Which Reactive is better?
Which is the best Reactive? I've seen many places saying they took the Reactive that does 75%dmg or the 75% -Resist, but even still which out of those is better? The text says does 75% dot Fire. Does that mean I have to have a DOT attack to get the benifit? How much -resist actually is achievable?
That's 4 questions, apologies for so many, just want full clarification on this before I go wasting threads, Merits, and drop/picks on the wrong Reactive power. |
2) See above.
3) No, it has a chance to add a fire DoT to everything you hit with almost every attack.
4) The -resist can stack 6 times, the DoT 4 times, as I recall.
I might be wrong about any/all of the above. Play the one you like.

Keep in mind the resistance debuff portion is rather small, 2.5% resistance debuff. Yes it can stack, but you would need to stack it 4 times to get a 10% resistance debuff, which is nothing to sneeze at either. So it boils down to your power sets.
Which is the best Reactive? I've seen many places saying they took the Reactive that does 75%dmg or the 75% -Resist, but even still which out of those is better? |
I could see a case made for single target focused builds preferring the resistance debuff. For a single target focused build, the DoT is of limited value as you'll be dropping each target rather quickly, so stacking DoTs will not be of as a great benefit. The same single target focused build could easily stack 4-6 of these debuffs, making each successive attack do more damage.
So in the end it depends on your build, your IO focus, and the other Incarnate choices you've made.
The text says does 75% dot Fire. Does that mean I have to have a DOT attack to get the benifit? |
How much -resist actually is achievable? |
Keep in mind the resistance debuff portion is rather small, 2.5% resistance debuff. Yes it can stack, but you would need to stack it 4 times to get a 10% resistance debuff, which is nothing to sneeze at either. So it boils down to your power sets.
I personally prefer Reactive Radial Flawless Interface (75% chance for fire DoT and 25% chance for resistance debuff). Since damage auras have 75% chance to trigger the DoT with each tick, this translates to a substantial amount of damage over time. On my DM/DA scrapper, when the fire dot goes off, it does about half the damage of Death Shroud per tick (assuming no Soul Drain), but it ticks faster. With 2 fire DoT ticks, I basically got an extra Death Shroud tick. I could see a case made for single target focused builds preferring the resistance debuff. For a single target focused build, the DoT is of limited value as you'll be dropping each target rather quickly, so stacking DoTs will not be of as a great benefit. The same single target focused build could easily stack 4-6 of these debuffs, making each successive attack do more damage. So in the end it depends on your build, your IO focus, and the other Incarnate choices you've made. Virtually any attack that does damage has a chance to trigger the DoT. The attack used does not need to be a DoT. I am not aware of an actual cap on the stack, but folks seem to not be able to stack (or not notice) beyond six resistance debufffs (from Reactive, you can stack from other sources). Assuming 6 is the maximum, it's possible to achieve 6 * 2.5 = 15% resistance debuff. |
Unfortunately it is no longer true that damage auras proc reactive on each tick. It's been changed to be a once per ten seconds affair like ordinary procs now.
I also tend to go for the radial reactive just because it's so much more useful in multi-target situations. Yes, the -res is substantial and probably the better option on an AV where nobody else on the team (say, if the team is comprised solely of you) also has reactive. However, what would you rather be tagging almost every enemy you hit with - what amounts to a free purple proc, or -2.5% res?
1) I think the 75 percent fire T3 is 'best'. fewer resources, plenty effective.
I've slotted the T4 on my two incarnates. The mace brute notices the -res much more than the spines scrapper, although perhaps it's just easier to see the change in the numbers because there are fewer of them (albeit much larger values) on the screen.
Every time I try to think of something other than Reactive Radial (the higher chance for DoT side) for a melee toon I simply can't justify the loss of the proc dmg.
I had thought that maybe something like KM could benefit from the -Res with big hitters like CS, but if you are building up the -RES with your small attacks, you could just be applying the proc dmg anyway. 10% boost to CS is probably, what ~50-75 pts of dmg, which is about the value of the DoT, or less? I forget.
Honestly, they should just add a dmg component to all of them. The rest seem so very worthless from the perspective of a "primarily melee" player.
I was under the impression that with higher dps toons the -resist worked out better and for lower dps toons the additional +dam tic was better.
id imagine where the -res would be useful (AV fights) the -res would be heavily resisted.
I could be completely off on this however.
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary
I choose based on how many attacks I average per 10 seconds.
If It's a slow set, I take the 75% Fire. If it's a fast set I take the 25% debuff 50% fire. If the set is fast enough, it'll on average saturate the Fire Dot, and have attacks left over for the debuff to add additional damage without making sacrifices on the Dot part.
You could always just take both and test them both, with the bonus of being close to getting the T4 version.
Think it depends also on what kind of damage you're doing. I've got the T4 Reactive Core with the 75% -Res, 25% Fire DoT on my Dual Blades scrapper, and it seems to be working pretty well. The thing with DoTs is they take time to work, and often by the time they do their work the thing is already dead. Also, Lethal damage is so heavily resisted, the little bit extra -res is handy, and Dual Blades is such a fast set I can get multiple applications in. Sure, it's at most an extra 10% damage, but when you're regularly facing 50-75+% Res(You) on everything and it's mom, it's nice.
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Unfortunately it is no longer true that damage auras proc reactive on each tick. It's been changed to be a once per ten seconds affair like ordinary procs now.

Source please. Is this in a patch no somewhere?

So, 15% -resist is like saying 15% dmg bonus..what's the bonus to damage for the 75%?
I say roughly because I've never seen the actual damage value posted anywhere. I'm merely estimating based on comparison to Death Shroud.
I don't remember which patch it was, sorry, but when they fixed reactive proccing in every single tick of patch powers they also made it so it only procced once per ten seconds in auras. They also broke both of those powers so it would only proc on a single target which was of course later fixed.
Which is the best Reactive? I've seen many places saying they took the Reactive that does 75%dmg or the 75% -Resist, but even still which out of those is better? The text says does 75% dot Fire. Does that mean I have to have a DOT attack to get the benifit? How much -resist actually is achievable?
That's 4 questions, apologies for so many, just want full clarification on this before I go wasting threads, Merits, and drop/picks on the wrong Reactive power.