How much Knock Back protection should I have?
Well, obviously if you're one of the powersets that has built-in KB protection you won't need any (Elec Armor is the exception here - it offers KB protection but not KB resistance, and only while on the ground, so you'll want to add Acro + a bunch on top of Grounded). If you're a ranged AT or a Spider you'll need to build for KB protection. Acro will give you 9 points base (enhanced up to 11 but generally not worth it) and you'll want to put in some Karmas and Steadfasts to get yourself to at least 41 points and preferably 45-47 points. 41 will stop anything short of Force Bolt or other high-mag KB powers if they're weirdly slotted but I don't know that anything will get through 47 points.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Well, obviously if you're one of the powersets that has built-in KB protection you won't need any (Elec Armor is the exception here - it offers KB protection but not KB resistance, and only while on the ground, so you'll want to add Acro + a bunch on top of Grounded). If you're a ranged AT or a Spider you'll need to build for KB protection. Acro will give you 9 points base (enhanced up to 11 but generally not worth it) and you'll want to put in some Karmas and Steadfasts to get yourself to at least 41 points and preferably 45-47 points. 41 will stop anything short of Force Bolt or other high-mag KB powers if they're weirdly slotted but I don't know that anything will get through 47 points.
Anyone know if the Widow Indom Will still suppresses when mezzed?
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
Thanks guys
So a power that has a mag of 47.1 would that be enough to knock back a blaster with 47 prot??
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
That or a suprise ****** stripper.
Seriously can't say ******? With ****** being short for the fourth word in the acronym: GLBT? *sigh*
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
Do domi's need kb over and above domination in a pvp zone?
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
So a power that has a mag of 47.1 would that be enough to knock back a blaster with 47 prot??
No. Diminishing returns actually reduces the magnitude of enhancement slotting by a lot. You can get up to around mag 58 KB in Force Bolt, but it gets reduced to less than 48.
Special case: Status protection and mez, including Knockback
Almost all power effects have two properties: a magnitude and a duration. Damage has a magnitude, but it typically does not have a duration - it has duration zero. Damage with a duration is not a DoT: damage with a duration is a continuously firing damage at the maximum speed the server can calculate damage - about eight times a second. Damage with a duration is generally a bug. Mez, on the other hand, tends to have meaningful magnitude and duration. Its important to note here that only *one* of those two properties can be changed for each effect per power. When you slot a hold for hold enhancement, the hold's duration gets longer. Its magnitude does not get higher. That's because all holds are designed so that the hold effect is *tagged* to be "Duration type." That means strength buffs affect duration, not magnitude. This is a binary switch: it can be set to "Magnitude" or "Duration" but not both. All effects in all powers must obey this rule: one property is frozen static, and one can theoretically be changed by buffs and debuffs, enhancements and other powers. KB (and KU) are different from most mezzes. They are not designed to have duration, and buffs don't boost duration, they boost Magnitude. So while most holds are Duration-type effects, KB is a Magnitude-type effect. Buffing KB buffs its Magnitude. And KB is a Cur effect like most Mez and like most Mez protection. Interesting note: you do not need to factor DR into mez magnitude to determine if something is mezzed. You only need to factor in mez strength in the attacker's mez power itself. The reason: Rule Two. DR only affects totals. If you have a mez protection power that is reducing Hold by mag 10, and and you have an incoming set of holds that are mag 9, the total is -10 + 9 = -1. DR might reduce that, but it will still be negative, which means you are still not mezzed. If the incoming hold total is +12, then the total is -10 + 12 = 2, and you're mezzed. DR might reduce the 2 to a lower value, but it will still be greater than zero. The only thing you have to factor in is if the attacker has mez strength capable of increasing the magnitude of the mez. The answer for most mezzes is usually "no." Enhancement and other buffs make holds last longer, not get higher mag. But the exception is KB: buffing a KB will buff its magnitude, so you do have to factor in KB strength into the attacker to determin the attacker's net KB, before adding to the target's KB magnitude protection. For the mathematically inclined, here's the formula: Final Value = Original Value * (1 - ABS(ATAN(A * Original Value) * 2/pi * B)) A and B are the tuning parameters set per attribute, per aspect, per archetype. To find the values for A and B, see the DR calculation sheet at this link: Xc&hl=en&authkey=CPO10LgM Use the two pulldowns to pick archetype and attribute, then enter values in the Normal value column for Strength, Cur, or Res. The calculated values show to the right. For reference, at the far right the sheet displays the A and B values for that attribute, that aspect, for the selected archetype. |

I just build for 41. I've never seen a bubbler in all my time playing PVP. And if the opposing team brings one you can just bring a kin.
diminishing returns
Anyone know if the Widow Indom Will still suppresses when mezzed? |
So a power that has a mag of 47.1 would that be enough to knock back a blaster with 47 prot??
If you've got permadom, then no, but that's more or less impossible now so you're going to want to build a Dom just like any other squishy these days.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
as title, how much knock back protection should I have for all archetype?