Halloween trial walkthrough, extras, & hidden goodies *** Spoilers & lots of pictures ***




((My little solo adventure this week. Enjoyed by getting a second account to go AFK at the entrance and pre-arranging for the other two to quit so I was the only one active on the map.))

Meandered through the Halloween trial, I enjoyed the goodies it contained...

Temp Jobs

Barker, the old-school CoT greeter, kept up a steady stream of random 'cheerful' greetings:
- "Are YOU ready for heart-stopping terror?"
- "Come one, come all!"
- "Enter Dr. Kane's House of Horror if you dare!"
- "Hurry inside! We need more limbs!"
- "Step inside, we need your flesh!"
- "Step right up! Horror awaits you!"
- "You'll have the fright of your life!"
- "You'll pay to see the whole house, but you'll only use THE GRAVE!"

Have to feel for the random Costumed Employee nearby, thought, who all had the Info description of: "Even the best costumes can't take the boredom out of lumbering around and pretending to be a scary zombie all day."

The Seasonal Actor zombies and mystic digging up bodies beneath the delightfully gnarled branches made no comment, but I rather think their actions spoke louder than any words.


As well as the traditional R.I.P. there were some more... ominous captions on the headstones.



"The Good
Die Young"
AGE: 102

Lew Carroll
Feb 7th - May 9th
to be continued...

Extra Boss

Then there was the Devil Girl (left side of the mansion) to make a pack with, offering a Dark Pact.

Around the sides of the house there were grins everywhere. Well, except at Bored Gal and Bored Guy, who were complaining about being hungry with a huge cauldron of snacks an arm's reach away. I know kids are lazy now-a-days, but sheesh!

The Devil Girl apparently ate some bad candy, too, because she had fainted away after screaming "NOOOOOO!!" for all to hear. That, or she was overcome by The Black Whip; a red demon with the rhyming Info description of: "A hellish visage of violence and pain. It came to ruin someone's day."

Knock Knock

The line of Haunted House Attendees right outside the entrance was suitably eclectic.

They were greeted by Mr. Morturary, a grim name if there ever was one, who proclaimed: "Anyone who wears a costume for a living may enter free of charge. Go right in."

Stopping to talk with him was... enlightening. People were going missing inside. No wonder they were letting professional capes in free. Hoping the missing persons would be recovered for them before a media fiasco, no doubt.

*** I was a little distracted from this though by my absolutely favorite part nearby. *raises arms up* Doggie!

Better yet was what happened when typing [Wolf Pet] in chat and clicking on the resulting text to get an Info window which said: "Wolf Pet / Summon Wolf Pet / Inherent / You can use this power to call a wolf companion to accompany you. It cannot be damaged and will not engage in combat."

Whoohoo! *happy dance*

Anybody Home?

The front door hadn't even shut after entering when voices started talking over top of each other.

A shambling zombie Costumed Employee - "We will eat your flesh!"
A waiting Haunted House Attendee - "Anyone been in there yet?"
An ominous voice proclaiming - "Thrillseekers line up for their turn to be terrified."
Rutha Salk complained - "Oh, great! More costumed freaks just cutting in line. I am SO tired of waiting!"
The disembodied voice continued - "But the smell of blood hangs in the stale air."

And Rutha Salk, at the front of the line, continued to have nothing nice to say:
- "Hey guys you said this place was scary. I'm NOT scared."
- "I could spit a better haunted house."
- "I thought you said you were going to strip the flesh from my bones. Come on, guys, my skin is still here!"
- "Newsflash - haunted house filled with guys in bad zombie costumes."
- "This place was supposed to be scary! I want to be scared to DEATH!"
- "Those zombie costumes are SO lame!"
- "What IS the hold up?"

When I tried to tell her the place might actually be haunted she was... less than believing. For someone who was completely not enjoying themselves, they were quite determined to stay and ruin the atmosphere for everyone else. Hmm, reminds me of some trollers I know.

Ignoring naysayers, the inside was everything that could be asked for from a classic haunted mansion. And you know you did something right when the mounts of candy looks just as dangerous as the eyes peeking in the windows or the blood-painted HAPPY HALLOWEEN banner.


Down the hall, fun and games had hardly started before trouble emerged from its grave as an Reanimated Corpse tore at a fallen Haunted House Attendee.

Around the corner there was greater problems than sparking lights half-torn from the wall. Reanimated Corpses and a Ravenous Reanimated Corpse growled "Freesh Braaains!" while they made a feast of more than the fly-ridden food in the dining hall. Those Haunted House Attendee who still stood first exclaimed: "This is TOO real!", then "I'm not sticking around!" once the Corpses were chased away.

The same scene played over and over, watched by glowing-eyed hunting trophies and peeling paintings, through the lounge, the hallway, the library, and more. I would have thought the Attendees would have gotten a Clue long before they reached the guest room!

Down into the dungeon

Once again I raised my arms and cried Doggie! at the stairwell.

My jubilation was interrupted by a shrieking voice crying: "What is wrong with the flesh? Is it that it clings to the backs of the living?"
As if that wasn't creepy enough, it continued: "All flesh must be taken! The abomination will become more than human!"

The storage room was unnerving for its neat and orderly presentation.

If not for another fallen Attendee it would be easy to believe a wrong turn had been taken.

Better hope that your health insurance is paid up

Such concerns didn't last long, for immediately after was Dr. Kane, eager to play mad doctor.

Emphasis on Mad.

The sinister voice declared: "The madman himself, Dr. Kane."
It continued: "His eyes dissect you as a butcher evaluates a side of meat."

Dr. Kane spoke up: "What have we here? More flesh for the taking?
Exiting out the far door, Dr. Kane offered a parting shot: "Let's have a bit of fun first, shall we? Let me introduce you to my pets..."

One zombie cleaning later and there wasn't much left to do in the lab but note all the victims in the cells and on the table.

It's official: This haunted house is rated T for Trouble.

It just gets better and better

The door led to a poorly-fortified area that looks like a pirate's hideout... or a thieves escape tunnel.

Sure enough, the voice prompts to give chance to the retreating Dr. Kane in its own version of encouragements: "The smell of decay and littered corpses betray Dr. Kane's dark secret as a defiler of the dead."
It teases: "But to what end is this madman working?"
The grin is practically visible: "The shuffling of cold, dead feet heralds the walking dead and promises that more of Dr. Kane's horrors await you."

A single grinning pumpkin watches from above the door as the Reanimated Corpses, Ravenous Reanimated Corpses, Exploding Corpses, and Lurkers give way under determined pursuit.

I see you

After a slog fest or four, Dr. Kane was located.

Before confronting the man, if he still deserved such a title, a reflection of his known Info was enlightening: "Dr. Kane / Master of Horror - Mad Scientist / Dr. Kane began his career as a dermatologist working for the hazardous waste division of Monoclasty Chemical Company when a fluke accident rendered the doctor mad. Retreating to his mansion, the doctor began working with subjects exhumed from the graveyard behind his home. The results have thus far been chilling."

When approached, Dr. Kane began an obviously well-practiced speech:
- "Welcome to my underground lair!"
- "You will make fine playthings for the Abomination..."
- "But first, meet one of my most prized failures. I call him Experiment Number Nine!"

Obediently the hill of flesh behind Dr. Kane rose and began to lumber forward while its master once more escaped. Between exchanged blows a bit of Info was reviewed: "Experiment Number Nine / Dr. Kane's Horrors - Arch-villain / One of Dr. Kane's most foul experiments, this beast is a mass of vile flesh taken from many sources."

Charming fellow, that Mr. Nine. Fell most satisfactorily when taken down.

Let's finish this

Out off the cave, bats flew, mist chilled...

... and Dr. Kane waited to continue his monologue:
- "That's far enough!"
- "Into the web stumbles the prey!"
- "And now for a 'little' surprise."
- "Meet my greatest work..."

Dr. Kane steps aside to let his work charge forward. Which while not any more of a conversationalist than the gravediggers, its actions equally lectured of the insanity behind its creation. Such Info could be succulently put as: "The Abomination / Dr. Kane's Horrors - Monster / This mass of flesh and machine is Dr. Kane's greatest creation."

About half way through the battle Dr. Kane was shocked that things were not going his way. In his own words: "What? This Can't be happening!"
Half of the remaining half, Dr. Kane screamed: "Abomination! I command you! Eat them!"
And when his, er, 'little' pet fell at last, Dr. Kane lamented: "You've ruined everything!"

Poking the kneeling doctor wasn't very enlightening. He was hopelessly determined to spread suffering in one form or another, unable to conceive doing something to the betterment of mankind with his talent.

Determined to prove himself evil forevermore, Dr. Kane had the gall to start ranting:
- "Do you know how many trick or treaters it took to make that thing?!"
- "I will rebuild him! Just you wait!"
- "Leave me to my grief!"
- "What have you done?"
- "You meddling fools! You've destroyed my favorite pet!"

After that he only muttered to himself. So after posing for one final photo op, Dr. Kane was left to wallow in the ruins.

((Yeah, the pictures weren't the best quality, were they? Guess you'll have to explore the trial yourself to see all the goodies for yourself. ;-> ))



Nice job!



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
What, you didn't go talk to the "good" Doctor afterward?
"Poking the kneeling doctor wasn't very enlightening. He was hopelessly determined to spread suffering in one form or another, unable to conceive doing something to the betterment of mankind with his talent." is my version of what he said when you click on Dr. Kane after completing the Trial.



Huh. Well, I've had a running back and forth - though I've mostly done it on heroes.

If anything, the "You think you've beaten me?" (Reply: "Yep. Kicked your butt.") starter is amusing. There's not a lot past that.



Better yet was what happened when typing [Wolf Pet] in chat and clicking on the resulting text to get an Info window which said: "Wolf Pet / Summon Wolf Pet / Inherent / You can use this power to call a wolf companion to accompany you. It cannot be damaged and will not engage in combat."
Nice. I also thought the wolves were the best part. So cute.

Here's hoping we never fight wolves/dogs, hate having to do that in games even if they're rabid, possessed, demonic or whatever.



Went through one more run before the event gets taken down in a couple hours, trying to find any goodies that might have been missed.

I prodded the broken section atop the mansion roof (turned out not an alternate entry, but maybe by next year there will be enough wear to gain access to the attic), climbed the library ladder, swam the water under the bridge in the tunnel, and swatted at lots and LOTS of cobwebs.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Nice. I also thought the wolves were the best part. So cute.

Here's hoping we never fight wolves/dogs, hate having to do that in games even if they're rabid, possessed, demonic or whatever.
As opposed to killing people, men, women? Yes, those pooor dogs.



Awesome write up!



A couple other touches were missed in the initial write-up:

  • The mounted heads eyes' had a fade-in and out glow.
  • Halloween version "American Gothic" painting.
  • If you went to the left side (facing the Abomination) of the area in front of the graveyard, the sky turned from a sickly green to blue-black and lost the fog.

I'll see if I can find the pictures later.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
A couple other touches were missed in the initial write-up:
  • The mounted heads eyes' had a fade-in and out glow.
  • Halloween version "American Gothic" painting.
  • If you went to the left side (facing the Abomination) of the area in front of the graveyard, the sky turned from a sickly green to blue-black and lost the fog.

I'll see if I can find the pictures later.
I missed the sky changes. While I was obsessive at looking at the ceiling inside the mansion in case there was something to spot, outside I was too busy looking at gravestones to think of looking at the sky. Thanks for that tip, Snow Globe!

I did hint at the first two with this part in the original post: "The same scene played over and over, watched by glowing-eyed hunting trophies and peeling paintings..."



The haunted house was very well done. The trial itself was OK, nothing to write home about. The warning on the Abomination's specials was a bit too short; some of my melees got KO'd repeatedly due to their own animations.

I had hoped the event would be prolonged a day or two to accommodate those of us in the Northeast who lost net service to Snowtober, but c'est la guerre.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
As opposed to killing people, men, women? Yes, those pooor dogs.
Yep, no problem with violence against humankind here. I feel little empathy for a species that enslaves the rest of the animal kingdom, kills or exploits members of its own species on a large scale, ruins the environment, makes up religions to justify the atrocities it commits, and does all of the above consciously, and despite that, considers itself as superior... And gets offended whenever someone might not share that point of view.

Plus, you can't pat humans on the head, they aren't cute and they aren't loyal. Dogs are definitely better.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The warning on the Abomination's specials was a bit too short; some of my melees got KO'd repeatedly due to their own animations.
Server lag didn't help. I had characters KO'd when on my screen they were miles away.

I say "server" lag because I am almost always first to zone in so my machine and internet connection is pretty good.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
I missed the sky changes. While I was obsessive at looking at the ceiling inside the mansion in case there was something to spot, outside I was too busy looking at gravestones to think of looking at the sky. Thanks for that tip, Snow Globe!
If you went to the correct spot, it wasn't just the sky... all the green disappeared.

Special spot:

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



*makes note for next year*

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!