Wipe AE when large changes go live

Adeon Hawkwood



When large mission-altering patch changes go live with regards to AE, please considering wiping all the non-dev's choice/guest author arcs from the interface.

Many, many of the arcs currently in AE are unusable thanks to various changes, and their authors are uninterested in updating them.

Those authors interested in continuing to work with AE will tweak their missions and re-upload them.

Those who are gone, or no longer interested, won't keep clogging up the AE interface with missions that are essentially dead.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
When large mission-altering patch changes go live with regards to AE, please considering wiping all the non-dev's choice/guest author arcs from the interface.

Many, many of the arcs currently in AE are unusable thanks to various changes, and their authors are uninterested in updating them.

Those authors interested in continuing to work with AE will tweak their missions and re-upload them.

Those who are gone, or no longer interested, won't keep clogging up the AE interface with missions that are essentially dead.
That would wipe out number of plays and the age of an arc, which is useful information for people who're looking for something solid to play.

I'd say, instead, wipe out arcs that haven't been touched by the authors in X number of months.

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Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
That would wipe out number of plays and the age of an arc, which is useful information for people who're looking for something solid to play.
This is a fair point. One suggestion I have seen before for handling this is to make all existing arcs "inactive". An inactive arc remains in the system and retains it's rating/plays but will not appear in player searches until the arc creator goes in and re-publishes it.

The advantage of this is that in addition to avoiding issues with arcs losing their ratings it also avoids the issues associated with an arc creator who has lost the locally stored files for their arc.

All in all though I like the suggestion, clearing out the old, broken arcs from the system seems like a very good idea to me.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
This is a fair point. One suggestion I have seen before for handling this is to make all existing arcs "inactive". An inactive arc remains in the system and retains it's rating/plays but will not appear in player searches until the arc creator goes in and re-publishes it.

The advantage of this is that in addition to avoiding issues with arcs losing their ratings it also avoids the issues associated with an arc creator who has lost the locally stored files for their arc.

All in all though I like the suggestion, clearing out the old, broken arcs from the system seems like a very good idea to me.
That seems like a good compromise. I suggested a full wipe because of the memory drain on the AE system in storing all those arcs, but putting them in an inactive state where they can't be used until the author re-publishes them is better for the players in the long run, even if it costs a bit more memory.




Inactive or unplayed arcs don't cost "memory." They take up storage space on the hard drive(s.) They'll take up memory (and CPU cycles) when active.

That aside, give a 30, 10 and 5 day warning beforehand, then go ahead and wipe any invalid arcs. Broken farms, arcs that have been broken by patches and not fixed in however long, etc. Or a total wipe, for that matter. I really wouldn't argue. Not sure if I'd republish some of mine, TBH. They'd *have* to introduce UI improvements, though, at the same time. "Story" and "Non-story" tabs. Revised ratings (thumbs up/down, plays vs completes, etc.) All the things that have been mentioned over and over again.



I agree with everything in this thread. A clean slate would help AE out immensely, and might actually revitalize my desire to go play around in there. It's such a mess right now that I won't even bother.



Nuke em from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.



I just want them to fix the damn censor already, so I can have my arcs work again

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
This is a fair point. One suggestion I have seen before for handling this is to make all existing arcs "inactive". An inactive arc remains in the system and retains it's rating/plays but will not appear in player searches until the arc creator goes in and re-publishes it.

The advantage of this is that in addition to avoiding issues with arcs losing their ratings it also avoids the issues associated with an arc creator who has lost the locally stored files for their arc.
That would still lose from the search interface good arcs whose creators don't play any longer. Maybe it would be possible to have an arc reactivated by someone other than the creator playing through it? There could be an option in the 'Played Arcs' page to show inactive arcs.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
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Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
That would still lose from the search interface good arcs whose creators don't play any longer. Maybe it would be possible to have an arc reactivated by someone other than the creator playing through it? There could be an option in the 'Played Arcs' page to show inactive arcs.
I think that would be a small price to pay for having all the inactive test and broken farms and missions whose play-through no longer works removed from the interface.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I just want them to fix the damn censor already, so I can have my arcs work again
This. I haven't bothered fixing my arc because *THEY* unintentionally broke some of the content in it and haven't given us a fix yet.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
That would still lose from the search interface good arcs whose creators don't play any longer. Maybe it would be possible to have an arc reactivated by someone other than the creator playing through it? There could be an option in the 'Played Arcs' page to show inactive arcs.
Well the main goal of the system is to remove any arcs that don't have someone saying "I believe that this arc is still a valid arc". The primary advantage of having the arc owner be the one to do it is that it allows them to make fixes to the arc if required. I don't necessarily object to your suggestion but at the same time it's not a something I'd be hugely keen on.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
When large mission-altering patch changes go live with regards to AE, please considering wiping all the non-dev's choice/guest author arcs from the interface.

Many, many of the arcs currently in AE are unusable thanks to various changes, and their authors are uninterested in updating them.

Those authors interested in continuing to work with AE will tweak their missions and re-upload them.

Those who are gone, or no longer interested, won't keep clogging up the AE interface with missions that are essentially dead.
You assume that I'd be able to get the # of plays, the rating, and the arc ID# I had back when I had hope for the system back.

This would throw out a lot of babies with that bathwater.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Well the main goal of the system is to remove any arcs that don't have someone saying "I believe that this arc is still a valid arc". The primary advantage of having the arc owner be the one to do it is that it allows them to make fixes to the arc if required. I don't necessarily object to your suggestion but at the same time it's not a something I'd be hugely keen on.
Why not? If players other than the author had to play through the arc before they can flag it as active, then it would by definition have to be a valid arc that someone had checked out for playability.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



How about give a 30-day time period where all the arcs are still available, and add to the feedback window that a player submits "Should this arc be preserved? yes/no" If even one person says yes, than the arc stays. If everyone who plays it says no (or nobody plays it in that 30 day period, an indicator in and of itself) Then the arc gets removed from the search display, either through some "inactive" tag that the maker of the arc can remove, or by deleting the arc entirely.



How about a different system.

After an arc you can rate it. How about adding a selection to that that says "Currently Unplayable" or some such. An Unplayable flag immediately sends an email to owner. Then AE shows the number of times the arc was rated Unplayable since it's last edit. If you edit and reload your Arc it resets the Unplayable flag.

This would also make a nice selection criteria for avoiding/finding arcs.

Whether the devs want to clear out Arcs flagged unplayable and not updated for X days is another issue.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.