Best 12 Teleport destinations?
I'll assume we're talking blue side.
I always start with the zones that are not accessible via train:
Crey's Folly
My Characters
I would base it on play experience myself, like where do you end up most of the time?
My tops, in no particular order are:
Pocket D
Others that are useful IMO:
Alternate: Crey's
So, If I had to grup those, I would go: (By room too)
Bricks / FF
Kings / Steel
Striga / Faultline
Atlas / Pocket D
Talos / IP
(Atlas is the throw away, you leave here sop quick, but return more for social / AE / Costume Contests / WW)
I'll assume we're talking blue side.
I always start with the zones that are not accessible via train: Boomtown Perez Striga Crey's Folly etc. |
I guess my 12 would be:
Perez Park
Crey's Folley
I think that's it for zones w/o train or oro. My remaining 3 would be
Peregrine Island
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
I had the same question a few months ago, here is my experience. get what you will use most... for us it was atlas, kings row (teleports you right across the street from the train depot), Talos, Steel Canyon, Brickstown (kills 2 birds with one stone since you show up next to the opening of crey's folly), Founders Falls, RWZ, PI & Pocket D & Eden.
I have had no requests for other porters to be added.
Hubby just started up a new little group, and we were just talking about this.
He's started out with:
and is planning to add:
Terra Volta
Basically, he's aiming for things not easily accessed, but still frequented.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

I'm in a single user base, so I have more than 12 and rather than grouping by destination or utility I have grouped mine by frequency.
Down one side we have:
*AP/Galaxy (Useful for low level teams & so I can get to respec contact easily).
KR/Faultline (seldom used).
#Steel/Skyway (seldom used).
IP/Striga (both used for trial access).
Down the other:
*PI/Talos (most used destinations)
Founders/Bricks (seldom used).
Croatoa/PD (seldom used).
Hazard zones:
*Eden (for trial).
*Terra Volta (for trials).
*RWZ (for ship raids & some co-op teaming).
* = beacons I wouldn't want to be without.
# = Beacons I could live without but are useful.
The rest I only have as I have the space, in fact I have more space than beacons have loads of PD (for broken display) that are gated off and 'out of order'.
I'd go with, in no particular order:
1. RWZ
2. Eden
3. Crey's Folly
4. Terra Volta
5. Faultline
6. Boomtown
7. Perez Park
8. Talos Island
9. Steel Canyon
10. Peregrine Island
11. Atlas Park
12. Striga
I'm surprised Dark Astoria is not on anyone's list. It is the most time consuming place to get to IMO and higher-level missions are located there a lot. Striga is also difficult to get to so it is also high on my list.
Brickstown drops you off right next to the Crey's Folly entrance, Steel Canyon drops you only a few blocks from Boomtown and AP drops you a few blocks from Perez and south Steel. Talos drops you off well within a single super leap from a pocket D entrance (and from there to Faultline) not to mention a market and a bevy of stores. Those would round out my top 6.
Hello, I've reading the forums about base construction and the guides/threads in this area have been very helpful, but I have a question for you.
I plan to have 3 Transport Rooms, with 2 Telepads each. That gives me 12 possible destinations for my teleporters. Because of space/power limits, that is the maximum I plan to have for my base. I would prefer to group the destinations by room, somehow, so all 4 destinations in any given room share some common theme, like 'all low level zones' or something like that.
So, my question is which zones/destinations are the most useful to have?
Teamsaver (Earth/Rad controller) and his trusty hench-boulder, Rocky
RezQ (Emp/Dark defender) member of Paragon City Search & Rescue
iTeam (Robotics/FF mastermind) with apologies to fans of "The A-Team"
Globally, I'm @Teamsaver, on the Infinity server