Rage: Is it worth double stacking?
I mean it does have the benefit of (most the time) voiding the defense crash.
Most people opt to stack rage to avoid the defense crash. And yes, it is totally worth it. The only time I have seen anyone mention rage not being "worth it" is if you are talking a ss/fa brute (for example) farming and insp popping like crazy.
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
Double stacking is fine and it nullifies the defense crash. If I remember right, 3 times is where your crashing enough that it is not worth it anymore, but that is a lot of recharge.
What is the recharge needed to stop the rage crash? as in, what percentage? I reckon with tier 4 Spiritual, tier 4 Ageless and Hasten 3 slotted I would need...
I suck at Mids... Just a disclaimer.
What is the recharge needed to stop the rage crash? as in, what percentage? I reckon with tier 4 Spiritual, tier 4 Ageless and Hasten 3 slotted I would need...
I suck at Mids... Just a disclaimer. |
Just using hasten is pretty much enough. Recharge needs to be under 120 seconds so it fires up before the crash. Youll still do no damage but you won't get hit with the defense debuff.
I asked myself the same question a while ago and did the math: up until you end up above the damage cap, stacking Rages is always beneficial to your damage despite the added downtime, even before procs, veteran powers and time spent moving from mob to mob were considered.
The first use of Rage is always the best. You get the benefits for 120 seconds, then deal with the crash for 10. If you're stacking right before the end of that (120s recharge on Rage), then you don't deal with the defense crash, but still have the endurance crash and damage debuff. Still, 10s of crash for 120s buffed isn't that bad.
Things start to get shaky when you're able to perma double stack Rage (60s recharge on Rage). You end up with single (60s), double (60s), crashed (10s), double (50s), crashed (10s), double (50s)... etc. You're great for two full minutes, but then you're down 16.7% of the time after that and taking a lot of endurance crashes to maintain the double-stack.
Is 80% more *base* damage worth it? Brutes have pretty terrible base damage, but if you're done fighting within three minutes, I say that it's absolutely worth doing. You'd only spend 10s of 180s crashed. If you go over three minutes, then I tend to think that it isn't worth it.
As far as negating the defense crash goes, three +3 recharge SOs in Rage are enough to have it recharged about 1 second after it crashes. The defense crash is negated as soon as you reactivate Rage, and the odds of noticing the -def for the few moments it's down is slim.
Even though they give a larger amount of enhancement, you'll see about the same effect from three level 50 recharge IOs as the +3 SOs, thanks to ED. Either way, simply slotting a few 5% recharge bonuses (Crushing Impact in your punches, Doctored Wounds in Fiery Embrace or Health), 6.25% (Entropic Chaos or Devastation in Hurl or an Epic Blast, Positron's Blast in an epic Targeted AoE, or a taunt set (sorry, I forget which) in almost any attack), 7.5% recharge bonuses (Luck of the Gambler +recharge in Combat Jumping, Weave, Maneuvers or the Stealth pool, Kinetic Crash in most of your Super Strenght powers, Gaze of the Basilisk in KO Blow), or 10% recharge bonuses (purple Stun, Hold, Melee, PBAoE, Ranged, Targeted AoE, Sleep and Immobilize can all be oprions, depending on your APP/PPP) will add enough global recharge to bring Rage back before it crashes.
Adding Hasten without any set bonuses will usually get Rage back in time to fire it before the crash, but on occasion, it won't, and adding it adds another Endurance crash. It's up to you if it's worth it.
The change to Energy Aura will have Rage back up before it crashes, as long as you spend most of your time in combat (and what brute doesn't?). Of course, if you're NOT in combat, the defense crash won't matter anyways.
As far as getting the double stack permanent, I'm of the "not worth it" school. You're eating twice the endurance crashes, and spending a significant amount of time unable to do any appreciable amount of damage. Reactive Interface can help offset the loss of DPS, as can procs (especially purple ones, which have a higher chance of triggering), but I still feel that the ratio of +damage to -damage isn't beneficial at double stacked. The sweet spot for me is manually hitting Rage when the icon starts blinking, so I can sneak in one or two double Raged Foot Stomps or KO Blows.
Perma-Rage is IMO definitely worth it. If you aren't gonna perma it, then you might as well not use it at all. If you aren't gonna use it at all, you might as well roll something other than SS.
Perma Double Rage, I decide wasn't worth it. After accounting for downtime it was only a 0.06x bonus. I decided that was too small a bonus to be worth the build investment. The first rage perma was something around 0.15x bonus, but I don't recall without recalculating it. The bonus goes down as fury and eating red candy goes up. I'd rather just perma-it and eat candy.
However; each player, playstyle, and build will have to decide for themselves.
This is something I'd be interested in knowing, I have a Super Strength (Obviously) Energy Aura brute who come issue 21 I was planning on switching to a recharge heavy build for more heals and the added benefit of almost always having two stacks of rage up.
I'm curious though since I've seen at least one poster state that the downtime wasn't worth the damage bonus so if I could get some input on the matter I'd greatly appreciate it.
(Talking about almost permanent double stacking. roughly 68second recharge on rage)