Where'd my pants go?




Greetings. Sentai Sage (Forgotten Guardian) has returned.

<--- You

So, after having my head stuck in the sand for so long, what should I be doing? Sure, I plan on logging into FG and getting my wonderful badges. but after that, what should I be working on?

New TF's for Merits (or whatever they're called now)?
Story arcs that are to die for?
lolmake another alt, gun-fu is op.

Point me in a direction, Triumph!



Welcome back! Go to Ouro and run the Alpha arc from the Mender there. Then hang out in pocket d and craft away after running through the trials. The new alpha powers are nice.

And yes, gun-fu is a lot of fun.

"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432



no no, I <3 you


Don't I know you???



Originally Posted by Baba_Kanoosh View Post
Welcome back! Go to Ouro and run the Alpha arc from the Mender there. Then hang out in pocket d and craft away after running through the trials. The new alpha powers are nice.
Alpha arc done. Took me longer then normal to solo those AV's. Weird... *trollface*

So, What's the new Triumph watch? Or, is Poc D chat the new TF/Trial chat?

Originally Posted by dougnukem View Post
no no, I <3 you

Oh, I "less than three" you too.



Originally Posted by Sentai_Sage View Post
So, What's the new Triumph watch?
Still Triumph Watch 2.0


<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



4? FOUR? You're mad. You're INSANE! I like the way you think.

Any real big changes to Dark melee or Inv for scrappers over the last few issues? (why don't you read the patch notes and find out yourself) Shut up; this is easier. >_>



Not really. Paragon Wiki is your friend FG.



Using Cobra Strike whenever possible. Oh, and avoiding this person at all costs.


Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
Still Triumph Watch 2.0

Always trying to one up me!

That's it!

I'm firin' mah lazor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't I know you???



Originally Posted by dougnukem View Post
Always trying to one up me!

That's it!

I'm firin' mah lazor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Cath! I heard you were run over by an escalator!



Originally Posted by Sentai_Sage View Post
Cath! I heard you were run over by an escalator!
That's strange... I heard he got lost at Wally World...

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."





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