Help me decide-Brute or Scrapper?




So, I've got a powerset, name, bio, origin, and costume for a new toon that I'm wanting to make.

But what I can't decide on is should I make a Brute or a Scrapper? (I like both, I've played multiples of both, but I just can't decide with this one)


-- the caveat here is that the toon will be strictly a single-target, flashing blades of buzzsaw bad-a**sery type.

-- I will not be taking Spin, Eviscerate, or Shockwave

So, given the "fast kill, move to next target, fast kill, rinse and repeat ad infinitum" type play that I expect from Claws, it sounds like a Brute might be the way to go.

Or would a more-or-less permanent Followup bonus, plus the Criticals make a Scrapper a better choice? (plus I wouldn't have to start in praetoria...again...either)


6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



While I personally prefer Brutes over scrappers ( because I can play Mini tank as well ) It sounds to me that what you what is a scrapper.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Oh and to add a bit more.

I'm also toying around with the idea of skipping Followup as well.

What!!! I hear from the distance, skip your build-up power?

Well, yeah. It's been a very long time since I've done anything with Claws but I seem to remember Followup as rather slow (in comparison to the other attacks) and as throwing off the whole flow of slice, slice, stab, mince, puree that Claws "should" be doing.

So I don't really know...that's one that I'll probably have to try out and decide upon, but I think an attack set with Swipe, Strike, Slash, and Focus would be pretty fast and brutal.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Invul is better on a brute, but that's about the only advantage you would have with what you are doing. Without the AoEs, a scrapper is better. Spin for brutes was tweaked to where it's better than the scrapper version. Scrappers due better ST damage with Claws. Claws on a scrapper is also faster so that gives you the play style you want.

I would take FU because you really would be gimping yourself at that point. It's bad enough you are removing the AoEs, but skipping FU will be cutting into your DPS as well which means you aren't moving so fast between mobs. This says nothing of what powers are you taking in place of all of the skipped Claws powers.

I do find /invul as a slightly odd choice for this. /invul benefits from bigger mobs, but yet you are taking away your AoEs. /sr to me is a better match for a Claws buzzsaw.



I may be mistaken, but I've heard brute's spin is better than the scrapper version, so good it's almost in the 'unskippable' category.

Scrapper: better burst damage, though claws is won't let this shine as brightly, but does show up with critical hits. The higher damage mod makes follow-up more potent in scrapper hands. Invulnerability keeps foes from running, which enemies are prone to do with scrappers. (as they lack gauntlet)

Brutes: needs to work for damage. On the plus side, claws helps here with fast attacks that fill fury fast. Follow-up less useful for brutes, due to lower damage multiplier. They have higher HP and res caps, so they get more mileage out of the S/L resists and dull pain. They have gauntlet, but that's not going to do much more than invincibility. Oh, and unstoppable is actually meaningful on brutes, as it helps them overcome their lower armor modifiers to reach tanker-level caps.

Honestly, in my opinion this is one of those combos that plays to the strengths of the brute archetype. But if you prefer scrappers, go that way.



Thanks for the opinions all.

I'm curious about Spin on the Brute now. What got tweaked?

Unless Mid's is wrong or it's just one of those situations where you can't see the reality from the raw numbers; I'm not seeing any difference between the B and S versions. (other than base damage and recharge rates - damage lower on brutes and recharge is higher on brutes). Activation times are both marked the same, AoE size same, etc.

As to why Invul, it's mostly just because I haven't done an Invul in a long time. I've got 4 Super Reflexers, 2 Shields, and just recently finished a stint with a Willpower Tank. So just wanted something a bit different.

Honestly, I started the character idea with Energy Aura (which I've never used), but I really really really don't like the transparency effect that stealth powers force onto you (barring stalkers of course, on them it's acceptable). And /EA without the stealth power is just a weaker version of /SR....

Well, thanks again folks. I think I'm going to go with a Scrapper version.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



It almost sounds like you are really describing a Night Widow instead of all the previous choices. I certainly feel like the way you want to feel when I'm on my Widow. NW has sick ST damage and you can even add some psychic damage types to your repertoire (from the Fortunada tree) incase you come up against mobs that have high lethal resistance which is fairly often. The only down side is that it's squishier than Brute or Scrappers but it's certainly not a faceplant machine. It's even that way on the trials against +3 Praetorian mobs (before getting the level shifts from Lore and Destiny) because Widows can reach the "new defense softcap" with perma Mind Link.



Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
I'm curious about Spin on the Brute now. What got tweaked?

Unless Mid's is wrong or it's just one of those situations where you can't see the reality from the raw numbers; I'm not seeing any difference between the B and S versions. (other than base damage and recharge rates - damage lower on brutes and recharge is higher on brutes). Activation times are both marked the same, AoE size same, etc.
The Brute version does more normalized damage than the Scrapper version in exchange for a higher recharge.

Brutes' melee modifier is .75; Scrappers modifier is 1.125. So just looking at raw damage doesn't give you enough information.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Thanks Baron...I didn't even think about a Widow.
They are pretty much an ST claws aren't they?

I'll try working out a build for one (never played a Widow yet, so that might be worth persuing).

Thanks for the info EG. I always forget about the AT mods.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



also Stalker version of claws has Eviscerate as ST and it has no spin (AS instead) and no Follow up (build up instead)... more food for thought

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Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
I'm also toying around with the idea of skipping Followup as well.

What!!! I hear from the distance, skip your build-up power?

Well, yeah. It's been a very long time since I've done anything with Claws but I seem to remember Followup as rather slow (in comparison to the other attacks) and as throwing off the whole flow of slice, slice, stab, mince, puree that Claws "should" be doing.
Don't skip Follow Up.

When they tweaked the set a few years ago they removed that annoying pause that Follow Up had. It fits smoothly into an attack chain now. And if you go with a scrapper it will be absolutely vital to keeping your damage output up. Brutes don't need the damage as much, but the to-hit boost is very worthwhile for them.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
also Stalker version of claws has Eviscerate as ST and it has no spin (AS instead) and no Follow up (build up instead)... more food for thought
That's what I was thinking as well, but had guessed that it had to be Invuln, which Stalkers don't get.

And if living through things is a concern about making a Widow, don't downplay the extra survivability that a Fortunata gets from control to go with soft-capped positional defenses, and scaling resistances.

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it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
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It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.