Trial leadership .. what is going on!




I'm not getting the "following a carcass" part, how does he follow somebody that's KOed



Tyger is kind of conflating 2 separate problems, custscene bombing and open doors.

Cutscene bombing is an issue for some because there's no way to know how long that person was standing there. As you said, you were honest and did it when there were only a couple left, but there's no way to know that. The gut reaction is someone was slacking, and some people hold onto that grudge. The only time I've cutscene bombed is when I as a team lead was in open competition with the other team lead (my friend). Both teams were aware of it, and participated, and going to help the other team after winning is kind of superfluous.

Open door can lead to the issue of Marauder getting dragged out. This is far more dire if it happens. Someone coming back from the hospital at the wrong time, or a bomber then making a really poor choice about where to go (leaping or flying up can lead Marauder to make odd pathing choices), can get Marauder chasing and running out, which is a failed trial when the hard work is over. It's not happened to me but I've come so close I never want to see it happen again. It only got saved because I as tank dove in and taunted Marauder back into the yard after a stupid blaster not only ran into the mob, but shot at them from outside the doorway then ran.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
The main objective is to not allow Marauder to leave the Lambda facility. If the cutscene bomber doesn't move inside fast enough (and the main gatedoor is open) Marauder can occasionally pound them into the dirt and then follow their carcass outside leading to an instant failing of the trial.

In the example given I Don't really see TOO much harm in not heading back inside. I have frequently started back in to help when the last one or two grenades were all that was left and by the time I zoned in.. we were zoing back out. If I am headed back from Hospital with 9 grenades and 10 acids found my reaction varies based on what I have. If its acids I usually just head to a door so I am in position to close it.

Now as for cut scene bombing.. I never do it. And I have been on a team where a Mastermind ticked off the entire league by not helping find a single acid or grenade and took up a position to cut scene bomb along with his pets. His excuse was .. he is squishy and would just die anyway. Strangely it was perfectly okay for my squishy controller to die 3 times and pass him standing at the open gate on my way back to help MY team mates.

He took considerable heat from several members of the league and THEN.. after posing in the cut scene his pets managed to aggro Maurader and before anyone else even got outside of the facility and into the courtyard the MISSION FAILED posted. Needless to say that guy got a llot of one star ratings and was kicked off the league when we got back to the rwz and reformed to TRY again for our Empyrean.

There is another potential problem with bombing. Apparently there is a very short, 3-5 second or whatever. period after the scene plays where Maurader is sort of in limbo and doesn't see the bomber so IF they move away quickly they don't aggro him. Stay too long and then try to run back to rejoin the league and you pull him and all tghe ADDs in on top of the league. I had this happen on a trial where the grenade team managed to find exactly 2 glowies before time ran out and the PLAN was to avoid aggro until we attacked some weapons deliveries. Instead we would up in a battle for our lives and quickly got over run. The people with acids couldn't even close doors because they were in the hospital and eventually the adds simply got to be too much and we failed.

There are actually a few leaders out there now that specify in their instructions... "Team one nades, Team two Acids. Whoever finishes first help the other team and I don't want to see anyone in the cut scene!" I even saw one leader KICK a league member that assumed that INSTRUCTION didn't apply to him and bombed anyway.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Of course they could be lying. Honestly just as Win if they are. But the point remains, that their assessment of the team's chances is actually more realistic than the OP's.

The mindset that any particular AT or team composition is necessary is so outmoded when applied to this game as to be laughable. The fact that the OP relies on that mindset to set up one of their unhappy tentpoles of bitchitude moreso.
Actually, on the collection phase of Lam it's not. Maybe they all were 50+3 and maybe every single one was effectively invisible. But more likely it was a cluster ****. More likely an all blaster team died again and again.

To pretend that an all squishy team has the same chance in Lam is like claiming you don't need heals in Keyes. It's a willful ignoring of reality to support a preconceived notion.



Another factor with trial leaders to be considered, is that recently there become incentive for people who wouldn't choose to do the 'end game' to be a part of it - unlockable costumes, auras etc.
So there may be more than a few people who are willing to lead, but never have been part of the optimized TF group or lead much besides SG PUGS.
Who dislike the idea of repeating content (grinding) and definitely unaware of what large group leader protocols are meant to be.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):