Now everyone's a villainface :(




Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I DID lose 2 faces in the CoH/CoV face merger, including a character using Glowing Eyes that now uses Supernatural Face 13 and Alpha Aura on her eyes, but I haven't lost any this time, male or female.
Glowing Eyes is still in there. All you have to do is select Supernatural Face 13:

Make sure the Pattern selected is None:

Click the left arrow on the patterns entry once...

And voila!

It's the exact same thing you do to get any costume piece's unique pattern, like Justice or Defense.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



All I know is that for femals the nice curved eye lash is now one going from the lower brow up in a strong curve. Making her look angry.

I hate it (for this toon). Is it so hard to keep both models?

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
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- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
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- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
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Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
Since you prefer one of the two, and I prefer one of the two, and Starflier prefers one of the two, wouldn't it be nice if the costume creator let us all make our own choice?
There isn't that big of a difference to merit a "choice." Aside from more realistic shading, they are not different at all. Even your claim about one having a wider grin is bogus.

Really, your argument boils down to this:

Superman drawn with minimal to no shading = Hero we all know and love

Superman with significant shading = OH NOES HE HAZ BECOME TEH VILLAINZ!!!1!!one

It is one of the most fallacious arguments I have ever run into. Your grin textures are the same damn expression!



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
more realistic shading
How is "more realistic" an objective, measurable reality from which there can be no disagreement? What looks like realistic shading to you looks like goth eyeliner to me. Your preference isn't better than mine.

Even your claim about one having a wider grin is bogus.
The proof is in the pixels. The villain version's lower lip has been photoshopped two pixels upward, creating a longer chin, a shorter face, and a smile that's at about a pixel smaller from top to bottom. That is an objective, measurable reality.

It is one of the most fallacious arguments I have ever run into.
The altered faces were named "Villain Faces" in the tailor when CoV launched. For a time, they were locked to redside toons, while blueside toons were locked to the original faces. Even after the merge, the altered faces are labeled with the letter "v" in the internal game code, while the original faces have no "v".

There's no other reasonable conclusion here. The altered faces are villain faces.



Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
The proof is in the pixels. The villain version's lower lip has been photoshopped two pixels upward, creating a longer chin, a shorter face, and a smile that's at about a pixel smaller from top to bottom. That is an objective, measurable reality.
That's height not width. Objectively.

The altered faces were named "Villain Faces" in the tailor when CoV launched. For a time, they were locked to redside toons, while blueside toons were locked to the original faces. Even after the merge, the altered faces are labeled with the letter "v" in the internal game code, while the original faces have no "v".

There's no other reasonable conclusion here. The altered faces are villain faces.
There is, in fact, another reasonable conclusion. CoV was its own game, originally, yet it could also be installed in combination with CoH. They made new faces for it which made the old CoH textures stand out poorly, so they gave the old faces higher detail to make them not standout so badly. Since the games could be installed together, the improved textures (that people who only owned CoH wouldn't get at the time) had to be given a separate name. Thus they had a "v" added to the name, not because they were villain faces, but because they were the improved textures in the City of Villains game that had to be differentiated from the old lower detail CoH face textures.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Thing is, a fair number of them didn't get removed. They DID get reordered. I've had to go hunt them down on occasion. So yes, "Face 1" is *different* now - but whatever the old one is likely has a different name in the menu.
This. (At least now the costume select screen shows costumes with "old" parts by displaying the lock icon.)

Any time I've had to update a character's costume slot, I get a screenshot of the old face (which, for example, might be Face 7) and then use it to see which face I need now (which may be Face 15). Same look, just re-ordered because of all the "movement" or addition of costume pieces.

Heck, often costume problems (for me) are just because a piece has been renamed or moved, and I just have to add it back using the current item.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
That's height not width. Objectively.

There is, in fact, another reasonable conclusion. CoV was its own game, originally, yet it could also be installed in combination with CoH. They made new faces for it which made the old CoH textures stand out poorly, so they gave the old faces higher detail to make them not standout so badly. Since the games could be installed together, the improved textures (that people who only owned CoH wouldn't get at the time) had to be given a separate name. Thus they had a "v" added to the name, not because they were villain faces, but because they were the improved textures in the City of Villains game that had to be differentiated from the old lower detail CoH face textures.
This. There's no reason for me to repeat what Tenzhi already typed.