When did Photon Seekers get buffed?

Adeon Hawkwood



My 50 PB had been in semi-retirement for a while and it was only in the last couple of weeks that i started playing her again. One of the first things i noticed was that Photon Seekers have become very aggressive now. As in if there's an enemy attacking me or within about 40' or so when i launch them they usually streak towards the enemy and detonate so quickly i barely have time to see them. Previously (last year?) when i released them they'd usually wander around near me for a while going "derp derp derp" unless i was within 10' or so of an enemy. Even when they headed towards an enemy after following me around for a few seconds it would usually be a dash toawrds the enemy with a pause for a second or two as if they were asking themselves, "Do I really want to do this?"

Since i'd only been playing lower level PBs for a while i have no idea when this buff happened. Does anyone else know?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



This is the first I've heard of any AI changes in their behavior ...

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



This is news to me..... I will check it out when I get home today from work.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Was playing the other night on my PB and definitely noticed that seekers were being agressive little *bleep!*s.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
My 50 PB had been in semi-retirement for a while and it was only in the last couple of weeks that i started playing her again. One of the first things i noticed was that Photon Seekers have become very aggressive now. As in if there's an enemy attacking me or within about 40' or so when i launch them they usually streak towards the enemy and detonate so quickly i barely have time to see them. Previously (last year?) when i released them they'd usually wander around near me for a while going "derp derp derp" unless i was within 10' or so of an enemy. Even when they headed towards an enemy after following me around for a few seconds it would usually be a dash toawrds the enemy with a pause for a second or two as if they were asking themselves, "Do I really want to do this?"

Since i'd only been playing lower level PBs for a while i have no idea when this buff happened. Does anyone else know?
If I had to hazard a guess I would say right around the same time that MM pet AI got borked and things started rushing off into melee range whether or not they had a melee attack.

Noticed the same type of thing on my /Traps toons with seeker drones for at least 9 months maybe longer.

Global: @Kelig



Originally Posted by joebartender View Post
If I had to hazard a guess I would say right around the same time that MM pet AI got borked and things started rushing off into melee range whether or not they had a melee attack.
Well I guess at least some good came of all pets wanting to get into melee.



I can't imagine my Photon Seekers experience is actually a "buffed" experience? Wow...how bad were they before?

Yes, they do run in very fast and that's it. It's almost too fast 'cause sometimes I want them to go to center to hit more targets. They almost immediately explode as soon as they see the first target, which could be just a minion. T_T

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I love my Pb more than my WS, but I do wish my PB's pets were kinda like WS. I dont mean using a dead body to form them, I just like that they dont explode and they can help attack.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Originally Posted by Big_Soto View Post
I love my Pb more than my WS, but I do wish my PB's pets were kinda like WS. I dont mean using a dead body to form them, I just like that they dont explode and they can help attack.
I've suggested before that they should turn those Seekers into Police Drones. 3 seekers coming out and they'll shoot beams for a short duration and disappear. They cannot be target/killed.

If they want to be fancy about it and if they really want the seekers to "explode", then make each Seeker a bit different. Having 3 knock backs is a bad thing because if the first drone hits, the other two may not hit as many targets due to the serious knockback.

They should do:

Seeker 1: AoE damage knockdown
Seeker 2: Aoe damage + 15% damage debuff (like /traps')
Seeker 3: AoE damage + 15% resistance debuff

Photon Seeker is a lvl 32 power with 300s recharge so it's a "situational power". They should make these seekers more interesting than just exploding and knocking !@#4 all over the place. The last thing I need is having even more knock backs. It's not like Peacebringer doesn't have enough already.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I never noticed the AI change, because I always treat them as a PBAOE rather than a self-guided targeted AOE.

They do still go "derp" if they're not "facing" the right way when they appear. And they do have facing, because I've seen some odd targeting behavior that can only be explained by the closest targets not being in the "line of sight" of seekers as they are summoned.



I started playing on my PB recently and i noticed a bit of a change in their aggressiveness. If i use solar flare and send the group maybe 20-30ft the seekers disappear so fast that my comp lags for a second.

Although, sometimes they still go "derp" if the whole group is stunned by pulsar. xD



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
Although, sometimes they still go "derp" if the whole group is stunned by pulsar. xD
Critter AI "tends" not to attack foes who are mezzed. Some MM pet sets have issues with that as well. It was probably put in to help players out, so that critters wouldn't be as likely to take you down when you were stunned, held, etc. Now that there are a wider variety of pets in the game, its a more mixed blessing.