So, this Arbiter has something to say...




I was watching Dancing with the Stars, and saw THIS...

I just want to say..



So, let's talk in-game fashion, it's been a while, and we have new options.

*sips espresso*

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



uhhh what?



Originally Posted by Equation View Post

The one on the right or the one on the left?

Originally Posted by Equation View Post
So, let's talk in-game fashion, it's been a while, and we have new options.
What would you suggest this season for the cranially challenged? Should they try to play down the jar or accessorise with it?

Also, Snakes, why did it have to be snakes?

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Does this Victorian Steampunk belt make my butt look big?
You say that like it's a bad thing >_>



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
You say that like it's a bad thing >_>
Zamuel, that is the caption to your avatar

I am a bit annoyed that wide-leg denim is coming back. Never really liked it. That said, I hate the skinny jeans look too, so hopefully that will be out. Give me a graphic tee, boot-cut jeans, and a leather cycle jacket, and I'm good to go.

Or were you talking about in-game fashion? If that's the case, in Serge I trust. How he manages to tailor plate-metal is still beyond me...

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



In Serge you trust? Oh poodle poodle.. Don't you know why I stole his kheldian sashes? He was going to make legwarmers for heads with them!

As for the cranially challenged, I find it's a fascinating way to see the beauty within! The fact that so many have found inventive way to remove the jar still gives me a happy squeeful jump of joy.

I find that the retro Victoriana attire is very amazing at being an assessorizing tool, kudos to those who are inspired by it, although that clock belt I would love for myself.

I feel our new gothic attire as well as our recently acquired fish friends will be welcome to those of us with distinguished tastes.

As for what to do with some of them, I have honestly had SO little time to explore these options, but I have caught wind of many would be Clockwork Kings running amok...

Show me what you've done!

With Love,

Arbiter Reginald Trebuchet Fabulous of Arachnos. -Bowl and Doily Spider Division-

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



Dear Arbie Fab,

The Facemaker just came out with her (?) new fall line, and I must say it's wonderful! I have been wearing my wedding dress for a while now as I comb the Isles looking for my husband, Demetrios. For the season, I was thinking about going with something a bit more 1935 Elsa Lanchester.

However, I'm not thoroughly satisfied with what I have come up with so far.

Am I already fabulous and just have new bride jitters, or am I in fashion peril? Should I stick with the thigh-high boots for sexiness, or go with leg wrappings for authenticity? Does Demetrios even know that the slight case of the deads I came down with on our wedding night proved to be temporary?

Also: the Beehive hair obscures the neck bolts, and that just makes me sad.

Yours in love,

Bride of Vahzilok

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!