Noticed any increase in player population?

Agent White



Yes, I've seen considerably more players running around on Victory.

Unless I head to Praetoria >>



I've noticed a lot more people on Freedom, there's consistently Atlas Park 2, 3, 4 and even Steel Canyon 2.

However, the game is also very quiet and teaming opportunities shrank for me, as someone who's willing to join a team but not put in the effort to make one.



Virtue is bursting with new life! It's great to see people flying around the lower levels like steels and skyway for a change!

I just wish I could talk to them



I've noticed new people on Victory myself, however 9 out of 10 times I try to speak to a free player they always blank me, or in the case of two different players, one was a mute who ignored everything I said (after blind-inviting me) and then another actually had the respect to talk a bit.

Seemed like the only willing participants happened to be returning premiums.

Helping new people is harrrd :<

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



I've noticed a lot more players redside than previously.

However, I have to say I have never ever EVER used a Peak Concurrent in my life!!! It's lies and you can't prove anything!!!!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post

I just wish I could talk to them
I know!!! I tried to invite new players to my team to show them good time but I can't send them PMs (or rather they can't reply but they can read my messages?)

I used the Search function to find players around my level. I can't tell if they can "reply" or not.

Are "free" players searchable or the results always show vip and premium? It would be nice if the search results don't show "free" accounts because it's pointless to send them PMs and me waiting for their replies... lol

Just my 2cents. I understand the company wants people to "pay" but I just don't know if restricting PMs is a good idea. I see both pros and cons but I think there's more pros in letting people "communicate".

This is not a Mobile Wireless/Telephone company where you need to pay to "talk"! This is an Online Game where you need players to survive and restricting PM is tough to invite new players.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



as with others ive seen a increase on victory, definitly feels more lively



I've noticed that there is a pretty solid increase in players running around on both my global, and in the 1-30 range zones the last few weeks over on Virtue.

The downside is with all these new powersets coming out it's getting a litle rough trying to get Incarnate trials started up during my playtime. That will of course improve once the next trial or power slot is unlocked..but it sure is killing my progression on alts.