Research for a New Idea




Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Now don't paint yourself in a corner, because I know you have said and argued different in the past. I also think this is flat out wrong, as there are human powers that are very much not working well.
When did I argue that human form was lacking? It's bloody well the dominant form on a Peacebringer after the current changes went live. Or are you referring to the open beta forums for them, where I argued somewhat vehemently that the changes favored human form too much? I still feel that way, and the statement you quoted was bolded for sarcasm as much as for truth. It can compete with nova for damage (exceeding it in single target damage) and is more survivable than dwarf.

Non-synergistic mezzes and excessive knockback in its powers it might have, but in light of the changes made to its survival and damage it's unlikely that these will be fixed for fear of "overpowering" Peacebringers. Remember when Arbiter Hawk was going to look at the data and decide if knockback and pulsar needed fixing? I do believe it was I-21.5 - well, that's in the past now and I haven't seen any changes whatsoever.

I wonder if that means he's made his decision?

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I wonder if that means he's made his decision?
It certainly *seemed* that way when I was talking to Arbiter Hawk in the hallway before the Player Summit. I invited him to come to the Kheldian Forum and explain his position and reasoning ... so it could be UNDERSTOOD and ACCEPTED ... but so far, he hasn't done that.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Now don't paint yourself in a corner, because I know you have said and argued different in the past. I also think this is flat out wrong, as there are human powers that are very much not working well.

Sorry. Just had to jump in on that.

Since people are discussing them... I'm not sure why VEATs do not mesh with me so much. When I play them, I just think about how much more I could be doing with another AT type. They step on every other AT's toes too much, probably, but I still feel like I'd be better off just grabbing a Stalker, Scrapper, Blaster, etc. I have the same issues with Defenders and Corruptors usually, though. I tend to be an "all in there, I don't really care how much I'm debuffing, I want to be smashing or tanking" kind of player.

Kheldians are much more in the enemy's face, to my mind, and I like that.
If you're the kind of smashing/tanking type. You should check out my Idea that I'm in the process of refining. See what it could add?



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
When did I argue that human form was lacking? It's bloody well the dominant form on a Peacebringer after the current changes went live. Or are you referring to the open beta forums for them, where I argued somewhat vehemently that the changes favored human form too much? I still feel that way, and the statement you quoted was bolded for sarcasm as much as for truth. It can compete with nova for damage (exceeding it in single target damage) and is more survivable than dwarf.
I used the quote tool so you would know what I was responding to. Here it is again.

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
4. Heh. Nothing on the planet is wrong with PB human form. NOTHING. Come to think of it, I don't have any heartburn with Warshade's human form, either.
There is something wrong with Pulsar, blatantly so (and you have argued that... which is what I was calling you on). Warshades have superior mez (and not just their equivalent to Pulsar) and can do as well or better in the damage department.

We've also argued that the KB IS an issue, and it's not overpowering. The human powers and Solar Flare in particular are what we have focused on. So that's all I was reminding you of.

I have no clue what Arbiter Hawk is planning or thinking. He seems like to like playing things close to the vest and not post much until something is "done" or in test, unfortunately. I can understand why, given how some players respond, but it is something I have liked devs doing in the past.

I don't think I21.5 was a target for anything, though. These ".5" issues seem to be more about trials, etc., than big power tweaks. I certainly was not expecting our new formshift animation before I22, given what he said about it this summer. Trust me, if I22 hits and I don't see anything for Kheldians, there is going to be a post on the subject in the beta and main forums.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
There is something wrong with Pulsar, blatantly so (and you have argued that... which is what I was calling you on). Warshades have superior mez (and not just their equivalent to Pulsar) and can do as well or better in the damage department.
PBs have superior Tanker like qualities. They're not meant to mirror eachother. If you gave Stygian Circle to PBs, PBs would waste Warshades in terms of DPS, because the heals and endurance could be there to keep it going. WS could be envious of PBs and PBs could be envious of WS. I see with peoples builds they'll have a WS and have a PB and they're practically trying to turn the PB into their WS. Why bother? Why have both? I am perfectly happy to find two characters with two different deals going wherever I can myself.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
PBs have superior Tanker like qualities. They're not meant to mirror eachother. If you gave Stygian Circle to PBs, PBs would waste Warshades in terms of DPS, because the heals and endurance could be there to keep it going.
What? Stygian Circle has nothing to do with Warshade DPS. In fact it's actually inadvisable to use it because it interrupts damage output. Peacebringers already have substantially more raw survivability against anything but Psi damage anyways due to their ability to have much more HP and mirror Warshade's defense and resistance numbers.
WS could be envious of PBs and PBs could be envious of WS. I see with peoples builds they'll have a WS and have a PB and they're practically trying to turn the PB into their WS. Why bother? Why have both? I am perfectly happy to find two characters with two different deals going wherever I can myself.
They play very differently but are similar creatures- They just use different means to achieve most of the same goals. That argument could be applied to anything- Why make a Tank if you have a Brute already? Why make an Electric armor Scrapper if you already have a Willpower Scrapper? Different things while serving the same general purpose and functioning in a similar way can still provide enough variety to be worth having.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
What? Stygian Circle has nothing to do with Warshade DPS. In fact it's actually inadvisable to use it because it interrupts damage output.
Stygian Circle is what can provide you with the much needed endurance to maintain DPS.

Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Peacebringers already have substantially more raw survivability against anything but Psi damage anyways due to their ability to have much more HP and mirror Warshade's defense and resistance numbers.
Survivability is dependent on conditions, under the conditions where a Warshade would thrive using Stygian Circle, a PB could die. Under conditions where PBs survive, a Warshade could die.

Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
They play very differently but are similar creatures- They just use different means to achieve most of the same goals. That argument could be applied to anything- Why make a Tank if you have a Brute already? Why make an Electric armor Scrapper if you already have a Willpower Scrapper? Different things while serving the same general purpose and functioning in a similar way can still provide enough variety to be worth having.
Why make a Tanker when you have a Brute already? Well if someone has a Brute that can out Tank one of my Tanks versus all content I'd like to see it. The Developers of this game have no intention of making Tankers immortal, with a lower mortality line than Tankers, Brutes are certainly not.

I have an Electric Scrapper and a Willpower Scrapper, I don't try to turn them into the same thing. They survive by different means. If I did try to turn them into the same thing then I wouldn't be sitting here wondering why some people do (as near as damn it) the same thing with a peacebringer as they do a warshade. My peacebringer can do things for a team my warshade can't. Both aren't simply human form, enter group, damage group, go to next group.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.