Best of MST3K?




I have fond memeories of Overdrawn at the Memory bank, as well as Werewolf..which I had rented a year before it was put on the show.



My god, has no one mentioned Zombie Nightmare?

Go watch Zombie Nightmare. It's available streaming.

Do it now.

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Master Ninja Theme Song!

Any of the Gamera Movies

The Day the Earth Froze

Bride of Satan, where everyone talks like I imagine William Shatner would on heroin, " ....................................sand.......... ....wich?

"Star Wars is adolescent nonsense; Close Encounters is obscurantist drivel; "Star Trek" can turn your brains to puree of bat guano; and the greatest science fiction series of all time is Dr. Who! "
Harlan Ellison



Prince of Space and the Pumaman are my favorites (or is that pewmaman?)

Oh yes and Waahrvullffff is another good one. Devilfish as well. I could go all day!



I have seen Pyooma Man. My favorite short has to be A Date With Your Family.



Good God going on an Archive binge of MST3K is scary.

I actually worked out that since each episode is usually 100 minutes long, there is actually 328 hours of MST3K to watch...not including the movie (which is shorter than most episodes...weird).

If you stayed up and watched nothing but would take you over THIRTEEN DAYS! to watch the entire run...


Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Cave Dwellers, Time of the Apes, Master Ninja (whichever has the theme song - worth the price of admission), Attack of the the Eye Creatures, Pod People, Magic Sword, Fugitive Alien 1 & 2, Side Hackers, Daddy-O.

Good to know Netflix has them, I don't have the hard drive space for the torrent, nor do i particularly want to leave my compy on for the year it'd take that to download. Now if only i didn't spend all my time on CoH i could watch some