I want to create tougher more dynamic enemies
What do you AE creators think? |
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
Venture plays at -1 with bosses off, and assumes everyone else should play that way, so don't mind him.
Playful ribbing aside, I too clamor for a way to make enemies more powerful. Big problem for me is i test my arcs on a Mind/Kin who's fairly bianry about the types of challenges she can handle. Either she destroys things with no effort, or it's too difficult. I'd like to be able to tweak enemies into a "challenge sweet-spot".
For instance, if I make a boss, he has no resistence to psi attacks, and Mind's attacks are non-positional, and so anything other than WP or Dark armor doesn't have any meaningful defense against me when I test the arc. So it feels too easy. I can't make a single enemy be +3 or +4 without turning up my difficulty settings for the entire map.
It's also be nice to make an elemental enemy with fire, ice, earth and electric powers. Custom enemies don't get APPs. We can't give them any kinds of resistences, defenses, or weakneses without assigning them an armor set which takes away from our abilitiy to give enemies varied attacks.
More variety is always better. And sure, some people will create arcs that are too tough. But i still say the positives from allowing greater creativity outweigh any potential negatives!

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
Venture plays at -1 with bosses off, and assumes everyone else should play that way, so don't mind him.
More defensive powers don't make for a tougher fight, they make for a Reichsmann fight. As do too many debuffs. Too many pets are either annoying or dead. PBAoE spam is avoidable by any team with half a brain. Asking for those kinds of things indicates to me that you don't know how to make a challenging fight....because no matter how many powers you give it, a giant sack of HP is not a challenge, it's a gear check.
Have you played the Lambda trial? Marauder is a tough SoB. Once you clear out his reinforcements though, he's just like every other AV fight. See also: ticked off Boobcat.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Big problem for me is i test my arcs on a Mind/Kin who's fairly binary about the types of challenges she can handle. Either she destroys things with no effort, or it's too difficult. I'd like to be able to tweak enemies into a "challenge sweet-spot".

I think there should be limits, but EB and AV ranks should have access to a "select list" of "flavor" powers that can help set them apart more. Free rein has already shown that mission designers won't show constraint.
"Tougher" and "more dynamic" are mutually exclusive concepts. There's a lot of currently existing ways to make tough enemies but our hands are tied in making enemies that are truly dynamic. A dynamic enemy is one that causes things to change during battle ranging from hit and run tactics to gadget fights.
I want the ability to custom pick powers, without regard for powerset, because of challenge too.
I want to be able to precisely tune the challenge in my arcs.
The current ranks we have are insufficient to this task, and the powerset selections available only partly supplement them as an adjusting factor.
I have characters who can comfortably solo on +3 xWhatever. Bosses get rolled over by them with a bit of care and not too much effort. I'd like to make arc-ending "big bad" fights not neccessarily "Tough", but memorable. However, the Elite Boss and Arch Villain ranks merely add more HP and more one-shot potential, and for a few of them, are completely out of their reach. Having to adjust your difficulty down for ONE MISSION mid arc is jarring when I have to do it in regular content, and I'd argue more so in an Architect arc.
A properly tuned boss on the other hand, would not fall victim to being steam-rolled and missed in all the comotion, but also not dish out so much punishment that I need to put a sign on the mission door saying "You need to be THIS soft-capped in order to ride". With careful adjustment of powers,
Orchestrating a dynamic and engaging end-mission encounter is something we sorely lack the tools to do right now, and I don't see the harm in rectifying that. Terrible arc authors will be terrible no matter WHAT tools you take away from them. Their existence shouldn't mean that the many A+ authors that frequent this forum should be denied more and better options.
I have greatly enjoyed much of what has been reccomended by the regulars in this forum and would be loathe to see features denied to these talented people just because of terrible authors like me.
Mission Arc: Metatronic Mayhem (Id 1750): A tale of robots gone wrong, rogue robots gone right, and madmen gone every which way but loose.
Orchestrating a dynamic and engaging end-mission encounter is something we sorely lack the tools to do right now, and I don't see the harm in rectifying that. |
Moot point. The kind of thing people are asking for here is outside the scope of this system. It would require a fairly complex scripting system and that's just not going to happen.
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
And I think limiting the "new shinies" to the AV and EB ranks completely undermines the benefits such an addition could bring. |
Rattling my head a bit here, and honestly don't know...
What Minion or LT ranks have a 3rd powerset power in-game?
I believe a few Bosses do and I know EB and AV ranks do.
What I was trying to suggest with that limit was simply NOT giving us more options than what the developers have or what's currently in-game.
I don't believe a 3rd powerset would ever see the light of day anyhoo, so it's all moot to me...
Again... friendly debate!

I think there is one or two minions or LTs with 3 powersets but it's something insignificant. As in, two obviously different attack sets + an armor. Big Dog in the Destroyers enemy group seems to have two copies of Hurl Bolder. I think the bigger issue is options such as AR + "Brawl" + passive armor that a lot of enemies have that isn't properly able to be reproduced.
Big Dog in the Destroyers enemy group seems to have two copies of Hurl Bolder.
as per having multiple powersets, it would be nice, and the one specific baddy i know who definitly has multiple power sets is kadabra kill in the midnighters, he has grav control, kinetics, and empathy (at least 2-3 powers from each)

Being able to add a defensive power or two without picking up the whole set would be nice. For one, it would make it easier to create enemies with some kind of protection that still give full XP. For another, I'd like partial mez protection please. Full mez protection screws some ATs, but an enemy with high resistance to stuns, for instance, or that is immune to sleep and confuse, or has mag 2 KB resistance, that I'd like to be able to create.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I looked briefly for a suggestions forum but did not find it so I'll post this here.
I'd like to see a removal of the two powerset limit we currently have on AE creations I want to be able to create far more interesting(sadistic) AVs who can really give teams a challenge by being free to pick and choose their powers from all available sets up to the current maximum powers limit.
For example take from Invul and/or Shields and/or Will Power etc as you see fit, combine with MM pets as you see fit, with all buffs and debuffs that you see fit, and add any melee and/or ranged attacks that you well you know... within whatever is the current maximum amount of powers a custom critter can have or hell expand that limit if feasible.
I know I want to make an AV or Hero that would cause whole team to curse in frustration Footstomp + Dragontail + that Seismic power? Yes please! Ability to choose attack order and have our creations get ranked by things like survivability, AOE dps, ST dps and be recognized for being a tough SOB by the community? Yes please!
What do you AE creators think?
Edit: I found the right forum this can be deleted?