Warehouse 13 Spinoff plus a few more Scifi Shows Axed
OK.. now I'm excited! H.G was a great addition to 13 last season and a very cool character. SciFi cashing in on the recent Steampunk resurgence? Not surprised and very happy about it. SciFi may be 90% crap but 13, Eureka are the only good shows they have left, here's hoping they make a 3rd gem.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
Those of you who thought The Event and V would get more seasons raise your hands.
yeah. thought so.
No surprise on V, it just failed to deliver week after week & the whiny emo son was the worst thing about the show.
But I had hoped The Event might be given another season.
When The Event came back from hiatus the writers had changed all the things people had hated about the show.
They got rid of the annoying flashbacks, explained what Sophias people were & gave them a purpose for being here & most importantly the writers drastically ramped up the action for the show.
I wonder why it took the writers so long to fix what was wrong with the show; this feels like déjà vu, it was the same thing that happened with SGU.
No surprise on V, it just failed to deliver week after week & the whiny emo son was the worst thing about the show.
But I had hoped The Event might be given another season. When The Event came back from hiatus the writers had changed all the things people had hated about the show. They got rid of the annoying flashbacks, explained what Sophias people were & gave them a purpose for being here & most importantly the writers drastically ramped up the action for the show. I wonder why it took the writers so long to fix what was wrong with the show; this feels like déjà vu, it was the same thing that happened with SGU. |
The first part of the season was all exposition and that is the method they were using to give to the audience. The second part they were never going to have all the flashbacks and was always going to be straight forward.
The Event looked cool at first... became annoying to watch after the first few episode and got dropped from my care about watching list... When I heard that the second part wasn't going to have the flashbacks and such I meant to give it a shot, but I didn't care enough to ever turn it on... I'm pretty certain that is what happened to everyone.
V i never heard anything bad about other than it's not the original V and everyone loved it so no clue what happened there. I never watched it... thought about it, but never decided to.
H.G. Wells gets her own Warehouse 13 spinoff.
http://blastr.com/2011/05/hg-wells-to-star-in-syfys.php |
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online
nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch
The problem with the final episode of V is Tyler getting massacred, humans getting Blissed, and the fifth column joining up with the MiB. The producers of a cancelled show should have revealed the plans for the show to pacify fans about what happens next or reveal plans to wrap everything up in a miniseries, movie, or book. Tyler seemed to be only about creating teenage angst and being the future father of a alien hybrid.
HG Wells getting a show sounds good, but it sounds like Steampunk CSI. I prefer the premise of Warehouse 13 to a Steampunk version of CSI.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online
nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch
The problem I have with The Event is the total personality shifts that happens with most of the major characters. The whole damn cast is bipolar. Maybe that was caused by a shift in writers or showrunner but for a series that wanted to be the next Lost, you sort of need some consistency in character.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
H.G. Wells gets her own Warehouse 13 spinoff.
The Event is gone.
V is gone.