i20 Questions




Returning to the game after a long absence I (re)discovered that I have a lvl 30 PB! I've also started a new WS that i plan on taking to Redside. The boards seem very...dead. Where is everyone?

But, I have questions:

PB - lvl 30
1. How should I level? Tri-Form? Dwarf/Human?
2. How should I slot? 3 slots per power as I level? What should I slot in each? End Reduc? Acc? Dmg?
3. 3. When should I take each power?

WS - lvl 1
1. How should I level? Tri-Form? Dwarf/Human?
2. How should I slot? 3 slots per power as I level? What should I slot in each? End Reduc? Acc? Dmg?
3. When should I take each power?

Hopefully, someone answers me!



With both, when leveling i find it best to focus on a specific form rather than trying to slot everything. I tend to use mostly nova early on, so slot up your attacks, 1acc 3xdmg for nova form should be enough, and you can leave slotting dwarf attacks until a bit later in the piece. Tri-form works better with WS than PB for me, as WS has various human form abilities like mire and stygian circle that you want to drop to human for and then return to dwarf or nova.



Originally Posted by Antares_NA View Post
Returning to the game after a long absence I (re)discovered that I have a lvl 30 PB! I've also started a new WS that i plan on taking to Redside. The boards seem very...dead. Where is everyone?
Playing other ATs, probably. Except for top-notch warshades the incarnate content has once more pointed out how far behind kheldians are on the power curve.

But, I have questions:

PB - lvl 30
1. How should I level? Tri-Form? Dwarf/Human?
2. How should I slot? 3 slots per power as I level? What should I slot in each? End Reduc? Acc? Dmg?
3. 3. When should I take each power?
1 - Human/nova. White Dwarf is a trap! Carry breakfrees for status protection and stay away from the rhinolobster. His damage output is terrible and his "real" survivability is poor. Don't be fooled by people telling you he can tank. Against modern, debuff-heavy content he cannot.

2 - Slot your attacks and self-healing powers first. Slot other powers later. I like to have 4-5 slots in my attacks and 3-4 slots in my self-heals. Acc/3 dam/1 recharge in attacks, 2-3 recharge, 1-2 heal in my heals. Get 3-slotted stamina quickly, and 3-slotted hasten as you can. Then add the last few slots to attacks and heals before starting to slot up other powers.

3 - Depends on the power. Most you want to take right when they become available. Nova form take at 6. Essence boost at 4. Radiant strike at 8, incandescent at 18, reform essence and pulsar in that order as quickly as possible in the 20s. Other powers you have wiggle room in when you take. Take hasten early.

WS - lvl 1
1. How should I level? Tri-Form? Dwarf/Human?
2. How should I slot? 3 slots per power as I level? What should I slot in each? End Reduc? Acc? Dmg?
3. When should I take each power?

Hopefully, someone answers me!
1. Nova/dwarf. For warshades dwarf form is pretty good. Your human form is wonky and hard to use. Use your human form to buff yourself with mire and eclipse for nova as much as possible, and then use dwarf if things get really ugly. Use human form to recover with stygian circle, and to summon your extracted essences. Otherwise, if you aren't buffing or recovering or making pets, you probably shouldn't be in human form.

2. See above. Favor your attacks. Slot other powers as you can. Extracted essence should get slot love.

3. See above. Forms as soon as they're available. Extracted essence and stygian circle asap also.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Originally Posted by Antares_NA View Post
PB - lvl 30
1. How should I level? Tri-Form? Dwarf/Human?
2. How should I slot? 3 slots per power as I level? What should I slot in each? End Reduc? Acc? Dmg?
3. 3. When should I take each power?
Check out my guide (Linked in my sig) for the answers to questions 1 and 3.

Question 2 is...complicated. With Khelds slotting depends much more on personal preference. As others have said, focus your slots on the powers you use the most. Then fill in the others as priority demands. As for what enhancements to use, we'll need more information. Are you planning to use SOs, generic IOs or sets? What's your budget like?

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
Check out my guide (Linked in my sig) for the answers to questions 1 and 3.
His Guide is a Lie....It's a Complete and undeniable lie.... PeaceBringers DO NOT Suck!

But Guides are your friend... TimeShadow, Dechs Kaison and AlienOne all have great Guides to help you develop you Kheldian.

I've seen them, I've read them, and I don't personally follow them...... because I develop every character I create on how I feel they play the game, and I enjoy them greatly. My only suggestion would be Have Fun and they will amaze you with what they can do.

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Originally Posted by Mr_NoBody View Post
His Guide is a Lie....It's a Complete and undeniable lie.... PeaceBringers DO NOT Suck!
Only the title's a lie

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



No...no they suck...they really do...

The people who play them don't, but we are a dedicated and stubborn few.



Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
No...no they suck...they really do...

The people who play them don't, but we are a dedicated and stubborn few.
Nice hyperbole. No ATs in CoH suck. They all play differently and people will have their preferences, but none of them suck. I dislike every Defender and MM combo I have tried, but I'm not going to go and say they suck because of it.

Peacebringers have some wonky powers that need tweaking, sure. But they can do a great job all the same and are fun to play. If I was less honest, I would let people whinge about them on the boards and hope that gets them the dev attention they deserve, but I can't. People paint it overly bleak and it annoys the heck out of me.

Antares, some sections of the boards get quieter depending on what's going on. I know the comic culture section is a lot quieter since new forum rules were put in. Kheldians are a smaller niche and people chatter about them a little, but these have never been hot part of the boards. Most Kheld players have said what needs to be said about the tweaks they need and how to play them, so I know I don't post here as much as I used to.

Have fun with your Peacebringer... I'd probably recommend tri-form, though you can make all human work: I know I've actually been playing my tri-former like that on teams lately, just for fun. Go with what floats your boat and make sure you have a good overall build (pretty much what I say for every AT, heh).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Peacebringers need more than a little work. The powers are literally cut and paste from other powers, they don't work well together, and the entire AT seems to have been designed in a vacuum.
Also, they're very vulnerable to debuffs, having only a minimal debuff resist. And high end content, particularly Incarnate content, is debuff heavy.
They could use more damage, they could use a pet that doesn't expire almost immediately on a recharge better suited to a full Nova power, they could use a resist cap closer to that of a tanker.
Are they horribly bad? No. Are they below average? Yes. Can a dedicated Peacebringer player pull off some amazing things? Yes. Then again, nearly any AT can pull off amazing things with a dedicated player. It's just other ATs can pull those amazing things off with less effort.
Peacebringers are great in the mid levels. They fall behind in the high levels and keep falling behind.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
Peacebringers need more than a little work. The powers are literally cut and paste from other powers, they don't work well together, and the entire AT seems to have been designed in a vacuum.
Also, they're very vulnerable to debuffs, having only a minimal debuff resist. And high end content, particularly Incarnate content, is debuff heavy.
They could use more damage, they could use a pet that doesn't expire almost immediately on a recharge better suited to a full Nova power, they could use a resist cap closer to that of a tanker.
Are they horribly bad? No. Are they below average? Yes. Can a dedicated Peacebringer player pull off some amazing things? Yes. Then again, nearly any AT can pull off amazing things with a dedicated player. It's just other ATs can pull those amazing things off with less effort.
Peacebringers are great in the mid levels. They fall behind in the high levels and keep falling behind.
More than a little work? I think you and I have significantly different definitions of "a little work." Peacebringers no longer have a negative damage power when solo, enemies that do large and unresistible damage, or have an inherent that doesn't help them out in forms.

Anything you posted there, or I did in the other post, is not a lot of work. Making Pulsar a guaranteed Mag 3 is not a huge change, but a helpful one. Same for the recharge rate on Photon Seekers. Now, I'm sure the tech to do a more major change to Build up (rather than just lengthening its duration) might take more dev time, but as far as PB performance goes, that's a small thing. Same thing for the inherent not working while solo.

So again, it's a bunch of little things that would add up to make Peacebringers better. But their being small issues (and potentially labor intensive on a development end) are probably why they are continually ignored by the devs. But they're also why saying Peacebringers need a lot of work is disingenuous. It implies that they're just not able to play the game well, which isn't true. Things used to be much more difficult and for no good reason.

Now, there are smaller issues--whose continued existence don't make sense, I agree--but they are smaller issues. There aren't any powersets or ATs out there anymore that are doing badly to any extreme (hence my calling people out on the hyperbole). Just a lot of small things that I sure as heck hope get looked at sooner rather than later.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Nice hyperbole. No ATs in CoH suck. They all play differently and people will have their preferences, but none of them suck. I dislike every Defender and MM combo I have tried, but I'm not going to go and say they suck because of it.

Peacebringers have some wonky powers that need tweaking, sure. But they can do a great job all the same and are fun to play. If I was less honest, I would let people whinge about them on the boards and hope that gets them the dev attention they deserve, but I can't. People paint it overly bleak and it annoys the heck out of me.
Numbers neither whine nor lie.

Peacebringers on SO's vastly underperform warshades. The numbers are here on this very board and were generated by a longtime 'pro-kheldian' player. This is fact, not whining, hyperbole, or exaggeration. They are fact. You can argue what the numbers mean, or if the numbers show a sufficient problem, but you can't argue what they are.

And what they are, is "peacebringers do literally half as much damage as warshades while having at best half the survivability and at worst 1/20th."

Peacebringers and warshades don't exist in a vacuum, either. They exist in a game with 12 other ATs. And those other ATs largely perform even better, with less effort and fewer to no wonky powers involved. Often while making a higher team contribution through superior buff/debuff and control.

Warshades do seem to pull about even with other ATs, especially if you're good at using them. But then remember by the numbers... peacebringers are less than half of warshades. Which means they're less than half of other ATs too. And remember, that's on SOs. We're not even talking about the IO builds available to other ATs.

Have fun with your Peacebringer... I'd probably recommend tri-form, though you can make all human work: I know I've actually been playing my tri-former like that on teams lately, just for fun. Go with what floats your boat and make sure you have a good overall build (pretty much what I say for every AT, heh).
Right, this isn't to say you can't have fun with a PB. And the content, especially on +0 to +2 x1 to x3, is quite easy enough for most characters to solo unless you've intentionally self-gimped them or are very new to the game.

But don't confuse its being fun and able to clear the very low hurdle of minimal difficulties, with its being good enough to match its peers in the game. They had to raise the difficulty options to let people try and solo things on higher than invincible, because of how easily the other ATs were handling invincible... while PBs tended to struggle with anything about Rugged.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
Numbers neither whine nor lie.

Peacebringers on SO's vastly underperform warshades. The numbers are here on this very board and were generated by a longtime 'pro-kheldian' player. This is fact, not whining, hyperbole, or exaggeration. They are fact. You can argue what the numbers mean, or if the numbers show a sufficient problem, but you can't argue what they are.
... Where did I say that Peacebringers outperform Warshades, exactly? Nowhere. I said Peacebringers don't suck where they currently stand, which is not equivalent to all the stuff you posted about something... I did not say.

Yes, Peacebringers do have performance issues... it's not like I don't argue for those buffs everywhere. I did in this thread, too. I am going to take umbrage with anyone saying they suck or can't get the job done, though. Because there aren't any sets or ATs in this game that can't solo or add to the team anymore. Heck, Devices needs more help than Peacebringers do, I would say.

But don't confuse its being fun and able to clear the very low hurdle of minimal difficulties, with its being good enough to match its peers in the game. They had to raise the difficulty options to let people try and solo things on higher than invincible, because of how easily the other ATs were handling invincible... while PBs tended to struggle with anything about Rugged.
Here, you're running into a perception issue for developers and players with balance. The game and its powersets aren't designed so everyone can handle the old Invincible levels, or the new +4 x8. You're not going to get any traction from a developer in saying "X Powerset or AT needs buffing, because it can't solo at +4 x8." The game isn't designed with those expectations in mind. Difficulties were made more customizable for players to go where they felt comfortable, and also (if we're honest) to shut up that stupid farmer spam we'd get if you were running around in PI.

However, you can make an easy and clear cut case for Peacebringers needing a buff by comparing them to how well other powersets perform, and you can do so just by looking at the numbers, as you said. Smiling Joe's analysis of the two Kheldian sets made that even clearer to everyone (and by the way, I did read that thread... I commented in it multiple times, too, to clarify what the tables meant).

For whatever reason, Peacebringers have been allowed to languish, even though we all made suggestions for improving them (the same ones that keep getting stated since the last round of "major" adjustments in I11) back when Castle made some adjustments to them. It's quite on par with how silly Burn and other issues were for Fiery Aura all those years, and I was somewhat annoyed it took a whole discussion about Shields on the Scrapper forum to (apparently) get Castle to make a change to Fiery Aura, even though nothing was said there about Fiery Aura that hadn't been said for years.

So how does all that jive with me saying Peacebringers don't suck? Because if we're honest, we can see that Peacebringers can solo and do fun stuff for their team. The problem is that they're too far behind other powersets (it's okay for powersets to be at different levels: we don't want them all to be the same, but Peacebringers are clearly too far down from other sets). So yes, you can argue for a buff to Peacebringers. But sucking? Not so much. Unless you expect every powerset in the game to be at the level of Shields that is heavily IO'd, etc., but then the problem is more your perception, more than the powerset itself.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



For most people, relative performance is more important than absolute performance.

People don't want to be minimally strong to be able to play the game. They want to be as strong as their friends.

Unless your friends also all play peacebringers, the only way to be as strong as them is not to play a peacebringer. That is the problem. Relative performance. Not absolute performance.

I don't disagree with you on absolute performance being minimally acceptable for peacebringers. But you're trying to argue that relative performance either doesn't matter, which is simply false because the perception and feel of it causes demonstrable dissatisfaction with PB players.

Or perhaps you're arguing it shouldn't matter and/or that it doesn't matter to you. Which is an opinion, and one you are entitled to. But it's not one that is a fact, it's one that is a belief. You can believe peacebringers are don't suck because they meet minimal standards of absolute performance even though the fail the standard of relative performance.

But that isn't a fact, it's a belief. The fact is that relative to their peers, to the other choices available to players on the AT selection screen, they do suck. The numbers don't lie. They are an inferior choice. Those who choose them are likely to regret the decision once they are able to compare to other ATs and see the relative performance gap. It is human nature to, and MMO player nature in particular. MMO players are competitive, not with the system or the game, but with each other, for performance. Relative performance matters because it's part of what makes the game fun to a large number of people who elect to play MMOs in the first place.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



I'd personally lean on a dual build, either human/nova (teaming) or human/dwarf (solo) while the dwarf really can't tank, and thier damage is pretty subpar, the added mez protection, and ability to go dwarf while mez'ed allows you go shrug off most of the very powerful enemys in the game (that malta got you down? go dwarf, pop your recon clone to heal up, and proceed to slowly pound his face in)

Plus a dual build opens up access to a lot of slots that a tri build wouldn't have, so you can very easily up the damage, or recharge of your dwarf side to allow yourself to be able to tank (or deal damage) while completely protected from mez.

human/nova is basically a blapper with a ranged DPS monster as an alter ego. You can dish it out in protection with your resistance shields, and nice -def powers in human form, and when the going gets tough, you let someone else take over, and go nova, and start blastings things away from 60ft back.

-res procs are your best friend either way, as is +recharge and +max HP. PBs have a lot of heals and other tricks so you shouldn't have very many endurance issues (especially with light form and conserve power) but with inherent fitness, and the incarnate powers working in the non-human forms, you can become a pretty nice powerhouse in your own right.



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
Peacebringers and warshades don't exist in a vacuum, either. They exist in a game with 12 other ATs. And those other ATs largely perform even better, with less effort and fewer to no wonky powers involved. Often while making a higher team contribution through superior buff/debuff and control.
So what you're saying is... those people that play these characters are excelling to levels that others are not, because they are taking a less then ideal characters and making them shine at feats that others don't have to work so hard to accomplish.... is that right?

Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
while the dwarf really can't tank,
Dwarfs can too tank! I've been able to (just within the last month or so) tank Entire 4/8 ITF... Adamaster, Jack of Irons, Pumpkin Head and Baddage (on a 2 man Team) and even herd to an extent... I don't consider my Dwarf to be real tank by any means but they can absolutely Tank

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Originally Posted by Mr_NoBody View Post
So what you're saying is... those people that play these characters are excelling to levels that others are not, because they are taking a less then ideal characters and making them shine at feats that others don't have to work so hard to accomplish.... is that right?
No. I'm saying warshades can occasionally reach that level, though it is a very rare warshade who can reach it consistently. And peacebringers practically never do.

Someone who plays a kheldian well would do even better with nearly any other character, because the other character is statistically stronger (in the case of PBs), or more straightforward and with fewer limitations (in the case of warshade).

You aren't excelling to anything by playing a kheldian. Rather, you're playing little-league baseball in the same stadium as a major league team (the other ATs). No matter how good your little league team is, the big guys are going to beat you.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
Check out my guide (Linked in my sig) for the answers to questions 1 and 3.

Question 2 is...complicated. With Khelds slotting depends much more on personal preference. As others have said, focus your slots on the powers you use the most. Then fill in the others as priority demands. As for what enhancements to use, we'll need more information. Are you planning to use SOs, generic IOs or sets? What's your budget like?
I generally don't do IO Sets. It's way to complicated and time-consuming. I'm happy with the odd "Hey that's neat!" set and Generic IOs.

Question: Can I build a Tri-Form PB similar to Iscariot/Dechs Kaison? Binds and such? Obviously how I slot would change and my playstyle...



Originally Posted by Antares_NA View Post
Question: Can I build a Tri-Form PB similar to Iscariot/Dechs Kaison? Binds and such? Obviously how I slot would change and my playstyle...
Yes ... but there are some things you just can't do simply because you're not a Warshade. Warshades are SERIOUSLY empowered by their ... necromancy ... which is what makes them MFing Warshades to begin with.

"What's Mine is Mine and what's Your's is Mine Too" is not exactly the motto of the Peacebringer.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
For most people, relative performance is more important than absolute performance.

People don't want to be minimally strong to be able to play the game. They want to be as strong as their friends.
Yes, I have been talking about relative performance as well. One of my main points was that not every set in the game can be the "most uber" and that some sets are going to be a little weaker than others. That's okay, as long as they offer a degree of uniqueness or options that are different from other sets. The only other option with all this is to make all sets the same... which may or may not be possible, and doing this would also make the game much more bland.

The "relative" in "relative performance" is an important word to be sure of with your meaning. When you say people want to be as strong as their friends, you (since you're falling into this with your post) and others want to be able to stomp on all other powersets, or seen as the most uber. Your "relative" performance is a bar set far higher than the developers necessarily think things have to aim for, like soloing at +4 x8. Maybe that's not quite where your bar is, but your bar is set higher than you may be accounting for.

Why can I say that? Because the game is still technically set up for SOs, and where 3 minions=a hero or villain. Most can get beyond that, and any decent Peacebringer can (I was beyond that before the I11 changes on my Peacebringer, so I'm even farther now). People tend to put their "relative performance" significantly higher than that, though, and that is part of the perception problem. And that's not really an opinion problem on my part, because nowhere have the devs implied that you have to solo on +4 x8, or even +2 x6. It's merely an option you can play at if YOU choose.

There is a lot of room for opinion on what needs buffs, and of course who knows what the devs are thinking (if anything) about Kheldians, Peacebringers in particular. But I'll make this point, and break a lot of internet etiquette to do it, just so I am clear. PEACEBRINGERS DO NEED BUFFS AND ADJUSTMENTS TO THEIR POWERS TO PUT THEM IN LINE WITH WARSHADES AND OTHER ATS. I am not saying they don't. However, this is not in line with saying they suck or something like that, as you continue to state. You can tank for your team, you can blast for them, you can even scrap for them if you want, or do all of that solo. We're not at some seriously weakened point where we have a damage debuff solo, or a weaker damage mod, etc., like we used to.

If someone likes the idea of Peacebringer powers and the powerset, they can play the game well with them. Just because people see the need for some adjustments to Peacebringers does not mean you can't play them well at this point. In short:


I seriously wish the developers would do something about Peacebringers, as I am rather tired of them sitting in a spot where they do need some fixing. But I'm equally sick of players trying to get down on another player's choice for characters or powersets, just because they're a little weaker than some others. Sheesh, it's a game. Let them go have fun with if if they want: it is possible with a Peacebringer.

Originally Posted by Antares_NA View Post
I generally don't do IO Sets. It's way to complicated and time-consuming. I'm happy with the odd "Hey that's neat!" set and Generic IOs.

Question: Can I build a Tri-Form PB similar to Iscariot/Dechs Kaison? Binds and such? Obviously how I slot would change and my playstyle...
If you don't do IO sets, you're never going to get close to a high end build like you are noting here. They use IO sets to squeeze the most from those powersets, and IOs really do help out Kheldians to build better, as they are slot starved and love lots of recharge.

Do you HAVE to use IO sets? No, you can do fine without them, if you so choose. Plasma's guide in the guide section will still help you out here, if you want. And you can make a decent tri-form Peacebringer with just general IOs or SOs. Just realize you're not going to be up there with an IO build... those bonuses really do add up a lot to improve a build.

Tri-form Peacebringers are pretty fun. You can adapt for your team (I tank, blast, or scrap for my team, depending on what they need at the time... even better, you can do this in the middle of a battle) and do a lot of different things. I was on an ITF recently with mine, and it was great to mow down a huge swath of Cimerorans with a couple blasts from Nova, then switch over to scrapping for taking down a Minotaur or something. Good times.

One note on tri-forming. As you level up, don't spread your slots too much between the forms. Focus on one, get it slotted up well, then move on. Plasma's guide notes this, and it helped me a lot when leveling. I focused on Nova first, then Dwarf, then human (though some key human powers like the heals, build up, etc. got some attention as I worked on the other forms). If you don't focus, your slots get too spread out, and you can't do any one thing particularly well. Going Nova, Dwarf, Human works well, since blasting makes things a lot easier in the early levels: the Blaster AT kind of has it easier at those levels than most other ATs, I would say. Nova rather mimics that.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



The end game, which is where the problem appears, is not really set up for SOs. Go take an SO'd anything into the incarnate trials and tell me how effective you feel, and how much fun you have feeling that way. They even increased the NPC base to-hit in the trials, the only reason I can offer for which is that they are compensating for the heightened player defenses provided by IOs. Not to mention auto-hit attacks, one-shotting attacks, massive damage, and auto-hitting debuffs.

The "3 +0 minions = one player" metric was clearly abandoned by issue 4. It was outright repudiated by the devs before the release of COV. Heck, if you're here long enough to even remember that phrase, you're here long enough to remember it was being said during the dumpster diving map-herding heydey were tankers were soloing 80 enemies of all ranks, at once. It always was Jack Emmert's pipe dream of a balance point, and never was an actual indicator of anything from the outset except how out of touch Statesman was with the game.

In short: get with the times. It's not 2005 anymore.

You want to minimize the relative performance gap by saying my bar is too high, but the bar is "warshades" and gap is still huge. On SOs, even, peacebringers are half of warshades. Think about how much worse it gets when you look at having perma eclipse and 3 extracted essences out. And how they compare to scrappers or brutes or VEATS is probably somewhere between "I can't watch" and "oh, the humanity."

I understand you like the AT and have fun with it. That's great.

But don't mislead people about it and misrepresent the issue here. It's not that "some ATs are better and some are worse but they're all in the same ballpark and you will do fine as a PB" in this instance. It's not the same ballpark. It's not even the same league. And when the people you're advising "oh go ahead you'll be just as good as anyone else with your PB" get to 50 and are dying like dogs in the incarnate trials and getting the threads table that's the consolation-slash-doorsitter prize on a regular basis that means you didn't "participate enough" to even qualify for a real reward, which is exactly the endgame trial experience that PBs I know are having despite having well-tuned IO builds, I hope those people come back here and tell you what I'm about to: you should be ashamed of yourself for lying to them based on your personal biases about what's really in store for them at level 51 and beyond, when you could have saved them the effort and expense of finding it out the hard way if you only could take off your rose colored glasses and give them some straight talk that is fully supported by actual numerical analysis.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
But don't mislead people about it and misrepresent the issue here. It's not that "some ATs are better and some are worse but they're all in the same ballpark and you will do fine as a PB" in this instance. It's not the same ballpark. It's not even the same league.
This is total BS. We've done the numbers, PBs aren't far behind Warshades on SOs.

Played and built well they can still do incredible things.

My very first MoSTF had a PB and his contribution to the team was invaluable. MoSTF, at the time, was the hardest task in the game.

I have seen PBs on incarnate trials and they do well. They do not always win the consolation prize as your hyperbole states.

If you enjoy playing a PB, there is absolutely no reason not to play one.

They're not an optimal pick, but following that logic to the extreme means we'd all be the same optimized fire/rad and ill/cold controllers.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
You aren't excelling to anything by playing a kheldian. Rather, you're playing little-league baseball in the same stadium as a major league team (the other ATs). No matter how good your little league team is, the big guys are going to beat you.
I take it you've never seen "Little Giants".... You (or as it is, anyone) Do not have to Win or be the Best at everything... every-time to be Great. You just simply have to do the best you can while you're there.

Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
...And when the people you're advising "oh go ahead you'll be just as good as anyone else with your PB" get to 50 and are dying like dogs in the incarnate trials and getting the threads table that's the consolation-slash-doorsitter prize on a regular basis that means you didn't "participate enough" to even qualify for a real reward, which is exactly the endgame trial experience that PBs I know are having despite having well-tuned IO builds, I hope those people come back here
I don't know what PB's you've been watching but mine (and that's all I can speak of) is a Tier4 Alpha and Tier3 Everything else and I have died Once in a outside of the Rings of Death (can't remember their name) in a BAF and that was because I was solo'ing the reinforcement spawn point. However, I have pulled enough Rare and Very Rare components to get me to that point with only spending 100mil. Now I wouldn't gotten to that point if I was a bystander watching that action or licking the concert. So may be we need to work on your PB so that you can feels like it worth your time instead of thinking they aren't worth anybody's time.

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
If you don't do IO sets, you're never going to get close to a high end build like you are noting here. They use IO sets to squeeze the most from those powersets, and IOs really do help out Kheldians to build better, as they are slot starved and love lots of recharge.

Do you HAVE to use IO sets? No, you can do fine without them, if you so choose. Plasma's guide in the guide section will still help you out here, if you want. And you can make a decent tri-form Peacebringer with just general IOs or SOs. Just realize you're not going to be up there with an IO build... those bonuses really do add up a lot to improve a build.
Yep. I know. I have several 50s, all with generic IOs and a few set bonuses. Like, maybe, three, max. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time to dedicate to playing any game (WoW, Rift, CoH) to get "OMGWTF Uber powerful" characters. I'm quite content with mediocrity.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Tri-form Peacebringers are pretty fun. You can adapt for your team (I tank, blast, or scrap for my team, depending on what they need at the time... even better, you can do this in the middle of a battle) and do a lot of different things. I was on an ITF recently with mine, and it was great to mow down a huge swath of Cimerorans with a couple blasts from Nova, then switch over to scrapping for taking down a Minotaur or something. Good times.

One note on tri-forming. As you level up, don't spread your slots too much between the forms. Focus on one, get it slotted up well, then move on. Plasma's guide notes this, and it helped me a lot when leveling. I focused on Nova first, then Dwarf, then human (though some key human powers like the heals, build up, etc. got some attention as I worked on the other forms). If you don't focus, your slots get too spread out, and you can't do any one thing particularly well. Going Nova, Dwarf, Human works well, since blasting makes things a lot easier in the early levels: the Blaster AT kind of has it easier at those levels than most other ATs, I would say. Nova rather mimics that.
I'm all over it. I just needed to know if I could play a PB like I play a WS: Jumping between forms as the need arises.



Originally Posted by Antares_NA View Post
I'm all over it. I just needed to know if I could play a PB like I play a WS: Jumping between forms as the need arises.
Yes, you can. But there's not as much benefit to doing so. The reason a MFing Warshade works the way it does (frequent form flopping) is that the forms buff each other. There's very little of that in a PB.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
Someone who plays a kheldian well would do even better with nearly any other character, because the other character is statistically stronger (in the case of PBs), or more straightforward and with fewer limitations (in the case of warshade).

You aren't excelling to anything by playing a kheldian. Rather, you're playing little-league baseball in the same stadium as a major league team (the other ATs). No matter how good your little league team is, the big guys are going to beat you.
I have a SS/EA Brute, EM/WP Brute, Elec/Stone Brute...It's pretty obvious that I don't pick power combinations based on effectiveness...I play them because they are fun and they fit concepts.

I'm perfectly happy with mediocrity.