The Day Choice was Banned
The stuff you can buy with Empyrean Merits is remarkably overpriced if they make this change. (which is not to say it's reasonably priced now)
I'm kind of talking out my *** right now, since I haven't actually ~done~ any of the incarnate stuff (I just started playing again, get off my back), but the system I see work in most games is diminishing rewards for spamming the same content over and over again.
If I was a developer I'd want people playing all the things that I made, because, you know, I made them. I would think it'd make more sense for them to offer x rewards for the first time you do the mission, then x-y rewards the second time, and so on, and then it resets at the end of the week or something.
I still think you should do that ebola thing, though.
Well, you might also notice that Keyes' difficulty is getting nerfed into the ground.
But I do agree that taking Empyreans out for *unlocking* those slots is extreme. I think they should key it on, say, having crafted 3 different t3 abilities.
Well, you might also notice that Keyes' difficulty is getting nerfed into the ground.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Hello everyone,
As there is already a feedback thread in the VIP Beta forums for these patch notes, I am going to close this thread, so that we don't have multiple instances of the same discussion. Please continue this discussion in this thread.
Thank you for understanding,
Moderator 13
Nota Bene: If you are concerned about visibility for this discussion, please note that all VIP players have access to the VIP Beta Forums.
Well, look at this lovely little gem I found in the now open Beta Forums for the I21.5 changes;
Incarnate Rewards
So, heaven help you if you don't like Keyes and Underground but are happy to pootle along on Lambda and BAF. Heaven really help you if, like me, your drop rates are about as...well, theres not decent analogy for that. 'Pants' is the best I can do.
Ok, yes. 'People need to play these new trials we made!' Do you not think that is going to happen ANYWAY? I see UG and Keyes being run fairly frequently, despite being someone who cannot stand Keyes, and would rather it went and found a deep hole to fall into.
I didn't sit down with a spreadsheet crunching percentages before deciding I liked BAF and Lambda; I decided I liked them because, get this; they were FUN. Yes, Lambda's corridors could become a pain when everyone ran off and I got taught by homing missiles of doom from the Heavy Commanders. Yes, BAFs auto-hit turrets made me swear.
But I could run them and not try and tear my mouse in half and still, slowly, work on getting Empyreans, since that was the only reasonable way I was ever going to get Rare components, thanks to my utterly abysmal drop rates.
And now Fun, apparently, is no longer acceptable. You WILL do the new trials, citizen, and you will like them! Yes indeed, you will yum them up and how DARE you want to have choice in what you do! I over-reacting? Should I make like Spider Jerusalem and instead go hide up in the mountains with auto-turrets on the lawn and an ebola bomb under the toiler?
Or is this an incredibly 'Richard' move that should not see the light of Live?