Is COH: Freedom Putting the Cart Before the Horse?




Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Recluse is a super villain with the resources to build a personal empire. Maybe he doesn't care about running the country but he cares about HAVING a country to run so someone is running it. Presumably that person or group of people would be responsible for meeting some measures of performance. There has to be some caste of working stiffs to produce the Scrapyarders and the Luddites and the rest. Maybe the Isles are more like Cuba than Haiti, but in that case, where's the world outside the melting pot that provides the economy to support it?

The game is so busy depicting Recluse as this evil amoral mastermind that it doesn't bother to realistically depict how he can also be a third world despot. Where does he get his resources from? Who are his global trading partners? How does his representative at he U.N. vote on global security issues?
I thought Recluse got the funds to run the Rogue Isles almost exclusively by robbing banks in Paragon City...



Hmm, I return from a two months break and lo and behold, another thread turning into a discussion regarding "good versus evil". Good versus evil is mostly subjective depending on ones point of view. It is also not so clearly defined the vast majority of the time. In reality, more often than not, heroes or do-gooders are more than capable of skirting that thin line, often crossing it outright. That lady who volunteers at the homeless shelter every Thanksgiving and Christmas? Fibs on her tax return or got into a hit-and-run while DUI. Hmmmmmm. While that does not make her evil, it does make her a flawed being who is not at all "heroic" in its purist form.

Villains on the other hand, rarely openly declare themselves as such from the get-go. They also don't restrict themselves to exclusively committing evil deeds if doing good deeds from time to time can advance their end goals more efficiently. In fact, it is questionable whether many of them should be labeled as villains at all. After all, it is extremely rare to come across a truly *villainous* character such as Adolf Hitler. While the Going Rogue expansion opened up such a gray area to us, it also inadvertently perpetuated more such false labels. So a hero who commits some questionable acts is now labeled a vigilante? Not to me. That just makes you human instead of some fantastical saint who is about as real as the tooth fairy.

I think part of the problem behind our fascination with hero worshiping is due to a certain unique aspect of the American culture. Having been at the position of global dominance for so many decades, many of us Americans got used to viewing ourselves as the force of good, always out on the forefront fighting some sinister force or "evil empire". Yet, many others around the world would see the opposite due to some of the unsavory and underhanded tactics we resorted to in order to advance *our* ideals. However, we often don't get to see that aspect or choose not to see it because few people enjoy being reminded of the ugly and flawed details. In essence, just because we made the world a better place for our future, it doesn't mean that there aren't other people who suffered during the process. Another bad habit we have also developed is the tendency to label those who are not "with us" as bad or evil people, out to damage our western styled freedom, democracy and way of life. This is a very troubling and ultimately dangerous mindset because it eventually grows into the dual delusion of "we can do no wrong" and "our way is the right way". That is something I consciously attempt to stay as far away from as possible.

In any case, this is why I play on the red side almost exclusively despite a few attempts to give blue side a shot. That shining, clean-cut, and "heroic" side is simply a carefully crafted illusion which does not exist on such a scale in the real world. Now I *know* this is only a fictional setting but regardless, it is difficult to stomach the idea that there is a city full of heroic do-gooders who are out to "better" the world in accordance to their ideology. Seriously, who in the world would so make such bold proclamations except for arrogant and delusional egomaniacs? On the other hand, the red side is more like the gray area in the real world which makes it dramatically more palatable to me although my morality based preference here is really just an aberration. Of the other "good versus evil" MMOs I have played in the past, I generally chose the side which offered the most rewarding options for my characters. I suspect that there are many other players who have also chosen to take the path of least resistance.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
This seems to treat Freedom as a trial account, but that's only partially true. F2P players might also buy costumes and other geegaws and doodads without becoming Premium or VIP players.
That's basically impossible. The moment they buy the minimum batch of points, they become Premium players. Free players are players that have spent nothing on the game. Premium players are non-subscribers who have spend some amount of money greater than zero.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Any amount of money? I thought there was higher limit than $10.
You're probably thinking of the Paragon Rewards Tokens. You have to spend $15 to get a PRT but according to the released info purchasing ANY amount of Paragon Points (or subscribing for a month) will upgrade you to premium. I'm not certain what the minimum amount of Paragon Points that you can purchase in one go is although I suspect it's $5 (since the devs seem to mention the $5 = 400 PPs rate a lot).

That effectively means that as soon as you make ANY purchases you become a premium player.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There's also the problem that villains want to change the world into something bad, but heroes want to keep the world as it is - which makes the more static game world of an MMO way more suitable for heroes than villains - Paragon City is always being threatened by Villains, but it's still always there - so the default setting is that the Heroes have succeeded and the Villains have lost.
Oh! You are so right . . . Empress Golden Girl . . . Should I pick that piece of paper now, or should I be the villain and keep you heroes honest . . .