



“bronies” (“bro ponies”) — men who are fans of My Little Pony.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



The new My Little Pony is actually pretty good. It's well animated, has great voice acting, and is written well in most episodes. It's basically a slice of life comedy starring pastel colored magical talking ponies in a fantasy setting, and somehow that works.

Of course, some fans do take it a bit far, this happens with every fandom, but most bronies are pretty friendly. Still, as always, I suggest people give it a fair shot before dismissing it. I can't link to it, of course, but the full name of the show is "My Litte Pony: Friendship is Magic".

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Proud Brony here.

Started watching the show with my 3 1/2 year old, at the suggestion of some people on a D&D forum I'm on. Got hooked. It's good.

I mean, it's not Shakespeare or anything, but it's pretty fun for a kid's cartoon, and there's actual characterization and development - which is more than you can say for most TV shows for "grown ups" nowadays.



While not a full-fledged "Brony", I do have an image of one my main CoH characters, Kassai, done up as a pony.



Mmm, dunno about all this. I've caught the hoopla from afar online so when I stumbled across a link to an ep I watched it. Tried to give it a fair shake but it didn't float my boat.

To be fair though, it wasn't profoundly insulting like most popular things seem to be, so I guess it has that going for it.



Another proud Brony here, and here is an IRL version of me as a pony:



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And naked, except for shoes and a watch.
How do you know that's not my usual attire?