Windfall: Yay or Nay?




Has anyone been doing any concrete testing to determine just how much better drops are with Windfall active? I mean I'm not expecting a guaranteed purple each time I use it or anything, but I was just curious as to its exact effects and what level range benefits most from its use.

Also, has its effectiveness been measured against how many PPs it takes to purchase a bundle, or the benefits of selecting windfalls as a Paragon Reward over anything else (which would probably be subjective, as some people might prefer unslotters or boosters)?

My curiosity is matched only by my laziness, which prevents me from doing much testing myself =/


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I've done a number of runs on the Harvey Maylor demon farm map (both solo and teamed) using Windfall, and I see a noticeable increase in drops -- however, in my experience it's been most dramatic with salvage (including rares, for what that's worth).

We are planning to set up a Tin Mage TF run where all team members pop Windfall before the fight with Neuron, and then farm his spawned clones for awhile, just to see what happens.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



I'm curious about how they work as well. I was on a team with a guy who used one (just me and 2 others) and i got a purple within 10 minutes of him using windfall, and he got one 5 minutes later. In this group he was high level and i was tagging along so he was doing most of the killing.

It's as if HIS using of windfall effected my outcome by virtue of it passing through his kills somehow.



Originally Posted by pearofpance1 View Post
I'm curious about how they work as well. I was on a team with a guy who used one (just me and 2 others) and i got a purple within 10 minutes of him using windfall, and he got one 5 minutes later. In this group he was high level and i was tagging along so he was doing most of the killing.

It's as if HIS using of windfall effected my outcome by virtue of it passing through his kills somehow.
Random is random. his windfall did not effect you in any way shape or form. Unfortunately the human brain is possibly the most powerful pattern detection device on earth. So powerful that we find patterns where none exist. Especially on very small data sets (like your "set" of one datum).

Also, for drops, it has never mattered who did the killing. Probably never will.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Random is random. his windfall did not effect you in any way shape or form. Unfortunately the human brain is possibly the most powerful pattern detection device on earth. So powerful that we find patterns where none exist. Especially on very small data sets (like your "set" of one datum).
Maybe so but I still smile when, in mission, I pop a yellow and announce to the team that I have to get my 1st miss out of the way so it starts working and.... every single time that 1st swing is a miss!

Now I know it doesn't work that way, but no matter what, whenever I've announced it I've always been lucky enough to get the miss, thus increasing the perception that it indeed, makes you miss.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I have run hard with Windfall twice on 50s. I've gotten no rare drops except temp powers, no shards, etc.

Then I went and played another 50 without windfall and of course for 2 shards right away and a rare boss recipe.

So yeah I hate the PRNG.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
Sometimes I gather the team for a small RNG God prayer and sacrifice a squishy to the RPG hopes that I get a purple drop.

Unfortunately the RNG God needs a serverful of sacrifices...still he is not appeased!
I always suspected the RNG God was chaotic evil.

Hmm, maybe we could bribe the devs to accidentally make Freedom's Atlas Park #1 and Virtue's Pocket D both become free-for-all PvP zones (convince the servers they're both using Warburg rules) for about 30 minutes prime time Friday evening. That should be enough sacrificial victims.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I used Windfall whenever I am on iTrial run and the last one I had 11 iThread drops, plus a few orange recipe drops and orange salvage.

I considering that a Yay.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Has anyone been doing any concrete testing to determine just how much better drops are with Windfall active? I mean I'm not expecting a guaranteed purple each time I use it or anything, but I was just curious as to its exact effects and what level range benefits most from its use.

Also, has its effectiveness been measured against how many PPs it takes to purchase a bundle, or the benefits of selecting windfalls as a Paragon Reward over anything else (which would probably be subjective, as some people might prefer unslotters or boosters)?

My curiosity is matched only by my laziness, which prevents me from doing much testing myself =/
I used the three I was granted when i21 went live.

My normal rate is one purple on the Demon farm with my SS/FA brute. I was right at 3 per hour with windfall active.

I normally hit 18-22 recipes a run on the Demon farm I was getting high 30's low 40's with windfall active.

Since purples are about the only drops that are worth selling it was a nice increase but it didn't push my inf/min close to what I could get ticket farming so I won't be buying any others.

Global: @Kelig