Death penalty




Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
If the game throws a crippling death penalty at a player, the player doesn't necessarily learn *anything* from being defeated, other than that it is frustrating and perhaps they'd rather spend their time doing something else. (And that's assuming that they died in a situation where there's anything to learn, as opposed to being killed because the RNG went a bit evil or because the server allowed an NPC to beat on them for an extra twenty seconds during a lag spike.)
Oh, this reminds me of my own anecdote:

Recently, I've been playing a Mace/Inv Brute. She's pretty strong and I'm good enough to know when to leg it to avoid death, so I should have been almost unkillable. Except I haven't been. I've died. A lot. Most of the times, deaths come to a few factors:

1. I'm chatting with friends and die because I'm too lazy to back out of the chat half-finished.
2. Inattention to my health bar, getting low on health without realising it.
3. Posting on the forums while Alt-Tabbed out of the game, coming back to find myself killed by a patrol or a nearby spawn.
4. Getting blown up by Steel Canyon Fires because those have the dumbest possible penalty for failure to no reward for success.

In order, what have those taught me?

1. Don't chat with people while fighting. No, really?
2. Pay attention to your health bar. Obviously.
3. Don't Alt-Tab out of the game in the middle of a mission. Yeah, right.
4. Don't bother with Steel Canyon fires and lobby for a removal of the final explosion. Done and done.

Is that seriously the lessons players should be learning? Because if I'm any indication, players aren't learning a thing. All this means is I will, in order:

1. Still chat while fighting, but I'll be more careful when I do it.
2. Not pay attention to my health bar because it's fine most of the time.
3. Still Alt-Tab in missions because I like posting on the forums.
4. Still do Steel Canyon fires because I'm apparently not very bright.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Hello everyone,

I'm afraid we've had to lock this thread because of its degeneration into a non-contructive flamewar. While we recognize that discussing gameplay mechanics is important, discussing other systems of penalizing deaths in a game is inevitably going to lead to discussing other games, which is contrary to Rule 8 of the City of Heroes forums, which states:

Please do not compare or contrast City of Heroes to any other game or product, as that is a violation of this rule and is not allowed.
Thank you for your understanding.

Moderator 13