Screen Settings Resetting to Default on Log-In

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Hi, for the last few days, whenever I log on, my screen settings have reset to default. Even the positions of the windows resets. Any idea what's going on, here?



The window position thing is a known issue.

If by "screen settings", you mean resolution, I think that one's new. As far as I know, the window positions are stored server-side, and your resolution is stored locally, so they ought to be unconnected.

Quote of the moment: This, too, shall pass.
Justice superteamers: We have a website now, in case the forums get closed early. If you've ever run with us, come visit us again before the curtain falls. We're running bucket list characters--anything you've always wanted to play but never got around to.



we should be getting a fix for a lot of the bugs that cropped with with the thursday patch this tuesday



A "quick" fix for this is to set up your UI once, type /wdwsave to save it and when it resets either on zoning or when logging in you can use /wdwload to reset it with one command.

Of course if you have individual setups for each toon this isn't much help but it could help get you through until they publish a fix.

Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."



If you have individual setups for each toon, you can instead use /wdwsavefile filename to save the file (substituting the name of the file for filename). Then you would use /wdwloadfile filename to load that file.

For example, I have Texas Justice and Texas Toast using different window setups. For Texas Justice I'd type /wdwsavefile wdwJustice.txt to save the settings and /wdwloadfile wdwJustice.txt to load those settings. For Texas Toast I'd type /wdwsavefile wdwToast.txt to save the settings and /wdwloadfile wdwToast.txt to load them. Since these two are the only ones to use a different setup, I can then use /wdwsave on one of my other characters to save those settings and then /wdwload on any of those others to load them.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Thanks, all! A workaround and some assurance that it'll be fixed. I take that as a victory.



Well it should be fixed with today's patch, so no work-around needed