First Praetorian -- Thoughts so far




I just created my first Praetorian and went through the Tutorial. My first feeling about Going Rogue is...irritation, frankly. SO much optional stuff to read, and I'm OCD enough to have to go through everything and try to absorb it all. (Yes, I got the Avid Reader badge.) It's also irritating from an OCD standpoint that you have to answer NPC questions, and your answers impact how other NPCs respond to you later on. I don't want to have to play through the game a bunch of times to see every possible permutation -- that's a lot more time-consuming than flipping through a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book. I guess I'll just have to be careful that, when I'm going through all the different answering options, the last one I pick is the one I want NPCs to react to later on. It just seems silly and superfluous to have that kind of stuff in there. I don't know, maybe other people get a kick out of it.

Another pet peeve: When you're first given the choice to become Loyalist or Resistance, nothing plot-wise has happened at that point to really make you want to be a Resistance fighter. Sure, you've been drafted into the goon squad, but unless you've pre-decided to be a straight-up anarchist from the get-go, there really isn't anything that happens up to the decision point that would make you say, "You know, my emotions are pushing me in the direction of the Resistance!" So I'll have to imagine up a character who's already got "issues" with the status quo and see what the Resistance side of things holds.

Still, I'm only at level 2. We'll see....



I personally love those kinds of permutations. Seeing your actions/demenaour have an affect (if only a little) is fantastic.

And I do suspect the entire Loyalist/Resistance choice was supposed to be made "blind" in the beginning, and as you proceed down the arcs you're going to have reasons to want to switch sides.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Been going through the stories in Nova Praetoria, still have a little bit to go before I'm done with the zone, but here are a couple more thoughts:

1) I hate how in the tutorial you'll get training popups for absolutely no reason. It's like you hit a waypoint and then, "Ding!" time to stop and read. Couldn't they have wrapped some content around that info?

2) I don't care for the fact that you can lose touch with contacts and missions due to loyalty changes. I started a Resistance mission in the Underground and then switched to Loyalist (at my Resistance contact's behest -- how confusing) and then was panicking thinking I'd be stuck with half a mission forever, until I finally changed loyalties again and restarted the mission.

3) I also don't care for the fact that you can just stumble across a contact and start taking missions from him/her without being sent there by a prior contact. Turns out I'd stumbled across 3/4 of the mission content on my lonesome, to the point that when I finally got steered toward some contacts, it turned out I'd already played through everything they had to offer. Not a big deal, but being able to play the game in just any sequence kinda does weird things to my head.

All in all I really like Nova Praetoria and am impressed with the wealth of content the devs managed to pack into just one zone. I also like the loyalty system and am running both a Loyalist toon and a Resistance toon through the game to get the full effect. Overall, Going Rogue gets a big thumbs up from me!



Originally Posted by NewScrapper View Post
Been going through the stories in Nova Praetoria, still have a little bit to go before I'm done with the zone, but here are a couple more thoughts:

1) I hate how in the tutorial you'll get training popups for absolutely no reason. It's like you hit a waypoint and then, "Ding!" time to stop and read. Couldn't they have wrapped some content around that info?

2) I don't care for the fact that you can lose touch with contacts and missions due to loyalty changes. I started a Resistance mission in the Underground and then switched to Loyalist (at my Resistance contact's behest -- how confusing) and then was panicking thinking I'd be stuck with half a mission forever, until I finally changed loyalties again and restarted the mission.

3) I also don't care for the fact that you can just stumble across a contact and start taking missions from him/her without being sent there by a prior contact. Turns out I'd stumbled across 3/4 of the mission content on my lonesome, to the point that when I finally got steered toward some contacts, it turned out I'd already played through everything they had to offer. Not a big deal, but being able to play the game in just any sequence kinda does weird things to my head.

All in all I really like Nova Praetoria and am impressed with the wealth of content the devs managed to pack into just one zone. I also like the loyalty system and am running both a Loyalist toon and a Resistance toon through the game to get the full effect. Overall, Going Rogue gets a big thumbs up from me!
1) Do you mean the red exclamation marks that pop up on the side with information? You can disable those from appearing in the options menu. It's under "Pop Help."

2) Only Power and Crusader arcs (Power is Loyalist, Crusader is Resistance) are dependent on you having that particular loyalty in order to do them. Warden (Resistance) and Responsibility (Loyalist) arcs can be started by characters of either side, so long as you start with the first contact and you haven't leveled past them.

3) There is a sequence of events for all of the four storylines, but it's hard to do it all on one character. Within a storyline, each contact will refer you to the next contact in the storyline. You have to finish that particular contact's story before you get introduced to the next one, however.

You can find a lot of the information in the wiki or the forums on who to talk to and when, like the post that was linked to above.

And I like the heavy text as well, though that's probably not as common, heh. I like reading through a lot, it gives stuff more depth IMO. That's one of the reasons I like First Ward so much.



Originally Posted by jfp2004 View Post
1) Do you mean the red exclamation marks that pop up on the side with information? You can disable those from appearing in the options menu. It's under "Pop Help."
I don't mind Pop Help notifications that appear in the context of what I'm doing (e.g., I target an enemy for the first time and the "Targeting Enemies" popup appears), just those that appear for no reason while I'm running down the street to my next contact.

2) Only Power and Crusader arcs (Power is Loyalist, Crusader is Resistance) are dependent on you having that particular loyalty in order to do them. Warden (Resistance) and Responsibility (Loyalist) arcs can be started by characters of either side, so long as you start with the first contact and you haven't leveled past them.
That's good to know. Thanks!

3) There is a sequence of events for all of the four storylines, but it's hard to do it all on one character. Within a storyline, each contact will refer you to the next contact in the storyline. You have to finish that particular contact's story before you get introduced to the next one, however.
Hard but possible, as I've discovered with Nova Praetoria, at least. I hope I manage to do everything in the right sequence in the later zones so I don't accidentally lock myself out of something later on. I don't want to spoil plot points for myself by looking at the wikis first.

And I like the heavy text as well, though that's probably not as common, heh. I like reading through a lot, it gives stuff more depth IMO. That's one of the reasons I like First Ward so much.
Let me clarify: I like that there's so much mission content packed into Nova Praetoria, but not all the text so much. I prefer the old style of, "Here's the mission. <Accept mission.> Here's a little more detail, now go to it." And I absolutely hate the new "conversational" style that keeps putting words in my characters' mouths that they would never say. But that's another thread altogether.



Originally Posted by NewScrapper View Post
I don't want to have to play through the game a bunch of times to see every possible permutation -- that's a lot more time-consuming than flipping through a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book.
I'm reminded of how you can pick one and only one Arachnos Patron at level 40.



So, wait, choice is a BAD thing now?
Hmn, maybe we could use that as a motivational force? Certainly would save on cattle-prods if all we'd have to do is offer people a three choice option or a single choice option...but then that would be a choice in itself...
I think we need to run more tests! And to hell with the bean counters!

Cave Johnson, we're done here.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.