP that your character has a different background.

My level 50 PB is a Kheldian bonded with an Alien from another world. She isn't a Peacebringer because she bonded with a stillborn infant, there was no mind to "Join" with, so she is alone in the body, more or less.

I've played with other Khelds who's powers are light manipulation and superstrength. I've played with Warshades who RPed as being actual Nictus, or entities of death and darkness wielding netherworld power. And more than a couple of "Mages" of both ATs.

You are limited only by your willingness to bend the story to fit -you-.

That said I don't think, and never will think, they should be the "Only" Jack of All Trades AT. And never said as much. I only replied to the phallacy that they have to dwarf up to tank. Just get recharge through the nose and enjoy permahaster, perma-build-up, permalightform, and perma-dull-pain.
