In the time since I started...




I watched both on my daughters graduate high school

I watched my youngest daughter get her Masters Degree in 5 years

I sold my 1955 Ford pickup to pay for my daughters college - she said dad you love that truck! I said I love you more, we cried and hugged.

I lost my dad to cancer and had to decide whether he was to die on the table trying to remove it (90% likely it was wrapped completely around the large artery on his right kidney) or came home to die. He came home and died a week later and was happy to be with the family.

I watched my 2 year old grand daughter become 9 and can tell you Papa is the best word in the world.

I watched my oldest daughter provide me with 3 grand children

I moved to keep my job

I fought in 3 SCA Crown Tournaments and finished 2nd each time!

I put my best friend Qantaqa to sleep (15 year old malamute) and in rescuing a dog from an abandoned house I found another malamute Taq who helped heal my heart.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*I used to speak English rather poorly as a second language. Since I've been here on these forums, I like to think I've learned to speak and write pretty damn good English. I've also learned how better to deal with infuriating people without letting them annoy me much better.
Don't take it personally... I thought you were American

Social (non-gambling) Gaming and forums are very good for learning a language - on a D&D forum I used to go to thrice a day we helped a deaf member get a great, solid grasp on "spoken" english (several of us would "fix" his questions, explain what was wrong, then answer them.)

As for me... put three jobs and three cars behind me... (wouldn't mind going back to one of them, but their shifts conflict with my current job and I like the people there. I hate that kind of work trap)

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Since 2005, time seems like it has flown...

-had a son who is 4.5 now
-been a single parent for 2.5 of those years
-lost 2 jobs due to layoffs
-3 or so computers
-4 or so accounts

Has it really been that long?



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Five long, happy years of CoH.

-I've worked Security (DON'T DO IT).
What is so bad about working Security?
I work as a Security guard myself.
It affords me plenty of time to do things that I can't get done at home for various reasons.

The hours I work are great for college students...if they don't have problems sleeping during daylight hours.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
What is so bad about working Security?
I work as a Security guard myself.
It affords me plenty of time to do things that I can't get done at home for various reasons.

The hours I work are great for college students...if they don't have problems sleeping during daylight hours.
I worked a night shift security position at a high-rise condominium for a few years back when I was in college. The only real responsibility I had was staying awake all night.

During this job I managed to write a 174 page rule book for a Professional Wrestling pen and paper game. Sad... but true.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
What is so bad about working Security?
I work as a Security guard myself.
It affords me plenty of time to do things that I can't get done at home for various reasons.

The hours I work are great for college students...if they don't have problems sleeping during daylight hours.
I used to work night shift for a college campus.

That job kicked my ***.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I have the same house,
The same car,
The same job,
The same pets,
And the same friends,

I haven't gotten married, or divorced; haven't had a child; haven't gone back to, or graduated from, school; haven't taken any vacations to exotic places, or made any life altering decisions. In short, my life hasn't changed. And thus the reason I don't have a Facebook account.
This sounds familiar. ^_^

Started playing the first week of launch.

* I have anew apartment. Woo! The old one got torn down.

* I have a new car. Yay! All paid off now. (My old car was stolen and used in a kidnap and attempted murder, for which I got to testify that yes, those were my jumper cables (that they tied up the victim with), I can recognize them because one clamp was broken off... but I do I get to actually testify that they'd stolen my car? Oh no, because that would prejudice the jury. Maybe I let them borrow it because we're good friends or something, I have no idea what the jury might have thought on the subject.)

* Same job. Check. I live a lot closer to work now. Less time in traffic, more time to smash bad guys! Also, I switched from working nights to an early morning day shift, which would have done wonders for my social life if I had one.

* My cat died. I haven't had a new pet since.

* Same friends. But we don't hang out as often because I moved so far South.

* No Facebook account. But mostly because Zuck is evil. Or I'm just too lazy.

* While I've never married, I have two nieces that I didn't have in 2004, and my other niece and nephew are much older. In fact, my nephew is not only about to graduate from high school, but he's been addicted to MMOGs for several years. Only, you know, that other game... the really big one that most of my friends play.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Hmm I first played city during issue 4 when I played on a friends account during the PTQ for MTG. I picked up my own account at villain launch and have since...

* moved from Georgia to SC due to my job closing and moving to china.
* quit MTG professionally due to the closest card shop is 100 miles away and the nearest PTQ location is nearly 200 miles away.
* made Triumph my home for years where I met some awesome people.
* introduced City to a couple who ended up convincing me to make toons on Virtue and I've been there ever since.
* watched the same couple get married, which I was the best man for, just for them to break up two years later.
* had my home broke into and lost basically everything.
* moved 7 times.
* bought a new truck.
* met a crazy woman who I fell in love with.
* as a mechanic in the poultry industry for 6 years, I've had a hand in the demise of 20,880,000 turkeys and 313,200,000 chickens.
* adopted an awesome cat which was named Tobi.
* leveled 18 toons to 50
* solo'd all gm's to date except for kronos titan(I WILL take him down soon.... hopefully) and the flyer on my Elec/Cold.
* had my first child, my daughter Emily, in july.

Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE -- _Ilr_
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I used to work night shift for a college campus.

That job kicked my ***.
There's your problem. You were employed around recently post-teenagers.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"