Are there any plans to look at PVP before "COH: Freedom" launches?




Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
And... who's surprised by this announcement?


Didn't think so.
I lol'd.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I will say it again the best thing the Devs could do is make an AE style of tool the players could use for PvP creation.

Then the players could build maps, create game play and balance powers.

In almost every type of 1st person shooter they have an SDK kit that is free and can be used to edit and do exactly what I am talking about. If they did this then the players would create popular maps, power balances and game play changes that would be the most FUN.

PvP in this type of a game is not skill related as in a fast twitch FPS game. It is auto hit and all you need is a target. Then after you work the numbers the auto hit portion is sorted and defense and resistance and other buffs/debuffs sorted.

If you can click it and you are in range you have attacked it.

But the game play could be altered - Flags are Temp Powers on a timer. If you die they drop awaiting the next click for x seconds until they return to spawn.

Escort mission we already have! But they could be built into PvP quite easily.

I know I once played in a Dustbowl league in Half Life. We could recreate this mapstyle very easily. Stalkers are the Spy archtype. Tanks are the large gunners, defenders - medics, Blasters - soldiers, Master Minds - engineers.

I am extremely disappointed that nothing has been attempted other than a free for all play in PvP.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Hey all,

There are no plans for significant updates to PVP prior to Issue 21.


- Z
Prior to?

Now you're just messing with us.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Not really, it answers the question posed in the thread title exactly. If the question was 'are there any plans to look at pvp in the foreseeable future?' then you might have (haha yeah right!) gotten a different answer. But since the question asked about before CoH Freedom the answer is quite straightforward.

"And yes, it worries me that people know how many pipelines their graphics cards have and the bus speed of a PCIe-16x, yet don't know how to convert between bordering time zones."

[COLOR="Yellow"]Avatar by Dragonberry, coloring by Bubbawheat[/COLOR]



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
It's how I read it.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I'm not a PVPer but I do wish this system would just get rolled back to pre-Issue 13, when it was imperfect but at least, supposedly, fun. I have empathy for Z's position on this because he isn't the person making the decisions (and empathy for the person who has to make the decision, because they don't have infinite money).

However, I will say this: if the reason PVP was never fixed/rolled back/completed was because it was assumed not enough people use it to make it worth the cost, consider that PVP is a waving red flag for people who fear that Paragon Studios is willing to break a system and leave it that way forever. When I look at the incarnate system and their wait-death-grind-repeat nature, PVP is a reference point on just how far the developers are willing to push on a system that dismantles what made the original game experience attractive.



I think one of the major things they need to decide is how they want to earn income from PvP - like would they want it to generate subs, or would they want it to create sales at the Paragon Market?
If they want it to generate subs, then that wouldn't meed so much tweaking of the system - but if they want it so that free players can compete by buying stuff form the store, then that might need more work on the system.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Hey all,

There are no plans for significant updates to PVP prior to Issue 21.


- Z
While expected, I'm not overly surprised.

Thanks for the response all the same mate.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
I will say it again the best thing the Devs could do is make an AE style of tool the players could use for PvP creation.

Then the players could build maps, create game play and balance powers.

In almost every type of 1st person shooter they have an SDK kit that is free and can be used to edit and do exactly what I am talking about. If they did this then the players would create popular maps, power balances and game play changes that would be the most FUN.

PvP in this type of a game is not skill related as in a fast twitch FPS game. It is auto hit and all you need is a target. Then after you work the numbers the auto hit portion is sorted and defense and resistance and other buffs/debuffs sorted.

If you can click it and you are in range you have attacked it.

But the game play could be altered - Flags are Temp Powers on a timer. If you die they drop awaiting the next click for x seconds until they return to spawn.

Escort mission we already have! But they could be built into PvP quite easily.

I know I once played in a Dustbowl league in Half Life. We could recreate this mapstyle very easily. Stalkers are the Spy archtype. Tanks are the large gunners, defenders - medics, Blasters - soldiers, Master Minds - engineers.
Infernus Hades, this is a genius proposal--Yes, yes! Provide options that allow the players to create their own rule sets; TONS of options and ways to mix it up in new and unexpected ways. Popular rule sets would gain a big audience quickly, but niche rule sets could also entice players who are harder to satisfy, need bigger challenges or whatever. And if you couldn't find the type of PvP missions/arenas that fit your tastes, you could CREATE it right in Mission Architect. If the system was innovative, and if you put your mind to it, you could create varieties of "combat" that felt more like puzzles, battles of wit and intellect. In-your-face combat is all fine and good, but imagine for instance a controller's paradise; an abstract dimension where physical damage is somehow nullified and the only way to win is by using the environment to destroy the opponent's interdimensional phasing device (a type of flag).

... Or they could just stick a few hack-n-slash PvP options in there for us, hee hee. If you'll please excuse my imagination, it's a bit excitable....

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Base changes are quite likely in the future - it's another potential cash stream, with a huge range of cosmetic items that could be made and sold.
With the devs limiting "pay to win" features, PvP is a much smaller potential cash stream.
With the Paragon Market emphasizing cosmetic rather than practical items, player housing is always going to have a higher priority than PvP for developer attention.
All I'm going to say is this comes across as somebody who is rather ignorant on how much the base building community has tried for improvements only to get treated like some sort of red headed stepchild. There has been one notable attempt by the devs to deal with bases only for it to be so messed up it never even hit beta. That's it and bases have been around since CoV hit. "Base changes are quite likely in the future." You mean before it's been 20 issues since bases were first introduced?



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Hey all,

There are no plans for significant updates to PVP prior to Issue 21.


- Z
I am surprised by this statement!
