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Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
No change - I was playing mine anyway.

Although I must say it's easier on large teams with lots of buffs applied to characters than keeping track in the strings of icons.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



I feel the timing was very good with this buff to buffers (heh) coinciding with the Keyes Island trial, where it's definitely needed. My first ever character was an Nrg/Kin Corruptor that I played to 42 (or was it 43?) and then retired... I've been considering dusting him off, but haven't gotten to it yet.



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
FF definitely seems to be the real winner with this change- I'm even toying with the idea of making one.

Time Manip I admit.. I WANTZ IT NAO!!! (might be the fact that I'm a rabid Whovian and anything time related I love) But my 1st love is still Thermal. I was running through the arcs in Imperial City last night and happened accross a small group- 4 players, 1 being a bot MM. I dropped into the middle of the group.. hit 2 buttons and Viola! everything shielded! I LOVED it!

Now if only Thermal would get ported to Defenders so I can make a thermal/Fire Blast Defender!! (Better living through Immolation!! muhahaha.. sorry, got carried away)
You'd need to get both Thermal and Fire Blast ported to defenders in that case

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
Because it also buffs defense debuffs.

and the two are intricately tied together systems wise, so much so that it would be impossible to buff one without buffing the other.
However, as we see with ice shields, it's entirely possible to flag powers to be unaffected by Power Boost. Personally, I'm glad they didn't. People complain that FF is lacking and should be king of defense buffs. Well, now it is.



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
I wish they would proliferate FF to corruptors since I would LOVE a Fire FF corruptor.






Spyder's Flame: Fire/Therm Corr- Main
Countless Alts



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
The resurgence is already here. The change has gotten ME playing a buffing class for fun, and I never thought that would happen.

A friend used PBU+ Force Field bubbles on my MM on day 1 and gave us all 40% defense across the board. I want to be that cool, so I've been playing my Cold Defender.
By the way, PBU does not boost the +def from Cold's shields (due to it having +res as well). Unless something has changed in recent months.

Wasn't sure by your post if you're planning on taking it, but I felt it best to warn ya'.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
However, as we see with ice shields, it's entirely possible to flag powers to be unaffected by Power Boost. Personally, I'm glad they didn't. People complain that FF is lacking and should be king of defense buffs. Well, now it is.
...As long as you take the right ancillary pool. That's not sound balance.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
...As long as you take the right ancillary pool. That's not sound balance.
Or the radial branch from Clarion Destiny which offers +special.

While I would leave Power Boost's effect on FF alone, I will admit it's a bit problematic. I think PB should affect the shields as it always has, but I could concede that a smaller portion made PB-able (or offer a lower +defense buff in PB itself). However, I don't think Power Boost is the root of the problem.

Really, I feel the greater offender hear is the AoE buffs. Prior to this change, PB'ed shields will limited by the recharge on PB. If you were attentive and built your character for recharge it was possible to keep the team under such strong buffs. However, it was tedious. It meant bubbling in shifts, usually of two teammates at a time. It was also impossible to keep 24 players always under the effects of PB'ed FF's. To me that's a more offensive balance problem than an 8-man team being softcapped even though I enjoy the new AoE ally shields.

Frankly, there should be some balancing done to these powers. They're substantially better than before due in one part to the buff but also to the new teaming environment that excedes 8 allies. One proposition is to adjust the endurance cost in a fashion similar to the way Repulsion Field works, for each target affected it cost an additional tick of endurance. Shielding an entire league should probably tank your endurance.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Or the radial branch from Clarion Destiny which offers +special.

While I would leave Power Boost's effect on FF alone, I will admit it's a bit problematic. I think PB should affect the shields as it always has, but I could concede that a smaller portion made PB-able (or offer a lower +defense buff in PB itself). However, I don't think Power Boost is the root of the problem.

Really, I feel the greater offender hear is the AoE buffs. Prior to this change, PB'ed shields will limited by the recharge on PB. If you were attentive and built your character for recharge it was possible to keep the team under such strong buffs. However, it was tedious. It meant bubbling in shifts, usually of two teammates at a time. It was also impossible to keep 24 players always under the effects of PB'ed FF's. To me that's a more offensive balance problem than an 8-man team being softcapped even though I enjoy the new AoE ally shields.

Frankly, there should be some balancing done to these powers. They're substantially better than before due in one part to the buff but also to the new teaming environment that excedes 8 allies. One proposition is to adjust the endurance cost in a fashion similar to the way Repulsion Field works, for each target affected it cost an additional tick of endurance. Shielding an entire league should probably tank your endurance.
Or we could, just, yanno, not go back and make the game frustrating to play as a buffer again.

If power boosted force fields aren't a problem they aren't a problem, and if they are a problem they are a problem, the size of the team is irrelevant because the league content has egregiously superior chance to hit to normal content. If the developers deem that it is a problem, that specific power interaction can be adjusted without making it suck to play force fields again.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
Or we could, just, yanno, not go back and make the game frustrating to play as a buffer again.

If power boosted force fields aren't a problem they aren't a problem, and if they are a problem they are a problem, the size of the team is irrelevant because the league content has egregiously superior chance to hit to normal content. If the developers deem that it is a problem, that specific power interaction can be adjusted without making it suck to play force fields again.
Allow me to ask this: should Fortitude have been made an AoE buff as well? If the size of the team does not matter, one can infer that the number of allies buffed does not matter. Why then is Fortitude still limited by its recharge?

Of course, I don't feel Fortitude should be made an AoE, but it illustrates the point, I believe, that the strength of a buff and the number of allies it can affect are both relevant matters. It was a tedious matter to buff an entire league, but as I said, it was impossible to buff them with the superior effects of Power Boost. PB'ed ally shields came with an opportunity cost, deciding one teammate needed the extra def meant another would miss out.

Note the AoE buff change doesn't offer only convenience, it also offers a substantial endurance discount with each additional ally buffed. You're now using half the endurance to buff two allies, a third for three, etc. Those endurance costs should be changed and a cost per ally affected seems to be the most equitable way to do it. Even a cost of 2.5 endurance per ally would be a discount from the previous cost of buffing a team of 8, but enough to drain most of the blue bar when buffing a league. That's all. We can keep the one (or two) click buffing, reducing the tedium of buffing, without giving away buffs for free.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Allow me to ask this: should Fortitude have been made an AoE buff as well? If the size of the team does not matter, one can infer that the number of allies buffed does not matter. Why then is Fortitude still limited by its recharge?
The buffs they changed (well, other than Increase Density, which just needed a buff anyway) were all buffs that were meant to be kept on the whole team all the time. Fortitude is not such a buff.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
The buffs they changed (well, other than Increase Density, which just needed a buff anyway) were all buffs that were meant to be kept on the whole team all the time. Fortitude is not such a buff.
I asked this in opposition to Draeth's statement that the team size, and therefore number of allies, affected was irrelevant. I don't feel that it is irrelevant and Fortitude is a prime example of that. Stronger buffs should have limitations to how many allies they may affect. Or perhaps, we could look at the Leadership pool, deemed powerful enough that they should only affect you and 7 teammates.

And while, yes, ally shields were meant to be maintainable on teams at all times, they were not reasonably maintainable on leagues (including pets). That's the trouble here. Team balance hasn't been dramatically altered, but league play has.



As Agge mentioned, Fortitude was a ridiculous example to use because of its role as a single target exclusive buff as opposed to a full team up time buff. You twisted my words to mean something they clearly did not and that is an unfortunate tactic to take in a debate.

So, rather than even bother with any kind of back-and-forth about this, I'll just reiterate my point: If the developers feel that Power Boosted Force Fields are too powerful, they will change that interaction directly. I personally do not and have not even noticed a marked performance increase in Leagues that I could attribute to better defense - most league members are still being hit as often as not because there are such magnitudes of defense debuffs available to league mobs. Frankly speaking, Force Fields is something of a relic of a set anymore anyway and I don't see any reason to invalidate the one and only advantage it brings to the table over Cold, which has several amazing debuffs available to it as well as Frostwork.

As for scaling endurance costs - why? What purpose does it serve? Consider that when you're talking about game design. Is this a valid opportunity-cost issue or is it really just going to make something that shouldn't be a prominent element of gameplay stand out more, by being more time consuming to recover from and thus more frustrating once again?

The answer to that question is the latter. The buffs will still be cast, it only serves to make the buffer's gameplay worse by blowing their entire endurance bar because they're on a league. Heals are not scaled in cost per target. Attacks are not scaled in cost per target. Controls are not scaled in cost per target. Buffs should be no different. The developers finally, just realized that increasing the endurance costs of the Mastermind upgrades was a mistake. You're really barking up the wrong tree.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
Heals are not scaled in cost per target. Attacks are not scaled in cost per target. Controls are not scaled in cost per target. Buffs should be no different. The developers finally, just realized that increasing the endurance costs of the Mastermind upgrades was a mistake. You're really barking up the wrong tree.
To be fair, attacks and controls have target caps, and heals (outside of Rebirth, obviously) do not affect the entire league (AFAIK).

I do think altering Power Boost (and Power Build Up) and/or its interaction with shields is a much more efficient way of dealing with the problem, however.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
...and heals (outside of Rebirth, obviously) do not affect the entire league (AFAIK)...
All area Heals affect any friendly target in the radius, team status not considered, up to a maximum of 255 units.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
As Agge mentioned, Fortitude was a ridiculous example to use because of its role as a single target exclusive buff as opposed to a full team up time buff. You twisted my words to mean something they clearly did not and that is an unfortunate tactic to take in a debate.
You stated something which held implications that you did not consider. That is why I asked a question that would allow you to clarify your position.

...the size of the team is irrelevant because the league content has egregiously superior chance to hit to normal content.
The number of targets affected by any power is a balance concern. I concede Fortitude is a poor illustration and point once again to the Leadership pool, powers limited to teammates only due to their strength when stacking. While the difference between the softcap and trial softcap make a significant difference for most defensive builds, it is not such a difference that we can dismiss cumulative defense buffs. In fact, a Force Field defender with Power Boost, Clarion Radial Epiphany, and Nerve Core Paragon will very easily hit the 59% defense necessary to softcap in trials without the use of IO's. That egregious chance to hit can be neutered by a single individual.

So, rather than even bother with any kind of back-and-forth about this, I'll just reiterate my point: If the developers feel that Power Boosted Force Fields are too powerful, they will change that interaction directly. I personally do not and have not even noticed a marked performance increase in Leagues that I could attribute to better defense - most league members are still being hit as often as not because there are such magnitudes of defense debuffs available to league mobs. Frankly speaking, Force Fields is something of a relic of a set anymore anyway and I don't see any reason to invalidate the one and only advantage it brings to the table over Cold, which has several amazing debuffs available to it as well as Frostwork.
I'm with you on this. I don't think the synergy between Force Fields and Power Boost should be removed as I stated in my initial post and second post where I state "PB should affect the shields as it always has." I almost raised the same issue in respond to IantheM1's post. However, I do feel some balance needs to be struck and the devs sometimes require nudging to see where things can be improved.

As for scaling endurance costs - why? What purpose does it serve? Consider that when you're talking about game design. Is this a valid opportunity-cost issue or is it really just going to make something that shouldn't be a prominent element of gameplay stand out more, by being more time consuming to recover from and thus more frustrating once again?

The answer to that question is the latter. The buffs will still be cast, it only serves to make the buffer's gameplay worse by blowing their entire endurance bar because they're on a league.
In regards to buffing there have always been three costs: casting time, endurance, and opportunity cost. This change has severely reduced casting time and reduced endurance cost. Opportunity cost for PB'ed shields was only an issue before IO's made it possible to PB shield the entire team, and now that has been removed. While it has removed the tedium of buffing, it has increased the mindlessness of it. Little thought needs to be spent on when, who, or how to buff and to me that makes the gameplay a little less interesting.

There needs to be, in my opinion, something there to make the player consider how they're buffing. Considering endurance is a penalty that can be quickly recovered with a few inspirations, it's a mild step back. In fact, it would put endurance usage on a standard team back where it used to be. As is stands now there are already some discussing the irrelevance of endurance slotting in the ally shields here.

Heals are not scaled in cost per target. Attacks are not scaled in cost per target. Controls are not scaled in cost per target. Buffs should be no different. The developers finally, just realized that increasing the endurance costs of the Mastermind upgrades was a mistake. You're really barking up the wrong tree.
Mastermind upgrades are an excellent example of the pendulum swinging back and forth. At one time, all pets had to be upgraded individually. It was tedious; as a result it was changed to become a one-click upgrade for all pets. The endurance cost was increased with this in mind. Perhaps, it was adjusted too far. The pendulum swings back and the endurance cost of upgrades has been lowered.

I feel the developers have overshot with their implementation of AoE buffs, something they're generally cautious to avoid. However, I fully anticipate that some change will come down the line.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
People complain that FF is lacking and should be king of defense buffs. Well, now it is.
It was the king of defense before the change. It's still the red headed step child of end game content for support sets.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
It was the king of defense before the change. It's still the red headed step child of end game content for support sets.
That;s only because you need Barrier to back it up in order to deal with the Trial "spft-cap" on Defense. Thermal & Sonic don't need that, resists are much better in that sense, theres no RNG involved. (And we all know the RNG is an evil vindictive bastage!)

I really think this will help me push my Sonic/Sonic Corr up to 50 for Trial content- they can always uses his shields.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
However, as we see with ice shields, it's entirely possible to flag powers to be unaffected by Power Boost. Personally, I'm glad they didn't. People complain that FF is lacking and should be king of defense buffs. Well, now it is.
Not to make it unaffected by Power Boost specifically. The Ice Shield powers are tagged to not be affected by any buff or debuff (so Weaken and Benumb doesn't change them, either), as is the standard for any power that buffs or debuffs Resistance (this is because Resist and Damage are the same modifier, so if they didn't flag it, then your damage buffs would act as resistance enhancement in that power). The imbalance here, as noted previously in the Defenders Issues thread, is that this means that none of the shield powers are affected by Power Boost except for Force Field, because they all have some kind of resist component, somewhere.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Devs give Force Field a "buff" in the form of adding some extra resistance to the shields (S/L on the first, F/C/E/N on the second) and flag them as being unaffected by buffs and debuffs.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
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Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
All area Heals affect any friendly target in the radius, team status not considered, up to a maximum of 255 units.
It didn't seem like that when I raided on my Empath, but I'll admit it's been a while. I know for a fact that team buffs like Mind Link are definitely not league-wide though.

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Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Or the radial branch from Clarion Destiny which offers +special.
It does? Interesting!

Well, I already have both Barrier and Rebirth started up on my forcefielder, might as well get Clarion, too.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
Not to make it unaffected by Power Boost specifically. The Ice Shield powers are tagged to not be affected by any buff or debuff (so Weaken and Benumb doesn't change them, either), as is the standard for any power that buffs or debuffs Resistance (this is because Resist and Damage are the same modifier, so if they didn't flag it, then your damage buffs would act as resistance enhancement in that power). The imbalance here, as noted previously in the Defenders Issues thread, is that this means that none of the shield powers are affected by Power Boost except for Force Field, because they all have some kind of resist component, somewhere.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Devs give Force Field a "buff" in the form of adding some extra resistance to the shields (S/L on the first, F/C/E/N on the second) and flag them as being unaffected by buffs and debuffs.
Actually, Deflection Shield already has a 40% resistance buff against toxic damage. Insulation Shield also has resistance to endurance drain, though I'm not sure that mechanic falls in line with how resistance/damage works. Scorpion Shield also has toxic resist and, if I recall correctly, is affected by Power Boost. Again, I don't know the mechanical reason that toxic is exempted from the PB exclusion.

At any rate, considering this issue a bit more, I ponder if the following was possible: insulation/deflection shields casting two effects, a PB-able one on the target alone and a nearly identical but un-PB-able AoE centered on the target. This thought was spurred by Increased Density granting mez protection only to the target but resistance to allies in the area. This would allow FF to retain the advantage of having Power Boost for select targets.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Actually, Deflection Shield already has a 40% resistance buff against toxic damage. Insulation Shield also has resistance to endurance drain, though I'm not sure that mechanic falls in line with how resistance/damage works. Scorpion Shield also has toxic resist and, if I recall correctly, is affected by Power Boost. Again, I don't know the mechanical reason that toxic is exempted from the PB exclusion.
The reason there is that they flagged the Toxic Resist effect to ignore both buffs and enhancements. The Devs can either flag a power to ignore buffs (in which case enhancements still work), or they can flag an effect of a power to ignore both. So while they could change the Cold Shields to be buffable with Power Boost, you'd no longer be able to enhance the resistance portion.

And the Sonic and Thermal shields would still be out on a limb.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

Got a Mids suggestion? Want to report a Mids bug?



Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
The reason there is that they flagged the Toxic Resist effect to ignore both buffs and enhancements. The Devs can either flag a power to ignore buffs (in which case enhancements still work), or they can flag an effect of a power to ignore both. So while they could change the Cold Shields to be buffable with Power Boost, you'd no longer be able to enhance the resistance portion.

And the Sonic and Thermal shields would still be out on a limb.
As it should be. Cold Domination is already a strong performer. If the shields were PB-able that would really drive a nail into FF's coffin from a min-maxer standpoint.

Allow my to clarify my response to this:

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Devs give Force Field a "buff" in the form of adding some extra resistance to the shields (S/L on the first, F/C/E/N on the second) and flag them as being unaffected by buffs and debuffs.
If a change were to be made to Force Fields I would hope that it retains the ability to Power Boost its ally shields. I don't wish to see the same treatment given to other shielding sets.

However, I do feel the ability to give 24 allies Power Boosted shields with a nominal endurance cost is overpowered. My suggestions have been directed at correcting this corner case.



I haven't dusted any off, because I don't have any above level 20.

I might actually play some buffing characters now though.

Constantly having to reapply buffs was a huge fun-killer for me.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.