Have the Ability to Opt Out Taking the MA Tour
Yeah, I'd be up for that. As well as for the other popups - what gets me is the ones for the PVP zones... after I've been in and grabbed a temp power, exploration badge or the like. It's like walking out of a gift shop to be asked "And have you seen our gift shop?"
How about:
- Tour comes up by default.
- If you have ANY MA badges (since many of them are account-wide,) the tour is skipped.
- If you still want to take the tour, the option is there at the MA manager contact.
- New option at the manager - "I know about MA already, thanks" - which finishes the tour.
Same with PVP zones -
- Any PVP badge for that zone = no popup.
(I don't think there's a global PVP badge that could be checked, come to think of it.)
/Yes to all the above but can we throw in that annoying trip to the Hollows as well? I'm sick of wasting a drop mission on it everytime I start a new character.
That's one of the reasons I just stopped doing the entry arcs all together. Once radio's came out it became much simpler to just street sweep to 4 then sewer run to 10 before hitting KR for the safeguard. After that I'd look to starting contact missions.
That way I'd avoid the wincott talk and the perez guard talk and the 90 other 'run here to tell them no' things I'd end up slogging through otherwise.
Needless to say.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
God, yes, PLEASE! /Signed
And can we have the option to refuse contacts, too? I don't WANT the low level Hero contacts. They all suck. Their missions are horrible, their fed-exes are horrible, their dialogue is flat and bland and their personality is none existent.
I yearn for the day when Revamp > New shinies becomes a reality, I really do
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Yeah, I often end up doing the Hollows arcs anyway, simply because they are content I can STAND to do at those levels. The big exp payoffs from the LT and Flux are both nice, unlike the other turgid tripe you get at that level. I tend to peter off a Julius, though, mostly because Igneous are nasty unless teamed (and even then...) and I like running with SG/Channel friends who tend to be a bit higher level anyway.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Very much like this. Would like something similar for the Inventions tutorial, really. It's not hugely annoying unless you change sides, and you at least get a little benefit for your time, but in some cases, I'd rather the ability to just organize 'em straight outta my list.
God, yes, PLEASE! /Signed
And can we have the option to refuse contacts, too? I don't WANT the low level Hero contacts. They all suck. Their missions are horrible, their fed-exes are horrible, their dialogue is flat and bland and their personality is none existent. I yearn for the day when Revamp > New shinies becomes a reality, I really do ![]() |
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
With the hollows, you can at least go talk to wincott ahead of time and not take any missions. He doesn't pester you with a popup, doesn't take an arc slot, and behaves properly as a contact by shuffling off to inactive after a while.

So I reluctantly did the MA tour just to get the Architect Manager out of my active contacts list. After I clicked on him to begin the tour, I clicked on him again only to get the "Complete this mission" we normally get on missions we want to complete without running the mission. Heh,....I never really thought that taking a tour of the MA would really constitute as a "mission" per se. I'm not knocking someone's head against a wall or smashing some villainous foes into the ground. If I did click the "Complete the mission" then I'd have to wait what another 48hrs. to use it again for that toon? Using something like that on the MA tour would just be silly. I think by just adding some kind of pop-up prompt when you roll a new toon and reach that MA level, I think level 10, and have it say something like: "Congratulations on reaching level 10. You now have the option to take the Mission Architect tour. Should you decline meeting the Mission Architect Manager on taking this tour, press the decline button and he will be removed from your active contact list. You will always have the option to take the tour later on by visiting the Mission Architect Manger in (such and such zone)." See, now wasn't that easy?

God, yes, PLEASE! /Signed
And can we have the option to refuse contacts, too? I don't WANT the low level Hero contacts. They all suck. Their missions are horrible, their fed-exes are horrible, their dialogue is flat and bland and their personality is none existent. I yearn for the day when Revamp > New shinies becomes a reality, I really do ![]() |
This is one thing in the game that has always kinda been getting under my skin. Every time we start up a new toon, we are forced to view the Architect Studio Manager in our contact list "until" we take that MA tour. For players who have rolled many toons and been gaming for awhile, it would seem that we already know the "ins and outs" of MA. In taking this tour, there is no badge or accolades awarded for taking this tour. I know there are those who will say that you are not obligated or forced to take this tour. I know that but the issue at hand here is the Architect Studio Manager will always be in your active contact list until you take the tour.
Like some things in this game, we have the option to "opt out" of something if we've done it before. Case-in-point when you sometimes run a mission on a team that is identical to one you have and have not run yet. We will get that message saying if we want to repeat this mission or count it as complete. So, with that being said, I would say option 1 would be to give a badge or accolade for taking the MA tour sort of like the University Tour to get the Inventors badge. Or option 2, give us a "opt out" prompt so we don't have to look at the Architect Studio Managers face every time we go into our active contacts list. What do you guys think?