The only thing I really want in CoH now




Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
What's wrong with archetype saturation? It isn't like Blasters can't attack. The amount of AoE cataclysmic devastation and support-based buffs/debuffs could cause some serious harm to the other mobs.
As I said, "for some of the content, anyway". And yes, single-AT teams can be fun, but some of the content would be extremely frustrating for the average player to go through with say, 8 blasters, or 8 tankers, or something like that. Keep in mind I'm saying that the random grouping of players should have a method of balancing teams, but that in itself might not be a good way to do it because of all the categories you'd have to employ and let players have input into it as to their own preferred playstyle.

For example, in a game released earlier this year they have a queuing system for their dungeons. There are only 4 different 'roles' that you can choose to describe yourself as: Tank, DPS, Support, Healer. There are requirements you must meet before you could describe yourself as any of them. And that didn't even account for 'ranged dps' or 'melee dps', or what type of support (buffs, debuffs, control, etc).

In CoH, there would have to be more categories for it. Tanks are self-explanatory, really. But when you get into other types of characters... say you have two blasters. One is Fire/NRG, the other Rad/Fire. Your Fire/NRG is designed to fight only at extended range, so you might flag him for ranged dps. Your Rad/Fire can fight both at range, but is purposely designed for PBAE attacks - would that count for melee DPS or ranged DPS?

The more I think about it the more I think the system would be complicated and not as user-friendly as one would hope without sacrificing something.



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post

Being serious for a minute, the LFG system is truly awful. Its not very good or efficient at producing teams and it entirely divorces game content from the game world.

Hate hate it
Nobody is saying it should replace the in-world contacts. At least, I don't think people are saying that.



Since when is a team of 8 Blasters not an awesome symphony of mayhem?



always. I did an all blaster ITF once and it was beautiful.

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
I'd be happy if I could use the LFG queue and actually join something without being in a team/league first.





On the "I'm not a leader" debate, here's my take: I teach classes at the local university. You'd think 20-something-year-olds would be more responsible with their future and their education, but they're not. In essence, many of my workdays are spent herding cats and trying to teach people something they couldn't give a crap about, and I do make an effort to make sure they at least learn something.

I haven't the slightest inclination to come home from work and herd cats in a game for "entertainment." I can be a leader if I chose to. You kind of have to to manage a class. Thing is - I don't want to. I'm done with planning, organisation, negotiation and so forth. Mostly when I play, I like to log in and get to playing, rather than being run through the ringer and forced to "socialise" for 30 minutes before I can play. City of Heroes doesn't pay nearly enough for me to do this.

On topic: I'd love the LFG Queue if it actually worked. By this, I mean, I'd love the LFG Queue if:

1. I could be left in the queue while in an instance. That way, I could queue for a Trial or a TF and then go about my business playing the game. That way, I never have to wait, because I'm always doing something I enjoy, and if a Trial or TF forms around me as I'm running a mission, all the better. Ask me if I want to join, then kick me out of my instance and abandon my mission.

2. Every Trial, TF and Raid, at the very least, were in the queue. Not just new stuff, not just iStuff. All Trials and TFs. Positron, Synapse, Bastion, the works. Respect Trials, too.

3. The LFT Queue let me queue for more than one task at a time. Suppose I want to run a TF. At my level range, I might be up for a Sister Psyche TF, a Bastion TF, an Ernesto Hess TF or a Moonfire TF. Let me queue for all of them and then take me out of the queue when I actually join one.

4. The LFT Queue showed the number of people queueing for a specific task, and the queue allowed me to specify the settings of the task I want to join, such as minimal team size or challenge setting. And please let joining a task in progress actually work. The Queue says I can, but I can't.

If those were the case, I'd team a lot more.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.