Need help deciding on new character!
Hi Everyone! I need some help in deciding which of the following would be most fun to play and won't be face planted all the time. I'm looking between a scrapper or a brute, possibly one of each. I'm looking at BS and\or fire primary and not sure of what I want for secondary. Just curious what other people thought. No concept in mind at moment other than waht I stated above and that I play mix of solo and team. All PvE though. Please help!
Brutes are similar but the Fury mechanic can take some getting used to; you start off dealing low damage but as you continue to fight you start hitting harder and harder. The problem is that if you stop fighting you quickly loose Fury and have to start building it up all over again. Some players like that playstyle and some don't. Personally after running a Fire/Willpower brute to 50 I'm in the "don't" category.
Broadsword and Fire are both quite good primaries; BS will hit harder but slower while Fire offers more AOE damage and faster recharge. Either of them will make a quite capable scrapper. Secondary wise it's hard to come up with a truly bad choice. Some are tough in the early game but can have problems in high level content like Regen, some are tough in the mid to late game like Shield and Super Reflexes but struggle early and some are good the whole trip like Invuln.
I'm assuming from your forum registration date that you're just joining the game? In that case let me welcome you and hope you enjoy your stay. As a new player my first advice would be to pretty much ignore the Invention system for now; yes it can greatly increase a character's ability but it's a massively complex system to understand and the game is perfectly playable with the basic enhancements you can buy at the store. You've enough to learn right now without jumping into invention enhancements.
I suggest you sell all your salvage and recipe drops at the auction house; by doing that you should easily get enough money to afford the standard store bought enhancements. After you've gotten your feet under you and you understand all the basics you'll have plenty of time to master the complex (and usually expensive) Set IO system.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Actually I'm new to the forums, but I've been doing the game for a couple of years. I guess I just want to try something diffrent with a scrapper or brute. I have many QR and WP secondary for scrappers and brutes (at least the few I have) so I want to try something diffrent, but with a fire or BS primary since I don't have those at the moment. I'm just not sure what I want to do with either one and what kind of secondary works well for either of them and which class works best for each primary
Depending on how eager you are to start the new character right away, you may want to wait for Issue 21 and BS brutes. I'm looking forward to rolling a BS/EA myself.
Broadsword and Katana both can add a fair amount of defense by parrying, which makes them pair nicely with resistance based sets. I personally would go BS/Dark.
I'm not a big fan of Fire Melee, so I'm gonna leave that for others to comment on.
Just a few thoughts that crossed my mind while reading this thread.
I've seen a bunch of Broad Sword / Invulnerability Scrappers running around. So much, that it's starting to get my interested spiked.
I'd like to give a special mention to Super Strength. I never really thought I could enjoy the set so much (had never made it pass 20 before and decided to give it a go recently -good stuff).
WM/EA is pretty. And strong. And will be stronger. And maybe prettier too.
I've heard great things about Fire/Shield. Well, more about Dark/Shield, but still, Fire/Shield looks promising from my point of view.
With WP and SR being in the 'close to no click powers' and the OP seeking a change of pace, I'd mention Dark Armor and Fire Armor as possible choices. I've been enjoying Dark Armor a bunch more then Fire, to be honest, but Fire is by no means bad.
Since both sets are not heavily defense based, you're mostly relying on hitting fast and hard, while still watching for those times when you need that click-heal.
I don't have much experience with Electric Armor, but it seems to be fairly similar (resistance based more then defense, click-heal, etc.) to Dark and Fire.
Katana is generally perceived as superior to Broad Sword, mostly because their main difference is in animation time. Don't let that stop you from rolling a BS/ if that's what you're looking for though.
There isn't much more to add from my side, unless more information comes in
Hope this can help you decide.
OK, SO what are thoughts on a Fire\Fire scrapper versus a Fire\Fire brute. Also what about a Fire\Shield scrapper or a BS\Fire scrapper?
Squishy, squishy, somewhat less squishy and squishy.
Of course, that's fire and that also means a load of damage to drop things faster then they drop you.
I'd like to mention that BS/Fire has the drawback of, well, redraw whenever you'd use any of the click powers of /Fire. Personally, that's enough to drive me away from the combination, but if you're fine with it, then by all means consider it an option.
I'd think Fire/Fire would be better on a Brute, considering Fury would increase the aura's damage. You'd also have a taunt aura to keep mobs from scattering.
Obviously, everything is left to your preferences. Some players have no trouble with fleeing mobs.
Now I wonder if the DoT component of Fire/'s attacks increase when you score a critical hit on a Scrapper.. hmm..
Criticals do not affect DoT of FM. Fury does though, so if you are going to go FM, I'd recommend going brute. And fury isn't as hard to attain or maintain as some make it out to be.
Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?
Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?
I'd disagree that BS/FA will feel squishy. There's practically no such thing as a squishy character with parry. This power adds a lot of survivability, and from an early level too.
I'd consider BS/Elec too, as parry will help until you get energize and lightning reflexes will be helpful.
Of course I'd pick katana before BS even though I've played it before, but that's me.
Dark Armor/Stone Melee Tank Guide [I12]
You could also give BS/Shield scrapper a shot, as they're quite powerful. BS deals relatively high damage, and has the bonus of Parry which adds nicely to the defensive capability from Shield (which is already relatively easy to soft cap to positional defense).
For Fire Melee, if you wanted to break the Brute/Scrapper mode, I would suggest an Ice/Fire tank. It's incredibly fun, and quite survivable.
Hi Everyone! I need some help in deciding which of the following would be most fun to play and won't be face planted all the time. I'm looking between a scrapper or a brute, possibly one of each. I'm looking at BS and\or fire primary and not sure of what I want for secondary. Just curious what other people thought. No concept in mind at moment other than waht I stated above and that I play mix of solo and team. All PvE though. Please help!