What is considered "overdoing it" in accuracy?




I'm a 72 month vet and there is one thing I can never get a handle on or find a straight answer for: Accuracy and ToHit. My questions are as follows:

1) What is the difference between the two.

2) Are there caps for the two powers?

3) Are accuracy and ToHit figured out for the whole character or individual powers?

4) How do I figure out my characters ToHit and Accuracy so it makes sense?

I have a DB/WP Scrapper and HATE to miss, so...

5) What is considered ok/better/best for accuracy? And what is "overdoing it?"

Thanks in advance.

Blue Manchew Fire/Fire/EM Tank Level 50 (997 badges and counting) Protector
Brandvlieg DB/WP/BM Scrapper Level 50 (Protector)
Captain Constitution WP/EM/EM Tank Level 50 (Protector)
Blue Thingy Fire/Rad Controller Level 50 (Champion)
Onderdrukker BS/SD/BM Scrapper Level 50 (Champion)



Boy, I want to see the answers to this one, too!

I've got a MA/SR Scrapper who misses MORE with his Alpha Strike when he uses "Focus Chi" than when he doesn't.

I've got a TA/Archery Defender with the same accuracy issues.

Both are Incarnates, neither have Accuracy Shards because given the previous evidence, I can't see the point.

So yeah, I want to know what's up here, too.

If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



Check out the ParagonWiki article on Attack Mechanics. ToHit is character-wide. A power has a certain base accurcy (not all are the same!), which can be enhanced, generally only via enhancements and set bonuses (Widows have a power that boosts all their powers accuracy a tad).

I generally shoot for around 60-70% accuracy enhancement in a power, that'll put you solidly hitting at 95% chance (that's the cap) for even several levels above you. If you have tohit buffs (such as the special +tohit IO, or Tactics always running), you can get away with less. Several powers, also, have a different than normal base accuracy, like the AoE mez are often reduced a bit under standard attacks, while Nukes are often much higher than normal.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Before we started to get level shifts, my goal for accuracy was usually to cap my tohit against 54s such as those in Tin Mage/Apex.

Base tohit chance against +4s is 37%. A Kismet unique raises that to 43%. To get to 95%, you'd then need +120% accuracy between slotting and set bonuses, which is achievable but not trivial.

The Alpha level shift makes it considerably easier, and with the Lore and Destiny incarnate shifts it will take barely any effort to cap your tohit chance in the trials.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Check out the ParagonWiki article on Attack Mechanics. ToHit is character-wide. A power has a certain base accurcy (not all are the same!), which can be enhanced, generally only via enhancements and set bonuses (Widows have a power that boosts all their powers accuracy a tad).
Wow, the to-hit dropoff for higher level enemies is a lot steeper than I thought it was. Never really did the math before, but without Tactics or any other to-hit buffs, you need a whopping 2.44 accuracy to hit +4 enemies at 95%.

That's 144% accuracy enhancement for a base 1.0 acc power (i.e. most of them), which isn't even possible without set bonuses.

For +3 enemies, you need 1.98 accuracy to reach the ceiling. Adding in Tactics makes it a little easier (never realized until today that the to-hit amount varied per-AT for that power), reducing it to around 66-73% enhancement.

So, the answer to your question is: It varies wildly depending on how high level the enemies you're going to be fighting are. For even-cons, you don't need much. If you like to run on high difficulty settings or do STF/LRSF/Apex/Tin Mage, it's hard to get enough!

For Incarnate Trials it depends how many level shifts you have...



Roughly, you have two numbers multiplied together: base to-hit and accuracy. Accuracy starts at 1.0 and goes up with acc slotting.

Base to-hit is dependent on a bunch of things- it's 75% for a normal even con enemy but goes down with their level (and Defense if any). It goes up with things like Tactics and yellow insps.

A +3 is something like 56% base to hit, so if you slot 67% accuracy [about two SO's] in your attack power you'd have 1.67 * 0.56 = 0.935 or a 93.5% chance to hit.

You can never go above 95% final to hit or below 5%.

EDIT: Dasher, it seems like you miss more with your acc boosts up for a couple reasons. One, the biggest one, is you're paying a lot more attention. Nobody ever says "Wow, I normally hit 19 out of 20 times but I've gone 40 in a row without missing!" On the other hand, miss two BU/Aim/Snipe combos out of ten you notice. The other reason is that when your final to-hit changes, that resets the streakbreaker- at high enough accuracy, you're guaranteed to never miss two times in a row.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Well, I have around 60% accuracy in each power.
I have 57% global accuracy from sets (30% from purples, so I keep it down to level 1).
I have the Kismet +to hit unique.
I have Tactics (with 2 accuracy buff).

Overdoing it would be turning on Focused Accuracy. I HAVE it; I just don't normally run it. When facing Paragon Protectors conning purple and using Moment of Glory, THEN I turn on Focused Accuracy and beat them like a rented mule.

This is on the character I play the most and I do not like to miss (plus, he runs all the high-end content). Most of my other characters settle for 40-50% in each power plus 30-40% of set bonuses.

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The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Dasher View Post
Boy, I want to see the answers to this one, too!

I've got a MA/SR Scrapper who misses MORE with his Alpha Strike when he uses "Focus Chi" than when he doesn't.

I've got a TA/Archery Defender with the same accuracy issues.

Both are Incarnates, neither have Accuracy Shards because given the previous evidence, I can't see the point.

So yeah, I want to know what's up here, too.
This is a perception thing. Track your actual combat numbers with HeroStats and you'll probably find everything working as expected.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



I shoot for around 30-40% accuracy, either via enhancements or via set bonuses, and a lot of the time don't even slot directly for accuracy because you can get accuracy in set bonuses very easily -- especially if you're going for +recharge, because +acc is very commonly the bonus before +rech. Also, pretty much all of my characters have the kismet piece, typically slotted in Combat Jumping or Hover. (All my characters have one or the other of these now due to inherent stamina.)

On my claws/regen scrapper, I didn't slot for accuracy AT ALL. Anything she has in her powers is incidental on the way to capping damage and then going for recharge (she has 115% recharge set bonuses WITHOUT hasten).

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.