NPC Models, Player Models, Custom Enemies... What Do You Think?




Do you have a preference: human/humoid NPCs with their own custom model rigs or NPCs with the same player model rig?

I recall having some casual discussions about this when the AE first came out.
It was cool to have the chance to create custom enemies, but it was also somewhat disappointing to only be able to use the player character models (Of course, it was also cool to be able to fight against characters made with the player character models, indeed!).
Do not get me wrong, I understand why. This is not a daydreaming post about wishing that we could attach any animation and any costume piece to any model/skeleton.

Now, move on to taking this to enemy NPCs outside of the AE...

Does it matter if they're NPC-only or the same as the Player Character Model to you?

I, personally, find that things look a little too samey when fighting custom enemies in the AE.
While the costume/character creator in this game is tremendous and I love it and I'm not trying to criticize it at all, it has its limitations. Limitations are often needed in order to provide abundant options (funny that!).

Something just always feels weird when I'm fighting groups that are wearing the same exact costume pieces as we have... but, more so, it is the skeleton, the stances and the animations that seem to stand out to me (I could be wrong, but that's how it seems to me).

Anyway, this isn't a complaint thread...
It's actually just a bit of realization on my part that a lot of people have often clamored for more similarity between NPCs and PCs and it's not anything I ever really spoke up about or against.
Seeing a possible result of that particular feedback (in the beta CoT remake), I am curious if this is something (albeit, possibly misinterpreted by the developers) that I possibly should have mentioned my dislike for beforehand (if you catch my drift).

Regardless, I am honestly just curious what others think about enemies with the same skeleton as the players.
Obviously, there will always be enemies that are vastly different than us (well, unless they allow us to become gelatinous blobs or snakes or giant demons or armless hordlings, etc., hehehe).
However, for other humans and humanoids... Skulls, Council, Hellions, Outcasts, Malta, Carnival Of Shadows, Arachnos... Would you notice, would you like or dislike or be indifferent to them being made the same as player character rigs?

(use of models, skeletons and rigs may be improperly placed a few times within this post. My apologies...)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I think there should only be player rigs, with the exception of GMs. This may would include new RIGs for players to cover the less humanoid costumes, but it would be worth it imo.

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As much as I dislike what I have seen of the current CoT redesign, I think the devs made the proper call in wanting to make as many NPC costume pieces as possible also available to players. With the body scale sliders I think it is likely perfectly fine if the devs do all, or most of, their new stuff on the same base players use, since they have an excellent range to work with.

My only concern is that they do not abandon ALL costume elements that may fail to function for players due to player specific concerns. I believe they should have the goal of creating costumes that work for NPCs and PCs alike but the freedom to create pieces that sometimes only work on NPCs. And as far as I know, they could still create costume pieces on the player base that would fail once player animations/possibilities are considered but would be perfectly workable on specific enemies.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



A switch to NPCs using the player avatars would mean they might be able to get the size and heigh under control a little more

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But what about NPCs with a 4-leg rig?
Then they need to port it over for PC use. I'd drop down serious Paragon Points for a centaur rig. Not as much as I would for PC use of the Snake model of course. Ah, dreams...

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I'm of two minds about this.

On the one hand, anything NPCs have, I want to have. I can somewhat swallow signature pieces, like Posi's unique helmet, Numina's coat, Manticore's "mane" and so forth, but every non-signature piece I want to have. To a large extent, this feeling is born from the belief that if they can use it, I can use it for all technology is concerned, and the game is just artificially keeping me from using it. Anyone remember the Shadow Bane sword? How about the Blue Shield? Yeah, like that.

So, on the one hand, I'd like to see any humanoid NPCs be made with the same rigs we're using so that we can always use their pieces.

On the other hand, the humanoid rig is very, very limited. For one, it's limited to only depicting humanoid characters. What about quadrupeds? What about snake people? What about legless ghosts? What about creatures on tank tracks... What about TANKS? Or how about formless enemies, like a big glob of jelly with mouths all over? There are many, many, MANY things that the humanoid rig cannot produce, and restricting our game to just humanoid characters is, I firmly believe, a mistake. We need the Snakes and the Hydra and the Titans and the Storm Elementals and the Sky Skiffs and the Spectrals and so forth, because they bring variety to the game in ways that wouldn't be workable for custom player characters.

So, on the other hand, I still want to see unique, custom NPCs who are vastly different from what the humanoid rig can support.

I suppose the balance point, as I see it, is in what's even conceivable as being used by a player. If I see dudes in tunics, I want them. They're humans, I'm a human, I want it. But if I see a dude with a swatch of tentacles where his lower body should be... Yeah, I can see that I won't be using that for my martial artists any time soon. The game needs custom unique characters, but they need to be so unique as to be impossible to conceive as being used by players. And this actually is a sustainable point of balance, I think.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
But if I see a dude with a swatch of tentacles where his lower body should be... Yeah, I can see that I won't be using that for my martial artists any time soon.
Hey, you can't even imagine how awesome this guy looks when he starts busting out the awesome fight moves, or playing an electric guitar. Okay I admit he is a bit creepy when he starts hugging things. This mesh was linked entirely to standard Sims 2 skeleton and outside some unfortunate limb folding when jumping on a couch he ends up very convincing. If I can pull this off with my limited 3d modeling skills, the pros among the devs here should be able to get chairs and bus stops doing awesome karate moves if they want.

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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Originally Posted by Serpine View Post
Then they need to port it over for PC use. I'd drop down serious Paragon Points for a centaur rig. Not as much as I would for PC use of the Snake model of course. Ah, dreams...

*psst* Centaurs have 6 limbs

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
*psst* Centaurs have 6 limbs
*psst* I was responded to a comment about a 4-leg rig that didn't specify a total limb limit. Sheesh.

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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Umm...yeah...GG said "4-leg rig"

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Serpine View Post
Then they need to port it over for PC use. I'd drop down serious Paragon Points for a centaur rig. Not as much as I would for PC use of the Snake model of course. Ah, dreams...
i fully wish to subscribe to your newsletter. Just make them grey out problematic powers, a naga archer or centaur would be great.
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But what about NPCs with a 4-leg rig?
ok, link it or please stop it. womans intuition dont fly and if it was said in confidence, as i strongly infer it was, you shouldnt be saying it out of respect for that confidence. but given posi's past ustream comment about needing new animation rigs for dinosaurs and your strongly hinting of a 4 leg rig, implying you were told or hinted something at sdcc, you are getting my hopes WAY up a bit early.

oh and as for the poor neglected op, id prefer they use single player models for everything. its a bit more work at the start, but it allows for a lot more flexibility with costumes that then can be given to the players.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post for the poor neglected op...
Haha, it is my lot around here.
Honestly though, the replies in here are exactly what I was curious to see.
I was just really hoping it wouldn't veer towards a bicker-fest about the mentioned examples.
Anyway... really, I wanted to just see other people's thoughts without anyone judging anyone (as far as I could help).

Quote: prefer they use single player models for everything. its a bit more work at the start, but it allows for a lot more flexibility with costumes that then can be given to the players.
Of course, I think you're all out of your bleedin' minds, but who am I to judge... Oh, right... an expert!

Yeah, I'm not so thrilled with the idea, but others seem to be all for it.

Rumor has it that Paragon Studios does not make this game solely for me (shocking, I know), so it seems as though I may have to endure!

Also, I think one of the problems I had with the custom AE enemies is the lack of controllable variance among minions and such.

Putting multiple variations of each enemy rank does help a lot.
Still, things tend to look a lot more specific with the player character options (again, I'm only talking about current AE in that regard... I am sure they'll make things more varied when they implement new enemies based around the player rig).

One thing though, someone mentioned the scales for the player rig.

While, indeed, it can allow for a good variance, I am not positive it can cover things well enough. It was actually one of the things I was going to raise in the OP, but felt I'd be going on too long. Like I am right now.
The glimpse we had of the CoT show some rather beefy mages. Maybe if they moved those body scales to the left, I wouldn't be as worried about the future prospects of player rig enemies.

Again, something just seems very samey (I wish I could think of another word to use for that, hehe).

I do, however, see the bonuses and an optimistic result of great variation coming over time.
So, again, I'm not dead-set against anything or angry about it... My initial reaction is negative, but we'll see!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Serpine View Post


Actually, he sort of resembles Zox'Oculox outside of his bipedal mechanoid exo-comfort suit!
And the day things like that are available as player models is a day I certainly would never be starting a thread like this!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Actually, he sort of resembles Zox'Oculox outside of his bipedal mechanoid exo-comfort suit!
I actually modeled him specifically off Lord Woot from an old web comic called Elf Only Inn. I guess it just shows that I favor playable nonsense. Back on point I think there need to be even more bizarre rigs but they need to be able to be used by the players via temp powers or wierd specialty archetypes or the like. Imagine how awesome it would be to run around as a Rularuu Watcher, Arachnos Tarantula, or PPD Drone? Sure you couldn't emote right but who needs to wave or drumdance when you are giant floating eye that shoots energy bolts.

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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm of two minds about this.

On the one hand, anything NPCs have, I want to have. I can somewhat swallow signature pieces, like Posi's unique helmet, Numina's coat, Manticore's "mane" and so forth, but every non-signature piece I want to have. To a large extent, this feeling is born from the belief that if they can use it, I can use it for all technology is concerned, and the game is just artificially keeping me from using it. Anyone remember the Shadow Bane sword? How about the Blue Shield? Yeah, like that.

So, on the one hand, I'd like to see any humanoid NPCs be made with the same rigs we're using so that we can always use their pieces.

On the other hand, the humanoid rig is very, very limited. For one, it's limited to only depicting humanoid characters. What about quadrupeds? What about snake people? What about legless ghosts? What about creatures on tank tracks... What about TANKS? Or how about formless enemies, like a big glob of jelly with mouths all over? There are many, many, MANY things that the humanoid rig cannot produce, and restricting our game to just humanoid characters is, I firmly believe, a mistake. We need the Snakes and the Hydra and the Titans and the Storm Elementals and the Sky Skiffs and the Spectrals and so forth, because they bring variety to the game in ways that wouldn't be workable for custom player characters.

So, on the other hand, I still want to see unique, custom NPCs who are vastly different from what the humanoid rig can support.

I suppose the balance point, as I see it, is in what's even conceivable as being used by a player. If I see dudes in tunics, I want them. They're humans, I'm a human, I want it. But if I see a dude with a swatch of tentacles where his lower body should be... Yeah, I can see that I won't be using that for my martial artists any time soon. The game needs custom unique characters, but they need to be so unique as to be impossible to conceive as being used by players. And this actually is a sustainable point of balance, I think.
I kind of concur with this, though I'm also of the opinion that "Right-Out-Rigs" should be used sparringly, otherwise they lose their uniqueness and sometimes get annoying.
I've played Ragnarok online before, as well as other RPGs, and it kind of gets annoying when a random blob of slime is honestly treated as any serious threat to ANYONE when it's only means of attack is just bouncing off of you (Hamidon at least shoots lasers and its twenty stories tall), or starfish... or Regular fish somehow on land... Yeah, aside from Pokemon, it gets annoying to fight weird @#$% 90% if the time and results in any DnD game I DM to tend to involve lots of Human enemies...

I think I went off on a tangent here...

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.